White-eyes - Order: Passeriformes Family: Zosteropidae - Complete List . White-eyes are small birds with large eye rings found in Australasia and Africa. Many species are island endemics. Yuhinas were added to this family later.
Bar-throated Minla
Black-chinned Yuhina
Black-fronted White-eye
Broad-ringed White-eye
Canary White-eye
Cape White-eye
Cape White-eye
Cape White-eye
Cape White-eye
Chestnut-crested Yuhina
Chestnut-crested Yuhina
Chestnut-faced Babbler
Chestnut-flanked White-eye
Cream-throated White-eye
Everett's White-eye
Green-backed White-eye
Hume's White-eye
Indian White-Eye
Indian White-eye
Indochinese Yuhina
Kikuyu White-eye
Kikuyu White-eye
Lemon-bellied White-eye
Malagasy White-eye
Mbulu White-eye
Mount Cameroon Speirops
Mountain Blackeye
Orange River White-eye