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Common Bush Tanager (Chlorospingus flavopectus) perched on leafs at Cinchona, Costa Rica.
Copyright and usage info : © All Rights Reserved by Chris Jimenez Nature Photo.
English Common Chlorospingus
Scientific (Chlorospingus flavopectus)
Family (Latin) Passerellidae
Family (English) New World Sparrows
Other name(s) flavopectus
Breeding Regions MA, SA
Breeding Range Subregions sw Mexico to nw Argentina
Nonbreeding Range Subregions
Countries (BETA)map Argentina,Belize,Bolivia,Colombia,Costa Rica,Ecuador - mainland,El Salvador,Guatemala,Honduras,Mexico, Nicaragua,Panama,Peru,Venezuela,
IOC 13.1 Subspecies Group Subspecies Breeding Range
postocularis s Chiapas (s Mexico) and w Guatemala
exitelus n Central Andes (nc Colombia)
flavopectus w slope of the Eastern Andes from s Santander to Bogota (c Colombia)
macarenae Meta (c Colombia)
olsoni e slope of Eastern Andes (c Colombia)
nigriceps sc Andes of Colombia
phaeocephalus Ecuador
cinereocephalus c Peru
hiaticolus n Peru
peruvianus s Peru
bolivianus w Bolivia
fulvigularis c Bolivia
trudis w slope of Eastern Andes in Santander (nc Colombia)
eminens e slope of Eastern Andes (nc Colombia)
wetmorei e Veracruz (e Mexico)
albifrons Guerrero and Oaxaca (sw Mexico)
ophthalmicus se San Luis Potosí and w Veracruz to ne Oaxaca (e Mexico)
dwighti n Chiapas (s Mexico), e Guatemala and sw Belize
honduratius El Salvador and Honduras
regionalis Nicaragua, ne Costa Rica and w Panama
punctulatus c Panama
jacqueti n Colombia and Andes e slope from Lara to Táchira (w Venezuela)
falconensis n Venezuela
venezuelanus Andes w slope from Lara to Táchira (w Venezuela)
ponsi e Perijá Mts. (nw Venezuela)
argentinus sc Bolivia to nw Argentina
IUCN Status Code LC (Birdlife factsheet )
Described by (Lafresnaye, 1840)
German Finkengrünammer
French Chlorospin des buissons
Chinese 丛唐纳雀
Japanese ヤブフウキンチョウ
Russian Очковый дромник
Spanish Clorospingo común
Portuguese clorospingo-comum
Bird Data App text Common at mid elevations (1200-2400m). Note differences with white spot behind eye, and shades of color in head and throat across large range.
Show Breeding Range Codes and IUCN Status Codes
Breeding Range Codes
AF Africa (entire continent rather than south of Sahara)
AN Antarctica
AO Atlantic Ocean
AU Australasia (Wallacea (Indonesian islands east of Wallace's line), New Guinea and its islands, Australia, New Zealand and its subantarctic islands, the Solomons, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu)
PAL Eurasia (Europe, Asia from the Middle East through central Asia north of the Himalayas, Siberia and northern China to Japan)
IO Indian Ocean
LA Latin America (Middle and South America)
MA Middle America (Mexico through Panama)
NA North America (includes the Caribbean)
NO Northern oceans
OR Oriental Region (South Asia from Pakistan to Taiwan, plus Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Greater Sundas)
PO Pacific Ocean
SA South America
SO Southern oceans
TO Temperate oceans
TrO Tropical oceans
Worldwide Worldwide
IUCN Status Codes
EX Extinct
EW Extinct in the wild
CR Critically Endangered
EN Endangered
VU Vulnerable
NT Near Threatened
LC Least Concern
DD Data deficient
NE Not evaluated
PE Probably extinct (informal)
PEW Probably extinct in the wild (informal)