IUCN and region codes at bottom of page.
Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
Asian Golden Weaver (NT) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus hypoxanthus | OR | Myanmar to Java | |
Baglafecht Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus baglafecht | AF | c, e, se | |
Bannerman's Weaver (VU) i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus bannermani | AF | Nigeria, Cameroon | |
Bar-winged Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus angolensis | AF | Angola, s DR Congo and Zambia | |
Bates's Weaver (EN) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus batesi | AF | Cameroon | |
Baya Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus philippinus | OR | widespread | |
Bertram's Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus bertrandi | AF | n Zambia and c Tanzania through Malawi to n Mozambique | |
Black-billed Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus melanogaster | AF | c | |
Black-breasted Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus benghalensis | OR | Pakistan to sc China | |
Black-chinned Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus nigrimentus | AF | e Gabon, the PR Congo and c Angola | |
Black-headed Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus melanocephalus | AF | w, c, ec | |
Black-necked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus nigricollis | AF | c, e | |
Bocage's Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus temporalis | AF | Angola, s DR Congo and n Zambia | |
Brown-capped Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus insignis | AF | e Nigeria and w Cameroon; w Angola; s South Sudan to e DR Congo and w, n Tanzania | |
Cape Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus capensis | AF | South Africa | |
Chestnut Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus rubiginosus | AF | e, sw | |
Chestnut-and-black Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus castaneofuscus | AF | Sierra Leone to s Nigeria | |
Cinnamon Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus badius | AF | Sudan and South Sudan | |
Compact Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus superciliosus | AF | Senegal to Liberia, e to Ethiopia and s to Angola and s DR Congo | |
Dark-backed Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus bicolor | AF | widespread | |
Eastern Golden Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus subaureus | AF | e, se | |
Finn's Weaver (EN) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus megarhynchus | OR | n India, Nepal and s Bhutan | |
Fox's Weaver (NT) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus spekeoides | AF | Uganda | |
Giant Weaver (NT) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus grandis | AF | São Tomé (sc Gulf of Guinea Is.) | |
Golden Palm Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus bojeri | AF | e | |
Golden-backed Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus jacksoni | AF | s South Sudan to Tanzania | |
Golden-naped Weaver (EN) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus aureonucha | AF | DR Congo | |
Heuglin's Masked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus heuglini | AF | Senegal and Gambia; Mali to the Ivory Coast and e to Uganda and w Kenya | |
Holub's Golden Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus xanthops | AF | Gabon to Uganda and Kenya s to n Namibia, n Botswana and e South Africa | |
Juba Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus dichrocephalus | AF | c Ethiopia, extreme n Kenya and s Somalia | |
Katanga Masked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus katangae | AF | sc | |
Kilifi Weaver (EN) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus golandi | AF | coastal se Kenya (Arabuko-Sokoke Forest) | |
Kilombero Weaver (VU) i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus burnieri | AF | w Tanzania | |
Lesser Masked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus intermedius | AF | e, se, s | |
Little Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus luteolus | AF | w, c, e | |
Loango Weaver (VU) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus subpersonatus | AF | coastal Gabon, PR Congo and DR Congo | |
Lufira Masked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus ruweti | AF | DR Congo | |
Maxwell's Black Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus albinucha | AF | w, c | |
Nelicourvi Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus nelicourvi | AF | n, e Madagascar | |
Northern Brown-throated Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus castanops | AF | Uganda and e DR Congo to w Kenya and n Tanzania | |
Northern Masked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus taeniopterus | AF | ec | |
Olive-headed Weaver (NT) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus olivaceiceps | AF | Tanzania, e Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique | |
Olive-naped Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus brachypterus | AF | Senegal and Gambia to w Cameroon | |
Orange Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus aurantius | AF | w, c | |
Preuss's Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus preussi | AF | Guinea to Ghana, Cameroon to Gabon, e DR Congo | |
Principe Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus princeps | AF | Príncipe (c Gulf of Guinea Is.) | |
Rueppell's Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus galbula | AF | Sudan to Somalia and extreme n Kenya; also sw Arabian Pen. | |
Ruvu Weaver (NT) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus holoxanthus | AF | e Tanzania | |
Sakalava Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus sakalava | AF | nw, w, s Madagascar | |
Sao Tome Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus sanctithomae | AF | São Tomé (sc Gulf of Guinea Is.) | |
Slender-billed Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus pelzelni | AF | c, w | |
Southern Brown-throated Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus xanthopterus | AF | s | |
Southern Masked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus velatus | AF | s Angola to Mozambique, s to s, e South Africa; also São Tomé (sc Gulf of Guinea Is.) | |
Spectacled Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus ocularis | AF | c, e, se | |
Speke's Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus spekei | AF | Ethiopia and Somalia to n Tanzania | |
Strange Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus alienus | AF | sw Uganda, e DR Congo, Rwanda and Burundi | |
Streaked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus manyar | OR | widespread | |
Tanzanian Masked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus reichardi | AF | Tanzania and ne Zambia | |
Taveta Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus castaneiceps | AF | Kenya and Tanzania | |
Usambara Weaver (NT) i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus nicolli | AF | Tanzania | |
Vieillot's Black Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus nigerrimus | AF | se Nigeria to s Sudan, Uganda, w Kenya, w Tanzania, s DR Congo and Angola | |
Village Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus cucullatus | AF | widespread | |
Vitelline Masked Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus vitellinus | AF | w, c, e | |
Weyns's Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus weynsi | AF | Uganda and e DR Congo | |
Yellow-capped Weaver i | Ploceidae | Ploceus dorsomaculatus | AF | Cameroon to Central African Republic, Gabon and PR Congo; e DR Congo | |
Yellow-legged Weaver (VU) i | Ploceidae | Ploceus flavipes | AF | DR Congo | |
Yellow-mantled Weaver i U | Ploceidae | Ploceus tricolor | AF | w, c | |
47% 32 species of 67 (0 extinct).
IUCN Status Codes |
EX | Extinct |
EW | Extinct in the wild |
CR | Critically Endangered |
EN | Endangered |
VU | Vulnerable |
NT | Near Threatened |
LC | Least Concern |
DD | Data deficient |
NE | Not evaluated |
LC not shown.
Breeding Range Codes |
AF | Africa (entire continent rather than south of Sahara) |
AN | Antarctica |
AO | Atlantic Ocean |
AU | Australasia (Wallacea (Indonesian islands east of Wallace's line), New Guinea and its islands, Australia, New Zealand and its subantarctic islands, the Solomons, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu) |
PAL | Eurasia (Europe, Asia from the Middle East through central Asia north of the Himalayas, Siberia and northern China to Japan) |
IO | Indian Ocean |
LA | Latin America (Middle and South America) |
MA | Middle America (Mexico through Panama) |
NA | North America (includes the Caribbean) |
NO | Northern oceans |
OR | Oriental Region (South Asia from Pakistan to Taiwan, plus Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Greater Sundas) |
PO | Pacific Ocean |
SA | South America |
SO | Southern oceans |
TO | Temperate oceans |
TrO | Tropical oceans |
Worldwide | Worldwide |