Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
Barking Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula latrans | PO | Fiji (sw Polynesia) | |
Black Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula melanochroa | AU | montane New Ireland, New Britain and satellites (e Bismarck Arch.) | |
Chestnut-bellied Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula brenchleyi | AU | Guadalcanal, Malaita and Makira and satellites (sc, se Solomon Is.) | |
Christmas Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula whartoni | OR | Christmas I. (s of w Java) | |
Cinnamon-bellied Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula basilica | AU | n Moluccas | |
Collared Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula mullerii | AU | Aru Is. (sw of New Guinea), wc, n, sc, se New Guinea and Boigu and Saibai (n Torres Strait is., far ne Australia) | |
Dark-backed Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula lacernulata | OR, AU | montane Java, Bali and Lombok to Flores (w, c Lesser Sundas) | |
Elegant Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula concinna | AU | islets of Wallacea: Sangihe and Talaud is. (n of ne Sulawesi), Flores Sea is. s of Sulawesi, Lesser Sundas e from Romang (e of Timor), Banda, Manuk, Kai and Tanimbar is. (s Moluccas), Aru Is. (sw of New Guinea) and islets off Bomberai Pen., Bird's Neck (n | |
Enggano Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula oenothorax | OR | Enggano (w of s Sumatra) | |
Finsch's Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula finschii | AU | Lavongai (=New Hanover), New Ireland, Umboi (w of New Britain) and New Britain (e Bismarck Arch.) | |
Geelvink Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula geelvinkiana | AU | Numfor, Meos Num and Biak (Geelvink Bay is., nw New Guinea) | |
Goliath Imperial Pigeon (NT) i U | Columbidae | Ducula goliath | AU | Grande Terre and Ile des Pins (New Caledonia) | |
Green Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula aenea | OR | widespread | |
Grey Imperial Pigeon (VU) i U | Columbidae | Ducula pickeringii | OR | islets off ne Borneo, Talaud Is. (ne of ne Sulawesi), Miangas (far n Indonesia, se of Mindanao) and Sulu Sea islets (far s Philippines) | |
Grey-headed Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula radiata | AU | montane Sulawesi | |
Island Imperial Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Ducula pistrinaria | AU | islands n, e of New Guinea to Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Malabar Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula cuprea | OR | sw India | |
Micronesian Imperial Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Ducula oceanica | PO | Palau, Yap (where perhaps introduced) and Chuuk, Pohnpei and Kosrae (Caroline Is., w, c Micronesia) and Marshall Is. (e Micronesia, where probably extinct) | |
Mindoro Imperial Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Ducula mindorensis | OR | montane Mindoro (Philippines) | |
Mountain Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula badia | OR | Himalayas from Nepal to s China, Hainan, se Asia, Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Nicobar Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula nicobarica | OR | Nicobar Is. | |
Nuku Hiva Imperial Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Ducula galeata | PO | Nuku Hiva (c Marquesas Is., ne Polynesia) | |
Pacific Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula pacifica | PO | islands n and se of New Guinea, Bismarck Arch. to Cook Is. | |
Pied Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula bicolor | OR | Andaman Is., se Asia, Philippines, Indonesian Arch., Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea) and coasts of Bird's Head and Neck (nw New Guinea) | |
Pink-bellied Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula poliocephala | OR | Philippines (except Palawan group) | |
Pink-headed Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula rosacea | AU | Java Sea is. from Seribu to Karamian (=Arends) and Masalembu, Kangean Is. (n of Bali), Flores Sea is. s of Sulawesi, Satonda (n of e Sumba) to Babar (Lesser Sundas), scattered islets in n Moluccas and Tayandu, Kai and Tanimbar is. (s Moluccas) | |
Pinon's Imperial Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Ducula pinon | AU | New Guinea and satellites | |
Polynesian Imperial Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Ducula aurorae | PO | Makatea (w Tuamotu Arch.) and formerly Society Is. | |
Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Ducula rufigaster | AU | Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea), Yapen (Geelvink Bay is., nw New Guinea) and New Guinea | |
Red-knobbed Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula rubricera | AU | Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Rufescent Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula chalconota | AU | New Guinea | |
Seram Imperial Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Ducula neglecta | AU | Seram, Boano (nw of Seram), Ambon and Saparua (s of w Seram; ec Moluccas) | |
Silver-tipped Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula luctuosa | AU | Sulawesi and satellites, Banggai and Sula is. (e of Sulawesi) | |
Spectacled Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula perspicillata | AU | Morotai to Obi (n Moluccas), Buru (wc Moluccas) and Kofiau (Raja Ampat Is., nw of New Guinea) | |
Spice Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula myristicivora | AU | Widi Is. (e of se Halmahera, n Moluccas; 1 old record), Gebe (nw of New Guinea) and Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea) | |
Spotted Imperial Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Ducula carola | OR | Philippines (except East Visayas, Palawan group and Sulu Arch.) | |
Timor Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula cineracea | AU | Timor and Wetar (e Lesser Sundas) | |
Torresian Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula spilorrhoa | AU | nw, ne, s, se New Guinea and satellites, and Torres Strait is., coastal ne WA to ec QLD (n Australia) | |
Vanuatu Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula bakeri | AU | Banks Is. to Ambrym (n to c Vanuatu) | |
White-bellied Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula forsteni | AU | montane Sulawesi, Togian Is. (between ne and ec Sulawesi), Banggai and Sula is. (e of Sulawesi) | |
Yellowish Imperial Pigeon (NT) i U | Columbidae | Ducula subflavescens | AU | Admiralty Is., Lavongai (=New Hanover), New Ireland and New Britain and satellites (Bismarck Arch.) | |
Zoe's Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula zoeae | AU | New Guinea and satellites | |
21% 9 species of 42 (0 extinct).