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high and low Arctic tundra to taiga edge of n Nearctic: North Slope of Alaska and n Canada to s Victoria I. (nc Canada); also locally w coasts of Hudson and James bays
Nonbreeding Range Subregions
coastal and inland Mexico and throughout the West Indies; in Central America mainly along Pacific coast; coastal South America to Peru and n Brazil, and in pampas of nc Argentina
Anguilla,Antigua and Barbuda,Argentina,Bahamas,Barbados,Belize,Bermuda,Bolivia,Brazil,British Virgin Islands, Canada,Cayman Islands,Colombia,Costa Rica,Cuba,Denmark,Dominica,Dominican Republic,Ecuador - mainland,El Salvador, Finland,French Guiana,Grenada,Guatemala,Guyana,Haiti,Honduras,Jamaica,Japan,Mexico, Montserrat,Netherlands Antilles,Nicaragua,Panama,Paraguay,Peru,Puerto Rico,Saint Kitts and Nevis,Saint Lucia,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname,Trinidad and Tobago,Turks and Caicos Islands,United States - Alaska,United States - mainland,Uruguay,Venezuela,Virgin Islands,
Africa (entire continent rather than south of Sahara)
Atlantic Ocean
Australasia (Wallacea (Indonesian islands east of Wallace's line), New Guinea and its islands, Australia, New Zealand and its subantarctic islands, the Solomons, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu)
Eurasia (Europe, Asia from the Middle East through central Asia north of the Himalayas, Siberia and northern China to Japan)
Indian Ocean
Latin America (Middle and South America)
Middle America (Mexico through Panama)
North America (includes the Caribbean)
Northern oceans
Oriental Region (South Asia from Pakistan to Taiwan, plus Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Greater Sundas)