Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
African Black Swift i U | Apodidae | Apus barbatus | AF | s, e | |
African Palm Swift i | Apodidae | Cypsiurus parvus | AF | widespread | |
Alpine Swift i | Apodidae | Tachymarptis melba | PAL, AF, OR | widespread | |
Ameline Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus amelis | OR | Philippines and Balambangan (n of ne Borneo) | |
American Black Swift (VU) i | Apodidae | Cypseloides niger | NA, MA | w | SA |
Andean Swift i U | Apodidae | Aeronautes andecolus | SA | Peru to c Argentina | |
Antillean Palm Swift i U | Apodidae | Tachornis phoenicobia | NA | Greater Antilles | |
Ashy-tailed Swift (VU) i | Apodidae | Chaetura andrei | SA | e Venezuela | |
Asian Palm Swift i | Apodidae | Cypsiurus balasiensis | OR | widespread | |
Atiu Swiftlet (VU) i | Apodidae | Aerodramus sawtelli | PO | Atiu (se Cook Is., se Polynesia) | |
Australian Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus terraereginae | AU | ne Australia | |
Band-rumped Swift i U | Apodidae | Chaetura spinicaudus | MA, SA | Panama to c Brazil | |
Bare-legged Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus nuditarsus | AU | patchily in montane New Guinea | |
Bates's Swift i | Apodidae | Apus batesi | AF | Sierra Leone to Ivory Coast; Cameroon to Gabon | |
Biscutate Swift i U | Apodidae | Streptoprocne biscutata | SA | e | |
Black Spinetail i | Apodidae | Telacanthura melanopygia | AF | Sierra Leone to Cameroon and Gabon, sw Central African Republic and n DR Congo | |
Black-nest Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus maximus | OR | Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Blyth's Swift i | Apodidae | Apus leuconyx | PAL, OR | mid to high altitudes in Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and ne India | some winter at lower altitudes in Nepal and peninsular India |
Boehm's Spinetail i | Apodidae | Neafrapus boehmi | AF | e, se | |
Bornean Swiftlet i U | Apodidae | Collocalia dodgei | OR | montane Borneo | |
Bradfield's Swift i U | Apodidae | Apus bradfieldi | AF | sw | |
Brown-backed Needletail i U | Apodidae | Hirundapus giganteus | OR | widespread | |
Cape Verde Swift i | Apodidae | Apus alexandri | AF | Cape Verde Is. (all islands; s Macaronesia, w of n Africa) | |
Caroline Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus inquietus | PO | Chuuk, Pohnpei and Kosrae (c, e Caroline Is., c Micronesia) | |
Cassin's Spinetail i | Apodidae | Neafrapus cassini | AF | Ivory Coast to w Uganda, DR Congo and Gabon | |
Cave Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia linchi | OR | Sumatra, Java, Bali and Lombok (w Lesser Sundas) | |
Chapman's Swift i U | Apodidae | Chaetura chapmani | MA, SA | Panama to ne Brazil and w Amazonia | |
Chestnut-collared Swift i | Apodidae | Streptoprocne rutila | MA, SA | widespread | |
Chimney Swift (VU) i U | Apodidae | Chaetura pelagica | NA | sc, se Canada and c, e USA | w SA |
Christmas Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia natalis | IO | Christmas I. (s of w Java) | |
Common Swift i U | Apodidae | Apus apus | PAL | widespread | s AF |
Cook's Swift i U | Apodidae | Apus cooki | OR | lowland Myanmar, n Thailand, Vietnam and Guangxi, China | Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand |
Costa Rican Swift i | Apodidae | Chaetura fumosa | MA, SA | Costa Rica, Panama and n Colombia | |
Dark-rumped Swift (VU) i | Apodidae | Apus acuticauda | OR | ne India and Myanmar | |
Drab Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia neglecta | OR | ec, s Lesser Sundas | |
Edible-nest Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus fuciphagus | OR, AU | Andaman Is. to se Asia, Lesser Sundas, Borneo and wc, sw Philippines | |
Fernando Po Swift (DD) i | Apodidae | Apus sladeniae | AF | sw Nigeria, w Cameroon, w Angola and Bioko | |
Forbes-Watson's Swift i | Apodidae | Apus berliozi | AF | e | |
Fork-tailed Palm Swift i U | Apodidae | Tachornis squamata | SA | Amazonia and e Brazil | |
Giant Swiftlet (NT) i | Apodidae | Hydrochous gigas | OR | montane Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Glossy Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia esculenta | OR, AU | Sulawesi to New Guinea and satellites and Solomon Is. | |
Great Dusky Swift i | Apodidae | Cypseloides senex | SA | c Brazil to ne Bolivia, e Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Great Swallow-tailed Swift i U | Apodidae | Panyptila sanctihieronymi | MA | sw Mexico to Honduras | |
Grey-rumped Swift i U | Apodidae | Chaetura cinereiventris | MA, SA | widespread | |
Grey-rumped Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia marginata | OR | Philippines | |
Himalayan Swiftlet i U | Apodidae | Aerodramus brevirostris | OR | ne India to sc China and Malay Pen. | |
Horus Swift i | Apodidae | Apus horus | AF | Nigeria and Cameroon to Ethiopia through e DR Congo and Zambia to South Africa. Also sw Angola. | |
House Swift i U | Apodidae | Apus nipalensis | OR | also s Japan | |
Indian Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus unicolor | OR | sw India and Sri Lanka | |
Lesser Antillean Swift i | Apodidae | Chaetura martinica | NA | Lesser Antilles | |
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift i U | Apodidae | Panyptila cayennensis | MA, SA | Mexico to n Bolivia and se Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago | |
Little Swift i | Apodidae | Apus affinis | AF, OR | Africa, sw Asia and India | |
Madagascar Spinetail i | Apodidae | Zoonavena grandidieri | AF | w Comoros and Madagascar | |
Malagasy Black Swift i | Apodidae | Apus balstoni | AF | Comoros and Madagascar | |
Malagasy Palm Swift i U | Apodidae | Cypsiurus gracilis | AF | Comoros and Madagascar | |
Mariana Swiftlet (VU) i | Apodidae | Aerodramus bartschi | PO | Saipan, Aguijan; extinct Rota and Tinian (s Northern Mariana Is., w Micronesia) | |
Marquesan Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus ocistus | PO | Marquesas Is. (ne Polynesia) | |
Mascarene Swiftlet (NT) i | Apodidae | Aerodramus francicus | IO | Réunion and Mauritius (w, c Mascarenes) | |
Mayr's Swiftlet (DD) i | Apodidae | Aerodramus orientalis | AU | New Ireland (ne Bismarck Arch.) and Guadalcanal (sc Solomon Is.) | |
Moluccan Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus infuscatus | AU | Sulawesi, Sangihe, Siau, and n, c Moluccas | |
Mossy-nest Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus salangana | OR | Sumatra, Java and Borneo | |
Mottled Spinetail i | Apodidae | Telacanthura ussheri | AF | widespread | |
Mottled Swift i | Apodidae | Tachymarptis aequatorialis | AF | widespread | |
Mountain Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus hirundinaceus | AU | New Guinea | |
Nyanza Swift i | Apodidae | Apus niansae | AF | e | |
Pacific Swift i | Apodidae | Apus pacificus | PAL | c Siberia and Mongolia through Kamchatka (se Russia) and Japan | OR, AU |
Palau Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus pelewensis | PO | Palau (w Caroline Is., w Micronesia) | |
Pale-rumped Swift i | Apodidae | Chaetura egregia | SA | w Amazonia | |
Pallid Swift i U | Apodidae | Apus pallidus | PAL, AF | s Europe, Arabian Pen. and n AF | c, w AF |
Papuan Spinetail i | Apodidae | Mearnsia novaeguineae | AU | New Guinea | |
Philippine Spinetail (NT) i | Apodidae | Mearnsia picina | OR | Visayas to Sulu Arch. (c, s Philippines) | |
Philippine Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus mearnsi | OR | Philippines | |
Plain Swift i | Apodidae | Apus unicolor | AF | Madeira (all islands) and Canary Is. (all islands; nc to c Macaronesia, nw of n Africa); may breed adjacent Moroccan coast | to adjacent Moroccan coast |
Plume-toed Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia affinis | OR | e Indian Ocean, Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Purple Needletail i | Apodidae | Hirundapus celebensis | OR, AU | Philippines (except Palawan group and Sulu Arch.), Sulawesi, Banggai and Sula is. (e of Sulawesi) | |
Pygmy Palm Swift i | Apodidae | Tachornis furcata | SA | ne Colombia and w Venezuela | |
Pygmy Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia troglodytes | OR | Philippines | |
Ridgetop Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia isonota | OR | Philippines | |
Rothschild's Swift i | Apodidae | Cypseloides rothschildi | SA | s Bolivia, s Peru and nw Argentina | |
Sabine's Spinetail i | Apodidae | Rhaphidura sabini | AF | Sierra Leone to w Uganda and w Kenya | |
Salim Ali's Swift i | Apodidae | Apus salimalii | PAL | e Tibetan Plateau and adjacent w Sichuan | |
Sao Tome Spinetail i | Apodidae | Zoonavena thomensis | AF | São Tomé and Príncipe (c Gulf of Guinea Is.) | |
Satin Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia uropygialis | AU | Temotu, se Solomon Is., Vanuatu and New Caledonia | |
Scarce Swift i | Apodidae | Schoutedenapus myoptilus | AF | e, ec | |
Seychelles Swiftlet (VU) i | Apodidae | Aerodramus elaphrus | IO | Mahé, Praslin and La Digue (Inner Is., ne Seychelles) | wanders to North, Silhouette and Aride (Inner Is., ne Seychelles) |
Short-tailed Swift i U | Apodidae | Chaetura brachyura | MA, SA | Panama through Amazonia | |
Sick's Swift i U | Apodidae | Chaetura meridionalis | SA | s Brazil to e Bolivia, Paraguay and n Argentina | n SA, Panama |
Silver-backed Needletail i U | Apodidae | Hirundapus cochinchinensis | OR | Himalayas from c Nepal to n Myanmar, Hainan and Taiwan | se Asia, Malay Pen., Sumatra and Java |
Silver-rumped Spinetail i | Apodidae | Rhaphidura leucopygialis | OR | Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Sooty Swift i | Apodidae | Cypseloides fumigatus | SA | e Bolivia, e Paraguay, ne Argentina and se Brazil | |
Spot-fronted Swift i U | Apodidae | Cypseloides cherriei | MA, SA | Costa Rica to n Venezuela and n Ecuador | |
Tahiti Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus leucophaeus | PO | Tahiti (se Society Is., e Polynesia) | |
Tenggara Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Collocalia sumbawae | OR | w Lesser Sundas | |
Tepui Swift i | Apodidae | Streptoprocne phelpsi | SA | tepuis | |
Three-toed Swiftlet (DD) i | Apodidae | Aerodramus papuensis | AU | patchily in n, se New Guinea | |
Uniform Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus vanikorensis | AU | Sulawesi to Vanuatu | |
Vaux's Swift i | Apodidae | Chaetura vauxi | NA, MA, SA | w Canada to n SA | |
Volcano Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus vulcanorum | OR | montane Java | |
White-chested Swift i U | Apodidae | Cypseloides lemosi | SA | Colombia to ne Ecuador and nw Peru | |
White-chinned Swift i | Apodidae | Cypseloides cryptus | MA, SA | Belize to Guyana, n Brazil and se Peru | |
White-collared Swift i | Apodidae | Streptoprocne zonaris | MA, SA, NA | widespread, also Caribbean | |
White-fronted Swift (DD) i | Apodidae | Cypseloides storeri | MA | sw Mexico | |
White-naped Swift i | Apodidae | Streptoprocne semicollaris | MA | w Mexico | |
White-rumped Spinetail i | Apodidae | Zoonavena sylvatica | OR | Nepal and India | |
White-rumped Swift i | Apodidae | Apus caffer | PAL, AF | s Iberian Peninsula, c Morocco, and sub-Saharan Africa | |
White-rumped Swiftlet i | Apodidae | Aerodramus spodiopygius | AU, PO | Bismarck Arch. to Samoa | |
White-throated Needletail i | Apodidae | Hirundapus caudacutus | PAL | Himalayas from Pakistan to s China and c Siberia to ne Russia and Japan | AU |
White-throated Swift i | Apodidae | Aeronautes saxatalis | NA, MA | w | |
White-tipped Swift i U | Apodidae | Aeronautes montivagus | SA | Venezuela to nw Argentina | |
Whitehead's Swiftlet (DD) i | Apodidae | Aerodramus whiteheadi | OR | montane Luzon, Negros (subspecies unknown), and Mindanao (Philippines) | |
Crested Treeswift i | Hemiprocnidae | Hemiprocne coronata | OR | India through se Asia | |
Grey-rumped Treeswift i | Hemiprocnidae | Hemiprocne longipennis | OR, AU | Malay Pen. to Sulawesi region and w Lesser Sundas | |
Moustached Treeswift i | Hemiprocnidae | Hemiprocne mystacea | AU | n, c Moluccas, New Guinea, Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Whiskered Treeswift i | Hemiprocnidae | Hemiprocne comata | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo and Philippines | |
African Grey Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Lophoceros nasutus | AF | widespread | |
Austen's Brown Hornbill (NT) i | Bucerotidae | Anorrhinus austeni | OR | Assam to sw China and Indochina | |
Black Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Anthracoceros malayanus | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra. Lingga Is. (e of c Sumatra), Bangka and Belitung (e of s Sumatra) and Borneo | |
Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Bycanistes subcylindricus | AF | c, w | |
Black-casqued Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Ceratogymna atrata | AF | Sierra Leone to Togo; s Nigeria to s South Sudan, c DR Congo and Angola | |
Blyth's Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Rhyticeros plicatus | AU | n, ec Moluccas, New Guinea and satellites to e Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Bradfield's Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Lophoceros bradfieldi | AF | s Angola and n Namibia to w Zimbabwe | |
Brown-cheeked Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Bycanistes cylindricus | AF | Sierra Leone to Ghana | |
Bushy-crested Hornbill (NT) i U | Bucerotidae | Anorrhinus galeritus | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra, n Natuna Is. (nw of Borneo) and Borneo | |
Congo Pied Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Lophoceros fasciatus | AF | se Nigeria to n Angola and Uganda | |
Crowned Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Lophoceros alboterminatus | AF | sw Ethiopia and s Somalia to n, w Angola and e South Africa | |
Damara Red-billed Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Tockus damarensis | AF | sw Angola, n Namibia and w Botswana | |
Eastern Dwarf Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Horizocerus granti | AF | DR Congo and ec Congo to w Uganda | |
Eastern Long-tailed Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Horizocerus cassini | AF | Nigeria to n Angola and w Uganda | |
Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Tockus flavirostris | AF | Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia to n Tanzania | |
Great Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Buceros bicornis | OR | w India, Himalayas to Sumatra | |
Helmeted Hornbill (CR) i | Bucerotidae | Rhinoplax vigil | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Hemprich's Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Lophoceros hemprichii | AF | Eritrea, Ethiopia and n Somalia to Uganda and c Kenya | |
Indian Grey Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Ocyceros birostris | OR | India and Nepal | |
Jackson's Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Tockus jacksoni | AF | s South Sudan, sw Ethiopia, ne Uganda and w Kenya | |
Knobbed Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Rhyticeros cassidix | AU | Sulawesi, Lembeh (ne of ne Sulawesi), Togian Is. (between ne and ec Sulawesi) and Muna and Butung (=Buton; s of se Sulawesi) | |
Luzon Hornbill i U | Bucerotidae | Penelopides manillae | OR | Luzon group (n Philippines) | |
Malabar Grey Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Ocyceros griseus | OR | sw India | |
Malabar Pied Hornbill (NT) i | Bucerotidae | Anthracoceros coronatus | OR | India and Sri Lanka | |
Mindanao Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Penelopides affinis | OR | Mindanao group (s Philippines) | |
Mindoro Hornbill (EN) i | Bucerotidae | Penelopides mindorensis | OR | Mindoro (Philippines) | |
Monteiro's Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Tockus monteiri | AF | sw Angola to c Namibia | |
Narcondam Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Rhyticeros narcondami | OR | Narcondam (ne Andaman Is.) | |
Northern Red-billed Hornbill i U | Bucerotidae | Tockus erythrorhynchus | AF | s Mauritania through Somalia to ne Tanzania | |
Oriental Pied Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Anthracoceros albirostris | OR | widespread | |
Palawan Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Anthracoceros marchei | OR | Palawan group (sw Philippines) | |
Pale-billed Hornbill i U | Bucerotidae | Lophoceros pallidirostris | AF | Angola and s DR Congo to Tanzania and Mozambique | |
Piping Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Bycanistes fistulator | AF | w, c | |
Plain-pouched Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Rhyticeros subruficollis | OR | Myanmar to Malay Pen. | |
Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill i U | Bucerotidae | Lophoceros camurus | AF | Sierra Leone to Ghana; s Nigeria to Uganda, Rwanda, c DR Congo and Gabon | |
Rhinoceros Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Buceros rhinoceros | OR | Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Rufous Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Buceros hydrocorax | OR | Philippines (except West Visayas, Palawan group and Sulu Arch.) | |
Rufous-necked Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Aceros nipalensis | OR | ne India to w Thailand and nw Vietnam | |
Samar Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Penelopides samarensis | OR | East Visayas (ec Philippines) | |
Silvery-cheeked Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Bycanistes brevis | AF | South Sudan and Ethiopia to Mozambique | |
Southern Red-billed Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Tockus rufirostris | AF | Malawi and Zambia to s Angola and Transvaal | |
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Tockus leucomelas | AF | s | |
Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Ocyceros gingalensis | OR | Sri Lanka | |
Sulawesi Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus | AU | Sulawesi | |
Sulu Hornbill (CR) i | Bucerotidae | Anthracoceros montani | OR | Sulu Arch. (s Philippines) | |
Sumba Hornbill (EN) i | Bucerotidae | Rhyticeros everetti | AU | Sumba (sc Lesser Sundas) | |
Tanzanian Red-billed Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Tockus ruahae | AF | c Tanzania | |
Tickell's Brown Hornbill (NT) i | Bucerotidae | Anorrhinus tickelli | OR | s Myanmar and sw Thailand | |
Trumpeter Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Bycanistes bucinator | AF | Angola to Kenya, s to e South Africa | |
Visayan Hornbill (EN) i | Bucerotidae | Penelopides panini | OR | West Visayas (wc Philippines) | |
Von der Decken's Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Tockus deckeni | AF | Ethiopia and Somalia to c Tanzania | |
Walden's Hornbill (CR) i | Bucerotidae | Rhabdotorrhinus waldeni | OR | Panay and Negros (wc Philippines) | |
West African Pied Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Lophoceros semifasciatus | AF | Senegal and Gambia to s Nigeria | |
Western Dwarf Hornbill i U | Bucerotidae | Horizocerus hartlaubi | AF | s Guinea and s Sierra Leone to Gabon and the Congo Basin west of the Congo River | |
Western Long-tailed Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Horizocerus albocristatus | AF | Guinea to Benin | |
Western Red-billed Hornbill i | Bucerotidae | Tockus kempi | AF | Senegal and Gambia to s Mauritania and w Mali | |
White-crowned Hornbill (EN) i | Bucerotidae | Berenicornis comatus | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
White-thighed Hornbill i U | Bucerotidae | Bycanistes albotibialis | AF | Benin and s Nigeria to w Uganda, c DR Congo and nw Angola | |
Wreathed Hornbill (VU) i | Bucerotidae | Rhyticeros undulatus | OR | Bhutan and ne India to Vietnam, Borneo and Java | |
Wrinkled Hornbill (EN) i | Bucerotidae | Rhabdotorrhinus corrugatus | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra, Rupat (e of n Sumatra), Batu Is. (w of c Sumatra) and Borneo | |
Writhed Hornbill (NT) i | Bucerotidae | Rhabdotorrhinus leucocephalus | OR | Mindanao group (Philippines) | |
Yellow-casqued Hornbill (VU) i U | Bucerotidae | Ceratogymna elata | AF | s Senegal to Cameroon | |
Abyssinian Ground Hornbill (VU) i | Bucorvidae | Bucorvus abyssinicus | AF | Senegal, Gambia and Guinea to Ethiopia and Kenya | |
Southern Ground Hornbill (VU) i | Bucorvidae | Bucorvus leadbeateri | AF | Kenya and Tanzania to c Angola, n Botswana and e South Africa | |
Abyssinian Scimitarbill i U | Phoeniculidae | Rhinopomastus minor | AF | e | |
Black Scimitarbill i U | Phoeniculidae | Rhinopomastus aterrimus | AF | e, c, w, sw | |
Black-billed Wood Hoopoe i U | Phoeniculidae | Phoeniculus somaliensis | AF | e | |
Common Scimitarbill i | Phoeniculidae | Rhinopomastus cyanomelas | AF | s, se | |
Forest Wood Hoopoe i U | Phoeniculidae | Phoeniculus castaneiceps | AF | w, c | |
Grant's Wood Hoopoe i | Phoeniculidae | Phoeniculus granti | AF | Kenya | |
Green Wood Hoopoe i | Phoeniculidae | Phoeniculus purpureus | AF | widespread | |
Violet Wood Hoopoe i U | Phoeniculidae | Phoeniculus damarensis | AF | Angola and Namibia | |
White-headed Wood Hoopoe i | Phoeniculidae | Phoeniculus bollei | AF | w, c | |
African Hoopoe i | Upupidae | Upupa africana | AF | c DRCongo e to c Kenya, and s to South Africa | |
Eurasian Hoopoe i | Upupidae | Upupa epops | PAL, AF, OR | widespread | |
Madagascar Hoopoe i U | Upupidae | Upupa marginata | AF | Madagascar | |
St. Helena Hoopoe (EX) i | Upupidae | Upupa antaios †† † | AO | St. Helena (tropical se Atlantic Ocean) | |
Black-legged Seriema i | Cariamidae | Chunga burmeisteri | SA | s Bolivia and w Paraguay to c Argentina | |
Red-legged Seriema i | Cariamidae | Cariama cristata | SA | e Bolivia to e Brazil s to n Argentina and Uruguay | |
Blue-naped Mousebird i | Coliidae | Urocolius macrourus | AF | e, c, w | |
Red-backed Mousebird i | Coliidae | Colius castanotus | AF | w Angola | |
Red-faced Mousebird i | Coliidae | Urocolius indicus | AF | s | |
Speckled Mousebird i | Coliidae | Colius striatus | AF | widespread | |
White-backed Mousebird i | Coliidae | Colius colius | AF | Namibia to s Botswana and South Africa | |
White-headed Mousebird i | Coliidae | Colius leucocephalus | AF | e | |
African Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cuculus gularis | AF | widespread | |
African Emerald Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chrysococcyx cupreus | AF | Senegal and Gambia to South Sudan and Ethiopia, s to Angola and e South Africa | |
Andaman Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus andamanensis | OR | Andaman Is. | |
Ash-colored Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Coccycua cinerea | SA | s Brazil, Paraguay, n Argentina and Uruguay | |
Asian Emerald Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chrysococcyx maculatus | OR | Himalayas to sc China and se Asia | to s India, Sri Lanka and Malay Pen. |
Asian Koel i | Cuculidae | Eudynamys scolopaceus | OR | widespread; also Lesser Sundas | |
Banded Bay Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis sonneratii | OR | India and Sri Lanka to s China, se Asia, Greater Sundas and Palawan (sw Philippines) | |
Banded Ground Cuckoo (EN) i | Cuculidae | Neomorphus radiolosus | SA | sw Colombia and nw Ecuador | |
Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Cercococcyx montanus | AF | e, se | |
Bay Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus celebensis | AU | Sulawesi region | |
Bay-breasted Cuckoo (EN) i | Cuculidae | Coccyzus rufigularis | NA | Hispaniola | |
Biak Coucal (NT) i | Cuculidae | Centropus chalybeus | AU | Biak (Geelvink Bay is., nw New Guinea) | |
Black Coucal i U | Cuculidae | Centropus grillii | AF | widespread | |
Black Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cuculus clamosus | AF | widespread | |
Black-bellied Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Piaya melanogaster | SA | Colombia, Venezuela and the Guianas to n Bolivia and sc Brazil | |
Black-bellied Malkoha (NT) i | Cuculidae | Phaenicophaeus diardi | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Black-billed Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus bernsteini | AU | Batanta (Raja Ampat Is., nw of New Guinea), Bird's Head and Neck (nw New Guinea), wc to ec and ne (Huon Pen.) New Guinea and Manam (n of ne New Guinea) | |
Black-billed Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Coccyzus erythropthalmus | NA | sc, se Canada and c, e USA | nw SA |
Black-billed Koel i | Cuculidae | Eudynamys melanorhynchus | AU | Sulawesi and satellites, Banggai and Sula is. (e of Sulawesi) | |
Black-eared Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chalcites osculans | AU | Australia (except Tasmania) | to e Indonesian Arch. and s New Guinea |
Black-faced Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus melanops | OR | East Visayas and Mindanao group (ec. s Philippines) | |
Black-hooded Coucal (CR) i | Cuculidae | Centropus steerii | OR | Mindoro (Philippines) | |
Black-throated Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus leucogaster | AF | w, c | |
Blue Coua i U | Cuculidae | Coua caerulea | AF | nw, e Madagascar | |
Blue Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Ceuthmochares aereus | AF | w, c | |
Blue-faced Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Phaenicophaeus viridirostris | OR | s India and Sri Lanka | |
Blue-headed Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus monachus | AF | ne, c, w | |
Bornean Ground Cuckoo (VU) i | Cuculidae | Carpococcyx radiceus | OR | Borneo | |
Buff-headed Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus milo | AU | c Solomon Is. | |
Burchell's Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus burchellii | AF | se, s | |
Channel-billed Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Scythrops novaehollandiae | AU | Wallacea, n, e Australia and e Bismarck Arch. | |
Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Coccyzus pluvialis | NA | Jamaica | |
Chestnut-bellied Malkoha (NT) i U | Cuculidae | Phaenicophaeus sumatranus | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo and intervening satellites | |
Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis castaneiventris | AU | New Guinea and w satellites, and n, e Cape York Pen., ne QLD (ne Australia) | |
Chestnut-breasted Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Phaenicophaeus curvirostris | OR | Malay Pen., Greater Sundas and sw Philippines | |
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Clamator coromandus | OR | Himalayas to e China and se Asia | s India and Sri Lanka to w, c Indonesian Arch. and Philippines |
Cocos Cuckoo (VU) i | Cuculidae | Coccyzus ferrugineus | MA | I. del Coco (far sw of Costa Rica) | |
Common Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cuculus canorus | PAL | widespread | OR, AF |
Common Hawk-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Hierococcyx varius | OR | India to Myanmar | |
Coppery-tailed Coucal i U | Cuculidae | Centropus cupreicaudus | AF | s DR Congo and s, sw Tanzania to Angola, n Botswana and Malawi | |
Coquerel's Coua i | Cuculidae | Coua coquereli | AF | w, ne Madagascar | |
Coral-billed Ground Cuckoo (VU) i | Cuculidae | Carpococcyx renauldi | OR | se Asia | |
Crested Coua i | Cuculidae | Coua cristata | AF | Madagascar (except c) | |
Dark Hawk-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Hierococcyx bocki | OR | montane Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Dark-billed Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Coccyzus melacoryphus | SA | Colombia and Venezuela s to c Argentina and Uruguay | |
Diederik Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chrysococcyx caprius | AF | widespread; also se Arabian Pen. | |
Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Cercococcyx mechowi | AF | Sierra Leone to Uganda, e DR Congo and n Angola | |
Dwarf Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Coccycua pumila | SA | Colombia and Venezuela | |
Dwarf Koel i U | Cuculidae | Microdynamis parva | AU | New Guinea | |
Fan-tailed Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis flabelliformis | AU, PO | montane New Guinea, sw, e Australia and Tasmania, New Caledonia, Solomon Is., Vanuatu and Fiji (sw Polynesia) | |
Fork-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Surniculus dicruroides | OR | Himalayan foothills, c, s India and Sri Lanka | |
Gabon Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus anselli | AF | Cameroon to Angola and c DR Congo | |
Giant Coua i | Cuculidae | Coua gigas | AF | w, s Madagascar | |
Goliath Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus goliath | AU | Morotai to Obi (n Moluccas) | |
Great Lizard Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Coccyzus merlini | NA | Bahamas and Cuba | |
Great Spotted Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Clamator glandarius | AF, PAL | s Europe through AF | |
Greater Ani i | Cuculidae | Crotophaga major | MA, SA | e Panama to n Argentina | |
Greater Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus sinensis | OR | Pakistan to se China, sw Philippines and Greater Sundas | |
Greater Roadrunner i | Cuculidae | Geococcyx californianus | NA, MA | sw USA and Mexico | |
Green Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Ceuthmochares australis | AF | Ethiopia and Somalia to Mozambique and South Africa | |
Green-billed Coucal (VU) i | Cuculidae | Centropus chlororhynchos | OR | Sri Lanka | |
Green-billed Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Phaenicophaeus tristis | OR | n India to s China, Sumatra and Kangean Is. (n of Bali) | |
Grey-bellied Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis passerinus | OR | India | |
Grey-capped Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Coccyzus lansbergi | SA | Colombia and Venezuela | w SA |
Groove-billed Ani i | Cuculidae | Crotophaga sulcirostris | MA, SA | Mexico to Guyana and nw Argentina | |
Guira Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Guira guira | SA | e, s Brazil to Bolivia, Paraguay, n Argentina and Uruguay | |
Himalayan Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cuculus saturatus | OR | Himalayas through se Asia to e China and Taiwan | se Asia, Greater Sundas and Philippines |
Hispaniolan Lizard Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Coccyzus longirostris | NA | Hispaniola | |
Hodgson's Hawk-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Hierococcyx nisicolor | OR | Nepal and e Himalayas to Myanmar, Thailand and Hainan I. | s to Greater Sundas |
Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chalcites basalis | AU | Australia and Tasmania | to Indonesian Arch. |
Indian Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cuculus micropterus | OR, PAL | widespread India through se, ne Asia to Greater Sundas | |
Ivory-billed Coucal i U | Cuculidae | Centropus menbeki | AU | New Guinea and w satellites | |
Jacobin Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Clamator jacobinus | AF, OR | widespread in AF, India to Myanmar | |
Jamaican Lizard Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Coccyzus vetula | NA | Jamaica | |
Kai Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus spilopterus | AU | Kai Is. (se Moluccas) | |
Klaas's Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chrysococcyx klaas | AF, PAL | widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa. Also sw Arabian Pen. | |
Large Hawk-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Hierococcyx sparverioides | OR | widespread w Himalayas through e China and se Asia | s India through w, c Indonesian Arch. and Philippines |
Lesser Coucal i U | Cuculidae | Centropus bengalensis | OR, AU | widespread | |
Lesser Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Cuculus poliocephalus | PAL, OR | se Siberia and Japan to s China, n se Asia and the Himalayas | India and e AF |
Lesser Ground Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Morococcyx erythropygus | MA | w Mexico to nw Costa Rica | |
Lesser Roadrunner i | Cuculidae | Geococcyx velox | MA | w Mexico to Nicaragua | |
Levaillant's Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Clamator levaillantii | AF | widespread s of the Sahara | |
Little Bronze Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chalcites minutillus | OR, AU | se Asia to Philippines, Lesser Sundas and n, e Australia | |
Little Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Coccycua minuta | MA, SA | e Panama to ne Brazil and n Bolivia | |
Long-billed Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chalcites megarhynchus | AU | Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea), Aru Is. (sw of New Guinea) and New Guinea | |
Madagascar Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cuculus rochii | AF | Madagascar | e AF |
Malagasy Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus toulou | AF | Aldabra group (sw Seychelles) and Madagascar | |
Malaysian Hawk-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Hierococcyx fugax | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and satellites, w Java and Borneo | |
Mangrove Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Coccyzus minor | NA, MA, SA | s Florida, Caribbean, MA to ne Brazil | |
Manus Brush Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis blandus | AU | Ninigo and Admiralty Is. (nw Bismarck Arch.) | |
Mentawai Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Phaenicophaeus oeneicaudus | OR | Mentawai Is. (w of c Sumatra) | |
Moluccan Brush Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis aeruginosus | AU | n, c Moluccas | |
Moluccan Drongo-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Surniculus musschenbroeki | AU | Sulawesi, Banggai and Sula is. (e of Sulawesi) and Halmahera (n Moluccas) | |
Moustached Hawk-Cuckoo (NT) i | Cuculidae | Hierococcyx vagans | OR | se Myanmar, sw Thailand, Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Northern Hawk-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Hierococcyx hyperythrus | PAL | se Siberia, Japan, Korean Pen. and ne China | to se Asia, n Borneo and n Sulawesi |
Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Cercococcyx olivinus | AF | Guinea to Uganda and e DR Congo, Gabon, Angola and Zambia | |
Olive-capped Coua i | Cuculidae | Coua olivaceiceps | AF | sw Madagascar | |
Oriental Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Cuculus optatus | PAL | w Russia and Kazakhstan through ne Russia to Japan | se Asia, Philippines and Indonesian Arch. to n, e Australia, New Guinea and satellites, Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. |
Pacific Koel i | Cuculidae | Eudynamys orientalis | AU | c Moluccas to n, e Australia | |
Pacific Long-tailed Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Urodynamis taitensis | AU | North, South and Stewart is. and satellites (New Zealand) | c, s tropical Pacific, from Palau (w Caroline Is., w Micronesia) to Pitcairn group (se Polynesia) |
Pallid Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Heteroscenes pallidus | AU | Australia and Tasmania | to c, e Lesser Sundas |
Pavonine Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Dromococcyx pavoninus | SA | Guyana to n Argentina | |
Pearly-breasted Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Coccyzus euleri | SA | Colombia, Venezuela and the Guianas to e Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Pheasant Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus phasianinus | AU | Lesser Sundas, ec to se New Guinea and n, e Australia | |
Pheasant Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Dromococcyx phasianellus | MA, SA | s Mexico to n Argentina | |
Philippine Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus viridis | OR | Philippines (except Palawan group and s Sulu Arch.) | |
Philippine Drongo-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Surniculus velutinus | OR | Philippines (except Palawan group) | |
Philippine Hawk-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Hierococcyx pectoralis | OR | Philippines (except Sulu Arch.) | |
Pied Bronze Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chalcites crassirostris | AU | Tayandu, Kai, and Tanimbar is. (s Moluccas) | |
Plaintive Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis merulinus | OR, AU | se Asia to Philippines | |
Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Coccyzus vieilloti | NA | Puerto Rico | |
Raffles's Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Rhinortha chlorophaea | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra, Batu Is. (w of c Sumatra), Bangka (e of s Sumatra), Natuna Is. (nw of Borneo) and Borneo | |
Red-billed Ground Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Neomorphus pucheranii | SA | w Amazonia | |
Red-billed Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Zanclostomus javanicus | OR | Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Red-breasted Coua i | Cuculidae | Coua serriana | AF | nw, ne to nc Madagascar | |
Red-capped Coua i | Cuculidae | Coua ruficeps | AF | nw Madagascar | |
Red-chested Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cuculus solitarius | AF | widespread | |
Red-faced Malkoha (VU) i U | Cuculidae | Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus | OR | Sri Lanka | |
Red-fronted Coua i | Cuculidae | Coua reynaudii | AF | nw, e Madagascar | |
Rough-crested Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Dasylophus superciliosus | OR | Luzon group (n Philippines) | |
Rufous Coucal (NT) i | Cuculidae | Centropus unirufus | OR | Luzon group (Philippines) | |
Rufous-throated Bronze Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chalcites ruficollis | AU | montane New Guinea | |
Rufous-vented Ground Cuckoo (VU) i | Cuculidae | Neomorphus geoffroyi | MA, SA | Nicaragua to Colombia and s Brazil | |
Rufous-winged Ground Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Neomorphus rufipennis | SA | s Venezuela, Guyana and n Brazil | |
Running Coua i U | Cuculidae | Coua cursor | AF | sw, s Madagascar | |
Sahul Brush Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis variolosus | AU | e Wallacea, New Guinea region, n, e Australia, Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Scale-feathered Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Dasylophus cumingi | OR | Luzon group (n Philippines) | |
Scaled Ground Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Neomorphus squamiger | SA | Brazil and sc Amazonia (lower Rio Tapajós) | |
Senegal Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus senegalensis | AF | widespread | |
Shining Bronze Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chalcites lucidus | AU | w, nc, e, se Australia, Solomon Is., Vanuatu, New Caledonia, and New Zealand region including Chatham Is. (e of North I.) | to Lesser Sundas, New Guinea region, Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. |
Short-toed Coucal (VU) i | Cuculidae | Centropus rectunguis | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Sirkeer Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Taccocua leschenaultii | OR | Pakistan and India | |
Smooth-billed Ani i | Cuculidae | Crotophaga ani | NA, MA, SA | s Florida to n Argentina | |
Snail-eating Coua (EX) i | Cuculidae | Coua delalandei † | AF | Nosy Boraha (=Ile Sainte-Marie, just e of ne Madagascar) | |
Solomons Brush Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis addendus | AU | Solomon Is. (except Rennell) | |
Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Surniculus lugubris | OR | nw Himalayas to se China, s to Malay Pen., Greater Sundas and Palawan group (s Philippines) | |
Squirrel Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Piaya cayana | MA, SA | widespread | |
St. Helena Cuckoo (EX) i | Cuculidae | Nannococcyx †† psix †† † | AO | St. Helena (tropical se Atlantic Ocean) | |
Striped Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Tapera naevia | MA, SA | s Mexico to n Argentina | |
Sulawesi Brush Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis virescens | AU | Sulawesi, Banggai and Sula is. (e of Sulawesi), Butung (=Buton) and Tukangbesi Is. (s, se of se Sulawesi) | |
Sulawesi Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cuculus crassirostris | AU | Sulawesi | |
Sumatran Ground Cuckoo (CR) i | Cuculidae | Carpococcyx viridis | OR | montane Sumatra | |
Sunda Brush Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cacomantis sepulcralis | OR | Malay Pen. to Greater and Lesser Sundas and sw Philippines | |
Sunda Coucal (VU) i | Cuculidae | Centropus nigrorufus | OR | Java | |
Sunda Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Cuculus lepidus | OR | montane Malay Pen., Greater and Lesser Sundas and Seram (ec Moluccas) | |
Thick-billed Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Pachycoccyx audeberti | AF | w, wc, se AF and Madagascar | |
Verreaux's Coua i U | Cuculidae | Coua verreauxi | AF | coastal far s Madagascar | |
Violaceous Coucal i U | Cuculidae | Centropus violaceus | AU | New Ireland and New Britain (e Bismarck Arch.) | |
Violet Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus | OR | ne India and se Asia to Philippines | |
White-browed Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus superciliosus | AF | e, sc, also sw Arabian Pen. | |
White-crowned Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Caliechthrus leucolophus | AU | Salawati (Raja Ampat Is., nw of New Guinea) and New Guinea | |
White-eared Bronze Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Chalcites meyerii | AU | montane Batanta (Raja Ampat Is., nw of New Guinea), New Guinea and Goodenough (D'Entrecasteaux Arch., e of se New Guinea) | |
White-necked Coucal i | Cuculidae | Centropus ateralbus | AU | New Ireland, Dyaul (=Djaul, s of w New Ireland), Umboi (w of New Britain), New Britain and Lolobau (n of e New Britain; e Bismarck Arch.) | |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo i | Cuculidae | Coccyzus americanus | NA, MA | s Canada to n Mexico and West Indies | SA |
Yellow-billed Malkoha i | Cuculidae | Rhamphococcyx calyorhynchus | AU | Sulawesi | |
Yellow-throated Cuckoo i U | Cuculidae | Chrysococcyx flavigularis | AF | Sierra Leone to Ghana, Cameroon to e DR Congo and Gabon | |
Sunbittern i | Eurypygidae | Eurypyga helias | MA, SA | Guatemala through Amazonia | |
Kagu (EN) i | Rhynochetidae | Rhynochetos jubatus | AU | Grande Terre (New Caledonia) | |
Brown Mesite (VU) i U | Mesitornithidae | Mesitornis unicolor | AF | e Madagascar | |
Subdesert Mesite (VU) i | Mesitornithidae | Monias benschi | AF | coastal sw Madagascar | |
White-breasted Mesite (VU) i | Mesitornithidae | Mesitornis variegatus | AF | patchily nw, ne, ce Madagascar | |
Bannerman's Turaco (EN) i U | Musophagidae | Tauraco bannermani | AF | nw Cameroon | |
Bare-faced Go-away-bird i | Musophagidae | Crinifer personatus | AF | e | |
Black-billed Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco schuettii | AF | c | |
Eastern Plantain-eater i | Musophagidae | Crinifer zonurus | AF | Chad and w Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia, s to ne DR Congo and nw Tanzania | |
Fischer's Turaco (NT) i | Musophagidae | Tauraco fischeri | AF | e | |
Great Blue Turaco i | Musophagidae | Corythaeola cristata | AF | Guinea-Bissau and Guinea to w Kenya, nw Tanzania and n Angola | |
Grey Go-away-bird i | Musophagidae | Crinifer concolor | AF | s | |
Guinea Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco persa | AF | wc, w | |
Hartlaub's Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco hartlaubi | AF | c Kenya to e Uganda and n Tanzania | |
Knysna Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco corythaix | AF | se | |
Livingstone's Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco livingstonii | AF | se | |
Purple-crested Turaco i | Musophagidae | Gallirex porphyreolophus | AF | se | |
Red-crested Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco erythrolophus | AF | Angola | |
Ross's Turaco i U | Musophagidae | Tauraco rossae | AF | Cameroon to South Sudan and w Kenya s to Angola and Botswana | |
Ruspoli's Turaco i U | Musophagidae | Menelikornis ruspolii | AF | montane sc Ethiopia | |
Rwenzori Turaco i | Musophagidae | Gallirex johnstoni | AF | c | |
Schalow's Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco schalowi | AF | Angola to sw Kenya, w Tanzania and Malawi | |
Violet Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco violaceus | AF | Senegal and Gambia to Chad and Central African Republic | |
Western Plantain-eater i | Musophagidae | Crinifer piscator | AF | Senegal and Gambia to Central African Republic and w DR Congo | |
White-bellied Go-away-bird i | Musophagidae | Crinifer leucogaster | AF | South Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia to n Tanzania | |
White-cheeked Turaco i U | Musophagidae | Menelikornis leucotis | AF | se Sudan, Eritrea, w, c Ethiopia | |
White-crested Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco leucolophus | AF | Nigeria and Cameroon to South Sudan and w Kenya | |
Yellow-billed Turaco i | Musophagidae | Tauraco macrorhynchus | AF | wc, w | |
Hoatzin i | Opisthocomidae | Opisthocomus hoazin | SA | Amazonia | |
African Houbara (VU) i | Otididae | Chlamydotis undulata | AF | n | |
Arabian Bustard (NT) i | Otididae | Ardeotis arabs | AF | w, c ne | |
Asian Houbara (VU) i | Otididae | Chlamydotis macqueenii | PAL | Middle East to c China | |
Australian Bustard i | Otididae | Ardeotis australis | AU | Trans-Fly (sc New Guinea) and Australia (except se, Tasmania) | |
Bengal Florican (CR) i | Otididae | Houbaropsis bengalensis | OR | s Nepal, ne India and s Vietnam | |
Black-bellied Bustard i | Otididae | Lissotis melanogaster | AF | widespread | |
Blue Korhaan (NT) i | Otididae | Eupodotis caerulescens | AF | e South Africa | |
Buff-crested Bustard i | Otididae | Lophotis gindiana | AF | Ethiopia and Somalia to n Tanzania | |
Denham's Bustard (NT) i | Otididae | Neotis denhami | AF | widespread | |
Great Bustard (EN) i | Otididae | Otis tarda | PAL | ec, wc | |
Great Indian Bustard (CR) i | Otididae | Ardeotis nigriceps | OR | India | |
Hartlaub's Bustard i | Otididae | Lissotis hartlaubii | AF | Sudan and South Sudan to Somalia and Kenya | |
Heuglin's Bustard i | Otididae | Neotis heuglinii | AF | Eritrea to Somalia and n Kenya | |
Karoo Korhaan i | Otididae | Heterotetrax vigorsii | AF | s | |
Kori Bustard (NT) i | Otididae | Ardeotis kori | AF | e, s | |
Lesser Florican (CR) i | Otididae | Sypheotides indicus | OR | India | |
Little Brown Bustard (NT) i | Otididae | Heterotetrax humilis | AF | e Ethiopia and n, c Somalia | |
Little Bustard (NT) i | Otididae | Tetrax tetrax | PAL | sw Europe and nw Africa to c Asia | n AF |
Ludwig's Bustard (EN) i | Otididae | Neotis ludwigii | AF | Angola, Namibia and South Africa | |
Northern Black Korhaan i | Otididae | Afrotis afraoides | AF | s | |
Nubian Bustard (NT) i | Otididae | Neotis nuba | AF | Mauritania to e Sudan | |
Red-crested Korhaan i | Otididae | Lophotis ruficrista | AF | Angola and Namibia to Mozambique, Swaziland and South Africa | |
Rueppell's Korhaan i | Otididae | Heterotetrax rueppelii | AF | sw | |
Savile's Bustard i U | Otididae | Lophotis savilei | AF | Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia to c Sudan | |
Southern Black Korhaan (VU) i | Otididae | Afrotis afra | AF | w, s South Africa | |
White-bellied Bustard i | Otididae | Eupodotis senegalensis | AF | widespread | |
Black-bellied Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles orientalis | PAL | sw, also n AF | |
Black-faced Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles decoratus | AF | e | |
Burchell's Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles burchelli | AF | s Angola and Namibia through Botswana to Zimbabwe and South Africa | |
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles exustus | AF, PAL, OR | w AF to India | |
Crowned Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles coronatus | AF, PAL | w AF to Pakistan | |
Double-banded Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles bicinctus | AF | s | |
Four-banded Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles quadricinctus | AF | Senegal and Gambia to Eritrea, Ethiopia and w Kenya | |
Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles lichtensteinii | AF, PAL | nw AF to Pakistan | |
Madagascar Sandgrouse i U | Pteroclidae | Pterocles personatus | AF | w, s Madagascar | |
Namaqua Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles namaqua | AF | Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa | |
Painted Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles indicus | OR | India | |
Pallas's Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Syrrhaptes paradoxus | PAL | w Kazakhstan to ne, ec China | |
Pin-tailed Sandgrouse i U | Pteroclidae | Pterocles alchata | PAL, AF | sw PAL and n AF | |
Spotted Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles senegallus | AF, PAL | nw AF to nw India | |
Tibetan Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Syrrhaptes tibetanus | PAL | Tajikistan through Tibet to wc China | |
Yellow-throated Sandgrouse i | Pteroclidae | Pterocles gutturalis | AF | e, sc | |
Amazonian Black-throated Trogon i U | Trogonidae | Trogon rufus | SA | Amazonia from se Colombia and s, e Venezuela, the Guianas, e Ecuador, e Peru and n, w, ec Brazil | |
Amazonian Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon ramonianus | SA | Amazonia | |
Atlantic Black-throated Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon chrysochloros | SA | e, s Brazil, Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Baird's Trogon (NT) i | Trogonidae | Trogon bairdii | MA | Costa Rica and Panama | |
Bar-tailed Trogon i | Trogonidae | Apaloderma vittatum | AF | se Nigeria and w Cameroon; c Angola, Uganda and e DR Congo, Kenya to Mozambique | |
Bare-cheeked Trogon i | Trogonidae | Apaloderma aequatoriale | AF | se Nigeria to s Gabon and c, ne DR Congo | |
Black-headed Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon melanocephalus | MA | se Mexico to n Costa Rica | |
Black-tailed Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon melanurus | MA, SA | Panama to Venezuela and Amazonia | |
Blue-crowned Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon curucui | SA | c, e | |
Choco Black-throated Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon cupreicauda | SA | w Colombia and w Ecuador | |
Choco Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon comptus | SA | w Colombia and nw Ecuador | |
Cinnamon-rumped Trogon (VU) i | Trogonidae | Harpactes orrhophaeus | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Citreoline Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon citreolus | MA | Mexico | |
Collared Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon collaris | MA, SA | e Mexico through Amazonia and se Brazil | |
Crested Quetzal i | Trogonidae | Pharomachrus antisianus | SA | Venezuela to n Bolivia | |
Cuban Trogon i | Trogonidae | Priotelus temnurus | NA | Cuba | |
Diard's Trogon (NT) i | Trogonidae | Harpactes diardii | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Eared Quetzal i U | Trogonidae | Euptilotis neoxenus | MA | w Mexico | |
Ecuadorian Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon mesurus | SA | w Ecuador and nw Peru | |
Elegant Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon elegans | NA, MA | sw USA to Costa Rica | |
Gartered Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon caligatus | MA, SA | e Mexico to nw SA | |
Golden-headed Quetzal i | Trogonidae | Pharomachrus auriceps | MA, SA | e Panama to n Bolivia | |
Green-backed Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon viridis | SA | Trinidad, Amazonia and se Brazil | |
Guianan Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon violaceus | SA | s Venezuela, n Brazil, the Guianas and Trinidad | |
Hispaniolan Trogon i | Trogonidae | Priotelus roseigaster | NA | Hispaniola | |
Javan Trogon (VU) i U | Trogonidae | Apalharpactes reinwardtii | OR | montane w Java | |
Lattice-tailed Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon clathratus | MA | Costa Rica and Panama | |
Malabar Trogon i U | Trogonidae | Harpactes fasciatus | OR | India and Sri Lanka | |
Masked Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon personatus | SA | Colombia to Peru and sc Venezuela | |
Mountain Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon mexicanus | MA | Mexico to Honduras | |
Narina Trogon i | Trogonidae | Apaloderma narina | AF | widespread | |
Northern Black-throated Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon tenellus | MA, SA | se Honduras to nw Colombia | |
Orange-breasted Trogon i | Trogonidae | Harpactes oreskios | OR | se Asia and Greater Sundas | |
Pavonine Quetzal i | Trogonidae | Pharomachrus pavoninus | SA | Amazonia | |
Philippine Trogon i | Trogonidae | Harpactes ardens | OR | Philippines (except West Visayas, Palawan group and Sulu Arch.) | |
Red-headed Trogon i | Trogonidae | Harpactes erythrocephalus | OR | Himalayas and s China to Sumatra | |
Red-naped Trogon (NT) i | Trogonidae | Harpactes kasumba | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Resplendent Quetzal (NT) i | Trogonidae | Pharomachrus mocinno | MA | s Mexico to w Panama | |
Scarlet-rumped Trogon (NT) i | Trogonidae | Harpactes duvaucelii | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra, Batu Is. (w of c Sumatra), Riau Is. (e of c Sumatra), Bangka and Belitung (e of s Sumatra), Natuna Is. (nw of Borneo) and Borneo | |
Slaty-tailed Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon massena | MA, SA | se Mexico to ne Ecuador | |
Sumatran Trogon i | Trogonidae | Apalharpactes mackloti | OR | montane Sumatra | |
Surucua Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon surrucura | SA | se | |
Ward's Trogon i | Trogonidae | Harpactes wardi | OR | ne India to n Vietnam | |
White-tailed Trogon i | Trogonidae | Trogon chionurus | MA, SA | Panama to w Ecuador | |
White-tipped Quetzal i | Trogonidae | Pharomachrus fulgidus | SA | n Venezuela and n Colombia | |
Whitehead's Trogon i | Trogonidae | Harpactes whiteheadi | OR | montane n Borneo | |
51% 243 species of 472 (3 extinct).