Submitting Photos |
General information about Personal Photo Galleries is here.
You can upload your bird and nature images to your personal album on To enter your copyright/usage/attribution information, which will be associated with all of your images, please go to my account and edit and copyright. Here you can also enter your official photographer information, such as your company name. Note that both of these fields are HTML, so you can link to your own web site, or to a page or blog you have created on this site.
To create your own personal photo gallery, click on Your Photos in the top right corner after clicking gallery on the left menu. After uploading a photo with Add Items, use Edit Item on the left to add as much information as possible about each photo. Our database will find the scientific name if you enter the correct common name in the Name field, and you can use our checklists as a bird name reference. Use the Summary field for keywords like "Male", "Female", "Juveline", "Immature", "Breeding Colors", "California Subspecies", etc. Use Description for anything else you want to write, such as anecdotal or scientific information about this bird or the shot. Use the Custom Fields tab for entering where the photo was taken. Enter your photographer name or any keywords you want people to find your photo with in the Keywords section.
Our software automatically adds the photographer's name to the keywords if it is not there.
Thank you,
Tom Friedel, Editor
Bird variations