This album contains 'Waterfowl', a general term for ducks, swans and geese, which are all birds of the order Anseriformes. Almost all waterfowl are in the same family, Anatidae. Only the Screamers and Magpie Goose have been separated.
Complete List. I was suprised to see there are only 168 species, but not suprised to see many are endangered.
WILDLIFE ALERT REWARD PROGRAM If you suspect a wildlife law violation, report it to the FWC Wildlife Alert Reward Program. 1-888-404-FWCC (3922)
Album: "Dabbling Ducks"
Genus Anas
Album: "Diving Ducks"
Genus Aythya
Album: "Stiff-tailed Ducks"
Genus Oxyura
Album: Comb Duck
East Coast Akalat
Album: Eiders
Genus Somateria and Polysticta
Album: Goldeneyes
Genus Bucephala
Album: Mergansers
Genus Mergus and Lophodytes
Album: Muscovy Duck
Genus Cairina
Album: Pochards
Genus Netta
Album: Scoters
Genus Melanitta
Album: Screamers
Family Anhimidae
Album: Shelducks
Genus Tadorna
Album: Shovelers
Genus Spatula
Album: Steamer Ducks
Genus Tachyeres
Album: Swans
Genus Coscoroba and Cygnus
Album: Whistling Ducks
Genus Dendrocygna