Check List -- Regions=Worldwide (52 species) Again?
IUCN and region codes at bottom of page.
Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
African Skimmer i | Laridae | Rynchops flavirostris | AF | tropical African rivers | to estuaries and lagoons |
Aleutian Tern (VU) i | Laridae | Onychoprion aleuticus | PAL, NA | North Pacific coasts from Sakhalin, Sea of Okhotsk and Kamchatka through Aleutian Is., and w to sw Alaska | to coastal Thailand, Philippines, n New Guinea, Indonesia, s Malaysia and Singapore, and n NSW (ec Australia); migrates along w North Pacific coast via Japan, Korean Pen., e China, and Taiwan |
Antarctic Tern i | Laridae | Sterna vittata | SO | widespread, subantarctic and Antarctic is., South Atlantic, South Indian, w South Pacific and Antarctic Pen. | |
Arctic Tern i | Laridae | Sterna paradisaea | PAL, NA | widespread Arctic and subarctic coasts and inland, from Greenland, Iceland and British Isles to ne Siberia, Sakhalin and Kamchatka (e Russia), Aleutian Is., Alaska mainland through Arctic and subarctic Canada to James Bay, se Canada and New York | subantarctic and oceans and Antarctic Ocean to edge of pack-ice |
Australian Tern i | Laridae | Gelochelidon macrotarsa | AU | inland Australia (except sc, Tasmania) | to coastal s New Guinea and Timor (e Lesser Sundas) |
Black Noddy i | Laridae | Anous minutus | PO, AO | tropical and subtropical Pacific and Atlantic oceans, very locally ne Indian and Caribbean Sea | |
Black Skimmer i | Laridae | Rynchops niger | NA, MA, SA | coastal USA from s California to w Mexico and Massachusetts to e Mexico; river systems of n, sc South America to ne Argentina | |
Black Tern i | Laridae | Chlidonias niger | NA, PAL | inland temperate Canada, USA and Europe to c Asia | coasts and offshore waters, w Africa and Pacific and Caribbean coastal Mexico to n South America |
Black-bellied Tern (EN) i | Laridae | Sterna acuticauda | OR | inland Indus Valley (Pakistan), sub-Himalayan India and Irrawaddy (=Ayeyarwady) River, c Myanmar; formerly to s China and Vietnam | |
Black-fronted Tern (EN) i | Laridae | Chlidonias albostriatus | AU | rivers of e South I. (New Zealand) | to coastal North and Stewart is. (New Zealand) |
Black-legged Kittiwake (VU) i | Laridae | Rissa tridactyla | PAL, NA | high Arctic to temperate n coasts, from Greenland, Iceland, w, nw Europe, Svalbard (n of Norway), n Siberian is. to Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia); Aleutian and Bering Sea is., w, sw Alaska mainland; Canadian high Arctic (ne Canad | w North Atlantic coast and coastal waters s to Virginia; mid-Atlantic Ridge to Azores; North Sea; Japan, Korean Pen., se Alaska to s California (USA) |
Black-naped Tern i | Laridae | Sterna sumatrana | AF, OR, AU | islands off tropical Indian and Pacific oceans from Seychelles to Cook Is. (e Polynesia) | IO, s PO |
Blue Noddy i | Laridae | Anous ceruleus | PO | tropical Pacific Ocean islands from far se Japan and Micronesia to Northwestern Hawaiian Is., Marquesas and Gambier Is. (e Tuamotu Arch., e Polynesia) | |
Bridled Tern i | Laridae | Onychoprion anaethetus | TrO | widespread tropical and subtropical is., mostly near continents (except e Polynesia and Hawaiian Is. and other remote is.) | |
Brown Noddy i | Laridae | Anous stolidus | TrO | widespread on tropical and subtropical islands of all oceans | |
Cabot's Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus acuflavidus | NA, MA, SA | coastal Virginia to s Texas, Caribbean, French Guiana, e Brazil and Argentina | Pacific coast from Mexico to Ecuador; Atlantic coast from Florida to Uruguay |
Caspian Tern i | Laridae | Hydroprogne caspia | PAL, OR, AU, NA | patchily coastal Baltic Sea and inland se Europe to w Mongolia and Ussuriland (se Russia) and ne China and s Asian coasts; coastal and inland w and s Africa; Europa (w of s Madagascar, Mozambique Channel), coastal Madagascar and Aldabra group (sw Seychell | coastal Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, India, Thailand, Malay Pen. and Vietnam; e Pacific and Caribbean to Panama |
Chinese Crested Tern (CR) i | Laridae | Thalasseus bernsteini | PAL | islands off Zhejiang and Fujian (e China coast) | Philippines, Borneo, Halmahera (n Moluccas) and Seram (ec Moluccas; few records anywhere) |
Common Tern i | Laridae | Sterna hirundo | PAL, NA | widespread, subarctic, temperate, and locally tropical Northern Hemisphere | widespread coasts to s South America, s Africa, w Madagascar, and s Australia |
Damara Tern i | Laridae | Sternula balaenarum | AF | coastal s Angola, Namibia and South Africa | to Ghana |
Elegant Tern (NT) i | Laridae | Thalasseus elegans | NA, MA | coastal e Pacific of sw California and Baja California and Gulf of California (nw Mexico) | to coastal e Pacific from n California to c Chile |
Fairy Tern (VU) i | Laridae | Sternula nereis | AU | w to se Australia, n North I. (New Zealand) and New Caledonia | |
Forster's Tern i | Laridae | Sterna forsteri | NA, MA | inland c Alberta to c Manitoba (sc Canada) patchily to California and n Baja California (nw Mexico), Colorado, and the Great Lakes; coastal w North Atlantic from New Jersey to North Carolina; Gulf of Mexico coast from Alabama to n Tamaulipas (ne Mexico) | to Gulf of Mexico coast, Bahamas, Cuba and southern Mexico |
Greater Crested Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus bergii | AU, OR, AF | coasts of sw Africa, North Indian Ocean and marginal seas, through Indonesian and Australian waters from far s Japan to e Polynesia | |
Grey Noddy i U | Laridae | Anous albivitta | PO | subtropical South Pacific from Lord Howe and Norfolk is. (far e of Australia), Kermadec Is. (ne of New Zealand) to se Polynesia and is. far w of n Chile | |
Gull-billed Tern i | Laridae | Gelochelidon nilotica | PAL, AF, OR, NA, MA, SA | widespread inland, sw Europe to ne China; coastal China; coastal w North Atlantic and Caribbean; coastal s California and Mexico; coastal South America and inland nc Argentina | to subtropical and tropical coasts, rivers and lakes worldwide (except remote is.) |
Inca Tern (NT) i | Laridae | Larosterna inca | SA | coastal n Peru to c Chile | |
Indian Skimmer (EN) i | Laridae | Rynchops albicollis | OR | local on major rivers, now mainly nc, ec India, c Myanmar | to ne Arabian Sea coast of nw Indian Pen. and n, e Bay of Bengal |
Kerguelen Tern (NT) i | Laridae | Sterna virgata | IO | subantarctic islands of w, c South Indian Ocean: Crozet, Prince Edward, and Kerguelen is. | |
Large-billed Tern i | Laridae | Phaetusa simplex | SA | widespread on rivers and lakes e of Andes to nc Argentina | |
Least Tern i | Laridae | Sternula antillarum | NA, MA | Great Plains to Texas and n Louisiana; c California and Gulf of California coasts to Oaxaca (w Mexico), El Salvador and Nicaragua; w North Atlantic coast from Maine to Florida, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea from Bahamas to Lesser Antilles, islands off | n SA coast |
Lesser Crested Tern i U | Laridae | Thalasseus bengalensis | AF, OR, AU | disjunctly, coasts of sc Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and marginal seas, and n Australia | to subtropical and tropical Old World waters from nw Africa to New Guinea |
Lesser Noddy i U | Laridae | Anous tenuirostris | IO | tropical and subtropical Indian Ocean is. from Seychelles and Mascarenes to Chagos and Maldives (wc Indian Ocean) and Houtman Abrolhos Is. (w of WA, w Australia) and Ashmore Reef (nw of Australia; race?) | to e Africa, Comoros and n Madagascar |
Little Tern i | Laridae | Sternula albifrons | AF, PAL, OR, AU | w Europe, sw Russia, c Asia, Mongolia to se Russia, Japan, e China, Taiwan and Vietnam; n, w Africa; Persian Gulf and Iraq to Indus Valley (Pakistan) and Gangetic Plain (nc India); Sri Lanka; Gulf of Thailand, Malay Pen., Singapore, and islands off Greate | |
Peruvian Tern (EN) i | Laridae | Sternula lorata | SA | coasts c Ecuador to n Chile | |
Red-legged Kittiwake (VU) i | Laridae | Rissa brevirostris | NA | Commander Is. (se Russia), Aleutian and Pribilof is., and St. Matthew I. (n Bering Sea) | Bering Sea to ice-edge and s of Aleutian Is. |
River Tern (VU) i | Laridae | Sterna aurantia | OR | rivers of Indus Valley (c Pakistan), sub-Himalayan India, nw, c Myanmar, sw China, to se Cambodia (formerly s Vietnam) | |
Roseate Tern i | Laridae | Sterna dougallii | Worldwide | patchily temperate to tropical Atlantic, tropical Indian, and subtropical to tropical w Pacific to Vanuatu | |
Royal Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus maximus | NA, MA, SA | coastal w North Atlantic from Virginia to Florida, Gulf of Mexico to s Texas, Campeche Bank (ne Mexico), off n Honduras, through West Indies and off n Venezuela to French Guiana; s California, n Gulf of California to Sinaloa and Is. Tres Marias (off wc Me | |
Sandwich Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus sandvicensis | PAL, AF | coastal nw to se Europe from British Isles and Baltic Sea to e Iberian Pen., Mediterranean, Black and e, s Caspian seas | coastal sw Europe and Mediterranean to n, w, s Africa, Persian Gulf, India and Sri Lanka |
Saunders's Tern i | Laridae | Sternula saundersi | AF, PAL | islands of Red Sea and Persian Gulf, off Somalia and Socotra, patchily to coast of Pakistan, nw India, and Adam's Bridge is. (between India and Sri Lanka) | to coastal Tanzania, all Seychelles groups and Madagascar (tropical w Indian Ocean), Chagos Arch. and Maldives (nc Indian Ocean) |
Snowy-crowned Tern i | Laridae | Sterna trudeaui | SA | coastal se Brazil and Uruguay to inland ec Argentina; coastal Aconcagua to Llanquihue provinces (c, sc Chile) | |
Sooty Tern i | Laridae | Onychoprion fuscatus | TrO | widespread in all tropical and subtropical oceans | |
South American Tern i | Laridae | Sterna hirundinacea | SA | coastal s Peru and Espiritu Santo (ec Brazil) to Tierra del Fuego, Cape Horn is. and Falkland Is. | |
Spectacled Tern i | Laridae | Onychoprion lunatus | PO | sw to c tropical Pacific Ocean: n Mariana, Phoenix, Line, Tuamotu, Marquesas, American Samoa, Northwestern Hawaiian Is., islets off Kauai and Oahu (main Hawaiian Is.) and Johnston Atoll (s of Hawaii) | to ne Melanesia in sw, and far e Polynesia in e |
West African Crested Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus albididorsalis | AF | coasts of Mauritania to Guinea (w Africa) | to coasts of Morocco in n and s to Namibia |
Whiskered Tern i | Laridae | Chlidonias hybrida | AF, PAL, OR, AU | widespread inland s, c Eurasia, e, s Africa, and Australia | inland Africa, Asia and Australia |
White Tern i | Laridae | Gygis alba | TrO | widespread on tropical and subtropical is. (except Caribbean, n, e Indian Ocean) | tropical seas |
White-cheeked Tern i | Laridae | Sterna repressa | AF, PAL | coastal Kenya to Persian Gulf, Red Sea and coastal Pakistan | |
White-fronted Tern (NT) i | Laridae | Sterna striata | AU | coasts and satellites of North, South, Stewart, Chatham (e of South I.) and Auckland is. (s of South I.; New Zealand); also (few) Furneaux group, e Bass Strait is. (Australia) | coastal e SA, Tasmania to se QLD (s, e Australia) |
White-winged Tern i | Laridae | Chlidonias leucopterus | PAL | inland sc, e Europe and Iraq to se Russia, ne China and nc Siberia | to coastal and inland Africa n and s of Sahara; se Asia and e China, Philippines, Indonesian Arch., and coastal New Guinea and Australia |
Yellow-billed Tern i | Laridae | Sternula superciliaris | SA | large rivers of ne Peru, n, c Colombia, n Venezuela and Guianas to ec Argentina | |
78% 41 species of 52 (0 extinct).
IUCN Status Codes |
EX | Extinct |
EW | Extinct in the wild |
CR | Critically Endangered |
EN | Endangered |
VU | Vulnerable |
NT | Near Threatened |
LC | Least Concern |
DD | Data deficient |
NE | Not evaluated |
LC not shown.
Breeding Range Codes |
AF | Africa (entire continent rather than south of Sahara) |
AN | Antarctica |
AO | Atlantic Ocean |
AU | Australasia (Wallacea (Indonesian islands east of Wallace's line), New Guinea and its islands, Australia, New Zealand and its subantarctic islands, the Solomons, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu) |
PAL | Eurasia (Europe, Asia from the Middle East through central Asia north of the Himalayas, Siberia and northern China to Japan) |
IO | Indian Ocean |
LA | Latin America (Middle and South America) |
MA | Middle America (Mexico through Panama) |
NA | North America (includes the Caribbean) |
NO | Northern oceans |
OR | Oriental Region (South Asia from Pakistan to Taiwan, plus Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Greater Sundas) |
PO | Pacific Ocean |
SA | South America |
SO | Southern oceans |
TO | Temperate oceans |
TrO | Tropical oceans |
Worldwide | Worldwide |