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English Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Scientific (Aimophila ruficeps)
Family (Latin) Passerellidae
Family (English) New World Sparrows
Other name(s)
Breeding Regions NA, MA
Breeding Range Subregions sc, sw USA and Mexico
Nonbreeding Range Subregions
Countries (BETA)map Mexico,United States - mainland,
IOC 13.1 Subspecies Group Subspecies Breeding Range
ruficeps c California (w USA)
australis c Oaxaca (sc Mexico)
fusca e Jalisco to n Colima and n Michoacán (sw Mexico)
duponti Mexico City area (sc Mexico)
laybournae Veracruz to Oaxaca (sc Mexico)
suttoni e Nayarit to n, w Jalisco and s Colima (w Mexico)
boucardi s. San Luis Potosí to Guanajuato and Querétaro to s Michoacán, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, nw, c Veracruz, and n Puebla (c Mexico)
phillipsi se Sinaloa (wc Mexico)
pallidissima ne Mexico
simulans nw to w Mexico
eremoeca Colorado to Kansas (wc USA) and s to nc Mexico
scottii n, e, sw Arizona, sw New Mexico (sw USA) and nw Mexico
sororia s Baja California (nw Mexico)
sanctorum Todoa Santos Is. (island off Baja California in nw Mexico)
obscura islands off sw California (sw USA)
canescens sw California (sw USA) and n Baja California (nw Mexico)
extima Guerrero and s Puebla through s Oaxaca (sw Mexico)
IUCN Status Code LC (Birdlife factsheet )
Described by (Cassin, 1852)
German Rostscheitelammer
French Tohi à calotte fauve
Chinese 棕顶猛雀鹀
Japanese ズアカスズメモドキ
Russian Рыжешапочная овсянка
Spanish Chingolo coronirrufo
Portuguese tico-tico-de-coroa-ruiva
Bird Data App text
Show Breeding Range Codes and IUCN Status Codes
Breeding Range Codes
AF Africa (entire continent rather than south of Sahara)
AN Antarctica
AO Atlantic Ocean
AU Australasia (Wallacea (Indonesian islands east of Wallace's line), New Guinea and its islands, Australia, New Zealand and its subantarctic islands, the Solomons, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu)
PAL Eurasia (Europe, Asia from the Middle East through central Asia north of the Himalayas, Siberia and northern China to Japan)
IO Indian Ocean
LA Latin America (Middle and South America)
MA Middle America (Mexico through Panama)
NA North America (includes the Caribbean)
NO Northern oceans
OR Oriental Region (South Asia from Pakistan to Taiwan, plus Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Greater Sundas)
PO Pacific Ocean
SA South America
SO Southern oceans
TO Temperate oceans
TrO Tropical oceans
Worldwide Worldwide
IUCN Status Codes
EX Extinct
EW Extinct in the wild
CR Critically Endangered
EN Endangered
VU Vulnerable
NT Near Threatened
LC Least Concern
DD Data deficient
NE Not evaluated
PE Probably extinct (informal)
PEW Probably extinct in the wild (informal)