Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
Adamawa Turtle Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia hypopyrrha | AF | Senegal and Gambia, Nigeria and Cameroon | |
Afep Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba unicincta | AF | Guinea to Ghana; e Nigeria to Angola, DR Congo and Uganda | |
African Collared Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia roseogrisea | AF | ne, c, w; also sw Arabian Pen. | |
African Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron calvus | AF | widespread | |
African Olive Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba arquatrix | AF | Ethiopia to South Africa and Angola | |
Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove i U | Columbidae | Macropygia amboinensis | AU | c Moluccas to New Guinea and Bismarck Arch. | |
Amethyst Brown Dove i | Columbidae | Phapitreron amethystinus | OR | Philippines (except Palawan group and Sulu Arch.) | |
Andaman Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia rufipennis | OR | Andaman and Nicobar Is. | |
Andaman Green Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Treron chloropterus | OR | Andaman and Nicobar Is. | |
Andaman Wood Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Columba palumboides | OR | Andaman Is. | |
Ashy Wood Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba pulchricollis | OR | Himalayas to s China and Taiwan | |
Ashy-headed Green Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Treron phayrei | OR | se Asia and s China; w Indonesia? | |
Atoll Fruit Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus coralensis | PO | w, e Tuamotu Arch. (except Makatea; ne Polynesia) | |
Azuero Dove (VU) i | Columbidae | Leptotila battyi | MA | Panama | |
Band-tailed Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas fasciata | NA, MA, SA | sw British Columbia to nw Argentina | |
Banded Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus cinctus | AU | Bali and Lesser Sundas | |
Banggai Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus subgularis | AU | Banggai Is. (e of Sulawesi) | |
Bar-shouldered Dove i | Columbidae | Geopelia humeralis | AU | sc, se New Guinea and n, e Australia | |
Bar-tailed Cuckoo-Dove i U | Columbidae | Macropygia nigrirostris | AU | Yapen (Geelvink Bay is., nw New Guinea), New Guinea, Karkar (n of ne New Guinea), Goodenough and Fergusson (D'Entrecasteaux Arch., e of se New Guinea) and e Bismarck Arch. | |
Bare-eyed Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas corensis | SA | Colombia, Venezuela and Netherlands Antilles | |
Bare-faced Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Metriopelia ceciliae | SA | Peru to n Chile | |
Barking Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula latrans | PO | Fiji (sw Polynesia) | |
Barred Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia unchall | OR | widespread | |
Barred Dove i | Columbidae | Geopelia maugeus | AU | Sumbawa to Babar (Lesser Sundas) and s Moluccas | |
Barusan Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia modiglianii | OR | w Sumatran is. (except Enggano) | |
Beautiful Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus pulchellus | AU | Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea) and New Guinea | |
Black Cuckoo-Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Turacoena modesta | AU | Rote, Timor, Atauro and Wetar (e Lesser Sundas) | |
Black Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula melanochroa | AU | montane New Ireland, New Britain and satellites (e Bismarck Arch.) | |
Black Wood Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba janthina | PAL | islets sw of s Korean Pen., between s Korean Pen. and s Honshu (sw Japan), Izu Is. (e Japan), Ryukyu Is. (s Japan), and Bonin Is. (far se Japan), and islets off Taiwan | |
Black-banded Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus alligator | AU | Arnhem Land escarpment, c Top End, nc NT (nc Australia) | |
Black-billed Wood Dove i | Columbidae | Turtur abyssinicus | AF | Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia to Eritrea, Ethiopia and Uganda | |
Black-chinned Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus leclancheri | OR | Philippines and Taiwan | |
Black-naped Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus melanospilus | OR, AU | Java region, w, c Lesser Sundas, Sulawesi region and s Philippines | |
Black-winged Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Metriopelia melanoptera | SA | Colombia to s Chile | |
Blue Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Claravis pretiosa | MA, SA | e Mexico to n Argentina and se Brazil | |
Blue-capped Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus monacha | AU | Morotai to Obi (n Moluccas) and Damar (ne Lesser Sundas) | |
Blue-eyed Ground Dove (CR) i | Columbidae | Columbina cyanopis | SA | sc Brazil | |
Blue-headed Quail-Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Starnoenas cyanocephala | NA | Cuba | |
Blue-headed Wood Dove i | Columbidae | Turtur brehmeri | AF | w, c | |
Blue-spotted Wood Dove i | Columbidae | Turtur afer | AF | Senegal and Gambia to Eritrea, Ethiopia and Uganda, s to Angola, n South Africa and Mozambique | |
Bolle's Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba bollii | AF | El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera and Tenerife; formerly also Gran Canaria (w, c Canary Is., c Macaronesia, nw of n Africa) | |
Bonin Wood Pigeon (EX) i | Columbidae | Columba versicolor † | PAL | Bonin Is. (=Ogasawara I., se Japan) | |
Bridled Quail-Dove i | Columbidae | Geotrygon mystacea | NA | Lesser Antilles | |
Bronze Ground Dove i U | Columbidae | Pampusana beccarii | AU | New Guinea mts., e Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Brown Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia phasianella | AU | e Australia | |
Bruce's Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron waalia | AF, PAL | sw Arabian Pen., Senegal and Gambia to Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Socotra and Uganda | |
Brush Bronzewing i | Columbidae | Phaps elegans | AU | s Australia | |
Buff-fronted Quail-Dove i | Columbidae | Zentrygon costaricensis | MA | Costa Rica and Panama | |
Burmese Collared Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia xanthocycla | OR | c Myanmar | |
Buru Green Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Treron aromaticus | OR | Buru (wc Moluccas) | |
Buru Mountain Pigeon i | Columbidae | Gymnophaps mada | AU | montane Buru (wc Moluccas) | |
Cameroon Olive Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba sjostedti | AF | Cameroon | |
Caribbean Dove i | Columbidae | Leptotila jamaicensis | NA, MA | Jamaica, Cayman Is. and Yucatán Pen. | |
Carunculated Fruit Dove (VU) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus granulifrons | AU | Obi (nc Moluccas) | |
Chatham Islands Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Hemiphaga chathamensis | AU | Chatham Is. (e of South I., New Zealand) | |
Chestnut-bellied Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula brenchleyi | AU | Guadalcanal, Malaita and Makira and satellites (sc, se Solomon Is.) | |
Chestnut-quilled Rock Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Petrophassa rufipennis | AU | nc Top End, n NT (nc Australia) | |
Chilean Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas araucana | SA | Chile and w Argentina | |
Chiriqui Quail-Dove i | Columbidae | Zentrygon chiriquensis | MA | Costa Rica and Panama | |
Choiseul Pigeon (EX) i | Columbidae | Microgourameeki † | AU | Choiseul (ne Solomon Is.) | |
Christmas Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula whartoni | OR | Christmas I. (s of w Java) | |
Cinnamon Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Gallicolumba rufigula | AU | New Guinea and some satellites | |
Cinnamon-bellied Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula basilica | AU | n Moluccas | |
Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Treron fulvicollis | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Claret-breasted Fruit Dove i U | Columbidae | Ptilinopus viridis | AU | c Moluccas, Bird's Head and Neck (nw New Guinea), n coastal New Guinea and satellites and Solomon Is. | |
Cloven-feathered Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Drepanoptila holosericea | AU | Grande Terre and Ile des Pins (New Caledonia) | |
Collared Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula mullerii | AU | Aru Is. (sw of New Guinea), wc, n, sc, se New Guinea and Boigu and Saibai (n Torres Strait is., far ne Australia) | |
Common Bronzewing i | Columbidae | Phaps chalcoptera | AU | Australia and Tasmania | |
Common Emerald Dove i | Columbidae | Chalcophaps indica | OR, AU | India and Sri Lanka e of se China, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesian Arch. and Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea) | |
Common Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Columbina passerina | NA, MA, SA | s USA to se Brazil | |
Common Wood Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba palumbus | PAL | w, sw | |
Comoro Blue Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Alectroenas sganzini | AF | Comoros and Aldabra (sw Seychelles) | |
Comoro Green Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Treron griveaudi | AF | Mohéli (=Mwali; wc Comoros) | |
Comoro Olive Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Columba pollenii | AF | Comoros | |
Coroneted Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus coronulatus | AU | New Guinea and satellites | |
Cream-breasted Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus merrilli | OR | Luzon group (n Philippines) | |
Crested Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Reinwardtoena crassirostris | AU | montane Bougainville to Makira and satellites (n to se Solomon Is.) | |
Crested Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ocyphaps lophotes | AU | Australia (except n, Tasmania) | |
Crested Quail-Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Geotrygon versicolor | NA | Jamaica | |
Crimson-crowned Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus porphyraceus | PO | islets of Fiji (sw Polynesia), Wallis and Futuna (ne of Fiji), Tonga, Samoa and Niue (c Polynesia) | |
Croaking Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Columbina cruziana | SA | n Ecuador to n Chile | |
Dark-backed Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula lacernulata | OR, AU | montane Java, Bali and Lombok to Flores (w, c Lesser Sundas) | |
Diamond Dove i | Columbidae | Geopelia cuneata | AU | Australia (except s, Tasmania) | |
Dodo (EX) i | Columbidae | Raphuscucullatus † | IO | Mauritius (c Mascarenes) | |
Dusky Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas goodsoni | SA | w Colombia and nw Ecuador | |
Dusky Turtle Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia lugens | AF, PAL | South Sudan and Ethiopia to Malawi; Saudi Arabia and Yemen | |
Dwarf Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus nainus | AU | Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea), Bird's Head and Neck (nw New Guinea), ne, se New Guinea, and s watershed of wc to ec New Guinea | |
Eared Dove i | Columbidae | Zenaida auriculata | SA | widespread | |
Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba delegorguei | AF | e, se | |
Ecuadorian Ground Dove i U | Columbidae | Columbina buckleyi | SA | Ecuador and nw Peru | |
Elegant Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula concinna | AU | islets of Wallacea: Sangihe and Talaud is. (n of ne Sulawesi), Flores Sea is. s of Sulawesi, Lesser Sundas e from Romang (e of Timor), Banda, Manuk, Kai and Tanimbar is. (s Moluccas), Aru Is. (sw of New Guinea) and islets off Bomberai Pen., Bird's Neck (n | |
Emerald-spotted Wood Dove i | Columbidae | Turtur chalcospilos | AF | Ethiopia and Somalia to Angola, Namibia and South Africa | |
Enggano Cuckoo-Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Macropygia cinnamomea | OR | Enggano (w of s Sumatra) | |
Enggano Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula oenothorax | OR | Enggano (w of s Sumatra) | |
Eurasian Collared Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia decaocto | PAL, OR | w Europe to India, e China and Korean Pen. | |
European Turtle Dove (VU) i | Columbidae | Streptopelia turtur | PAL | w, c | AF |
Finsch's Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula finschii | AU | Lavongai (=New Hanover), New Ireland, Umboi (w of New Britain) and New Britain (e Bismarck Arch.) | |
Flame-breasted Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus marchei | OR | montane Luzon (n Philippines) | |
Flock Bronzewing i | Columbidae | Phaps histrionica | AU | WA to nw NSW (nc Australia) | |
Flores Green Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Treron floris | AU | Lombok to Alor (w, c Lesser Sundas) | |
Flores Sea Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia macassariensis | AU | Flores Sea is. s of Sulawesi | |
Galapagos Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Zenaida galapagoensis | SA | Galápagos | |
Geelvink Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus speciosus | AU | Numfor, Biak and nearby islands (Geelvink Bay is., nw New Guinea) | |
Geelvink Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula geelvinkiana | AU | Numfor, Meos Num and Biak (Geelvink Bay is., nw New Guinea) | |
Golden Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus luteovirens | PO | Vitu Levu, Beqa, Ovalau and Gau (wc Fiji, sw Polynesia) | |
Golden-spotted Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Metriopelia aymara | SA | sc Peru to n Chile | |
Goliath Imperial Pigeon (NT) i U | Columbidae | Ducula goliath | AU | Grande Terre and Ile des Pins (New Caledonia) | |
Great Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Reinwardtoena reinwardti | AU | Moluccas and New Guinea region | |
Green Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula aenea | OR | widespread | |
Grenada Dove (CR) i | Columbidae | Leptotila wellsi | NA | Grenada | |
Grey Imperial Pigeon (VU) i U | Columbidae | Ducula pickeringii | OR | islets off ne Borneo, Talaud Is. (ne of ne Sulawesi), Miangas (far n Indonesia, se of Mindanao) and Sulu Sea islets (far s Philippines) | |
Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron griseicauda | OR, AU | Java and Sulawesi regions | |
Grey-chested Dove i | Columbidae | Leptotila cassinii | MA, SA | Guatemala to n Colombia | |
Grey-fronted Dove i | Columbidae | Leptotila rufaxilla | SA | Colombia to ne Argentina | |
Grey-fronted Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron affinis | OR | sw India | |
Grey-fronted Quail-Dove (VU) i | Columbidae | Geotrygon caniceps | NA | Cuba | |
Grey-green Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus purpuratus | PO | e Society Is. (e Polynesia) | |
Grey-headed Dove i | Columbidae | Leptotila plumbeiceps | MA, SA | e Mexico to w Colombia | |
Grey-headed Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus hyogastrus | AU | Morotai to Bacan (n Moluccas) | |
Grey-headed Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula radiata | AU | montane Sulawesi | |
Henderson Fruit Dove (VU) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus insularis | PO | Henderson (c Pitcairn group, se Polynesia) | |
Hill Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba rupestris | PAL | c, e | |
Inca Dove i | Columbidae | Columbina inca | NA, MA | sw USA to Costa Rica | |
Island Bronze-naped Pigeon (NT) i U | Columbidae | Columba malherbii | AF | Príncipe, São Tomé and Annobón (c, s Gulf of Guinea is.) | |
Island Imperial Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Ducula pistrinaria | AU | islands n, e of New Guinea to Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Jambu Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus jambu | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra, Nias (w of n Sumatra), Riau Is. (e of c Sumatra), Bangka and Belitung (e of s Sumatra) and Borneo | |
Key West Quail-Dove i | Columbidae | Geotrygon chrysia | NA | West Indies | |
Knob-billed Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus insolitus | AU | Bismarck Arch. except Admiralty Is. | |
Kosrae Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus hernsheimi | PO | Kosrae (e Caroline Is., c Micronesia) | |
Large Green Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Treron capellei | OR | Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Laughing Dove i | Columbidae | Spilopelia senegalensis | AF, PAL, OR | India and c Asia to s Arabian Pen. and AF | |
Laurel Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Columba junoniae | AF | El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera and Tenerife (w, c Canary Is., c Macaronesia, nw of n Africa) | |
Lemon Dove i | Columbidae | Columba larvata | AF | widespread | |
Lilac-crowned Fruit Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus rarotongensis | PO | Rarotonga and Atiu (s Cook Is., e Polynesia) | |
Lined Quail-Dove i | Columbidae | Zentrygon linearis | SA | n, c, e Colombia to ne Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago | |
Little Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia ruficeps | OR | widespread, also Lesser Sundas | |
Little Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron olax | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra, Riau Is. (e of c Sumatra), Bangka and Belitung (e of s Sumatra), Natuna Is. (nw of Borneo) and Borneo | |
Long-tailed Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Uropelia campestris | SA | nc, c, wc Brazil and n, e Bolivia | |
Luzon Bleeding-heart (NT) i | Columbidae | Gallicolumba luzonica | OR | Luzon group (n Philippines) | |
Madagascar Blue Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Alectroenas madagascariensis | AF | nw, c, e Madagascar | |
Madagascar Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron australis | AF | Madagascar | |
Makatea Fruit Dove (VU) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus chalcurus | PO | Makatea (nw Tuamotu Arch., ne Polynesia) | |
Malabar Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula cuprea | OR | sw India | |
Malagasy Turtle Dove i | Columbidae | Nesoenas picturatus | AF | Madagascar region and (perhaps introduced) Chagos Arch. (wc Indian Ocean) | |
Many-colored Fruit Dove i U | Columbidae | Ptilinopus perousii | PO | Fiji (sw Polynesia), Tonga and Samoa (c Polynesia) | |
Maranon Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Patagioenas oenops | SA | Ecuador and Peru | |
Mariana Fruit Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus roseicapilla | PO | Saipan, Tinian, Agiguan and Rota (s Northern Mariana Is., w Micronesia) and Guam (s Mariana Is., where extinct) | |
Maroon-chested Ground Dove i U | Columbidae | Paraclaravis mondetoura | MA, SA | se Mexico to wc Bolivia | |
Marquesan Ground Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Pampusana rubescens | PO | Fatu Uku and Hatutaa (Marquesas Is., ne Polynesia) | |
Mauritius Blue Pigeon (EX) i | Columbidae | Alectroenas nitidissimus † | IO | Mauritius (c Mascarenes) | |
Metallic Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba vitiensis | OR, AU, PO | Philippines to Samoa (c Polynesia) | |
Micronesian Imperial Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Ducula oceanica | PO | Palau, Yap (where perhaps introduced) and Chuuk, Pohnpei and Kosrae (Caroline Is., w, c Micronesia) and Marshall Is. (e Micronesia, where probably extinct) | |
Mindanao Bleeding-heart (VU) i | Columbidae | Gallicolumba crinigera | OR | East Visayas, Mindanao group, and Jolo (n Sulu Arch.; ec, s, sw Philippines) | |
Mindanao Brown Dove (VU) i | Columbidae | Phapitreron brunneiceps | OR | Mindanao and Basilan (s Philippines) | |
Mindoro Bleeding-heart (CR) i | Columbidae | Gallicolumba platenae | OR | Mindoro (nw Philippines) | |
Mindoro Imperial Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Ducula mindorensis | OR | montane Mindoro (Philippines) | |
Moreno's Ground Dove i U | Columbidae | Metriopelia morenoi | SA | nw Argentina | |
Mountain Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula badia | OR | Himalayas from Nepal to s China, Hainan, se Asia, Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Mourning Collared Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia decipiens | AF | widespread | |
Mourning Dove i | Columbidae | Zenaida macroura | NA, MA | widespread | |
Namaqua Dove i | Columbidae | Oena capensis | AF, PAL | widespread in Africa. Also Middle East from Cyprus to sw Iran | |
Negros Bleeding-heart (CR) i | Columbidae | Gallicolumba keayi | OR | Negros and Panay, West Visayas (wc Philippines) | |
Negros Fruit Dove (CR) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus arcanus | OR | Negros (West Visayas, wc Philippines; known from single specimen) | |
New Britain Bronzewing (VU) i | Columbidae | Henicophaps foersteri | AU | Umboi (w of New Britain), New Britain and Lolobau (w of ne New Britain; se Bismarck Arch.) | |
New Guinea Bronzewing i | Columbidae | Henicophaps albifrons | AU | New Guinea and some w satellites | |
New Zealand Pigeon i | Columbidae | Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae | AU | North, South and Stewart is. (New Zealand) and formerly Norfolk I. (far e of Australia) | |
Nicobar Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula nicobarica | OR | Nicobar Is. | |
Nicobar Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Caloenas nicobarica | OR, AU | Andaman and Nicobar is. to Philippines, Indonesian Arch., New Guinea satellites, Bismarck Arch., Solomon Is. and Palau (w Caroline Is., w Micronesia) | |
Nilgiri Wood Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Columba elphinstonii | OR | sw India | |
Norfolk Ground Dove (EX) i | Columbidae | Pampusana norfolkensis † | PO | Norfolk I. (far e of Australia) | |
Nuku Hiva Imperial Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Ducula galeata | PO | Nuku Hiva (c Marquesas Is., ne Polynesia) | |
Oberholser's Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus gularis | AU | Sulawesi | |
Ochre-bellied Dove (VU) i U | Columbidae | Leptotila ochraceiventris | SA | Ecuador and Peru | |
Olive-backed Quail-Dove i | Columbidae | Leptotrygon veraguensis | MA, SA | Costa Rica to nw Ecuador | |
Orange Dove i U | Columbidae | Ptilinopus victor | PO | nc Fiji (sw Polynesia) | |
Orange-bellied Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus iozonus | AU | New Guinea and many satellites | |
Orange-breasted Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron bicinctus | OR | India and Sri Lanka to se Asia, Hainan, n Malay Pen., Java and Bali | |
Orange-fronted Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus aurantiifrons | AU | New Guinea (except Huon Pen.) and many satellites | |
Oriental Turtle Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia orientalis | PAL, OR | c, e Asia through India and se Asia | |
Ornate Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus ornatus | AU | New Guinea | |
Pacific Emerald Dove i | Columbidae | Chalcophaps longirostris | AU | se Lesser Sundas, n, c Australia, e New Guinea and se satellites to Vanuatu and New Caledonia | |
Pacific Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula pacifica | PO | islands n and se of New Guinea, Bismarck Arch. to Cook Is. | |
Palau Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus pelewensis | PO | Palau (w Caroline Is., w Micronesia) | |
Palau Ground Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Pampusana canifrons | PO | Palau (w Caroline Is., w Micronesia) | |
Pale Mountain Pigeon i | Columbidae | Gymnophaps solomonensis | AU | Bougainville, Kolombangara, Vangunu, Guadalcanal and Malaita (n to sc Solomon Is.) | |
Pale-capped Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Columba punicea | OR | ne India through se Asia | |
Pale-vented Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas cayennensis | MA, SA | s Mexico to n Argentina | |
Pallid Dove i U | Columbidae | Leptotila pallida | SA | Colombia and Ecuador | |
Papuan Mountain Pigeon i | Columbidae | Gymnophaps albertisii | AU | montane Bacan (n Moluccas), Yapen (Geelvink Bay is., nw New Guinea), New Guinea and D'Entrecasteaux Arch. (e of se New Guinea) | |
Partridge Pigeon i | Columbidae | Geophaps smithii | AU | nc Australia | |
Passenger Pigeon (EX) i | Columbidae | Ectopistesmigratorius † | NA | sc, se Canada and c, e USA | |
Peaceful Dove i | Columbidae | Geopelia placida | AU | sc, ne, se New Guinea and Australia (except sw, Tasmania) | |
Pemba Green Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Treron pembaensis | AF | Pemba I. (off Tanzania) | |
Pheasant Pigeon i | Columbidae | Otidiphaps nobilis | AU | New Guinea and some larger satellites | |
Philippine Collared Dove (VU) i U | Columbidae | Streptopelia dusumieri | OR | Philippines | |
Philippine Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia tenuirostris | OR | Philippines; Borneo | |
Philippine Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron axillaris | OR | Philippines (except Palawan group) | |
Picazuro Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas picazuro | SA | se | |
Picui Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Columbina picui | SA | ne Brazil to c Chile and s Argentina | |
Pied Cuckoo-Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Reinwardtoena browni | AU | Admiralty Is., Lavongai (=New Hanover), New Ireland and New Britain and satellites (nw, e Bismarck Arch.) | |
Pied Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula bicolor | OR | Andaman Is., se Asia, Philippines, Indonesian Arch., Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea) and coasts of Bird's Head and Neck (nw New Guinea) | |
Pin-tailed Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron apicauda | OR | n India to se Asia | |
Pink Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Nesoenas mayeri | IO | Réunion (formerly) and Mauritius (w, c Mascarenes) | |
Pink-bellied Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula poliocephala | OR | Philippines (except Palawan group) | |
Pink-headed Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus porphyreus | OR | montane Sumatra, Java and Bali | |
Pink-headed Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula rosacea | AU | Java Sea is. from Seribu to Karamian (=Arends) and Masalembu, Kangean Is. (n of Bali), Flores Sea is. s of Sulawesi, Satonda (n of e Sumba) to Babar (Lesser Sundas), scattered islets in n Moluccas and Tayandu, Kai and Tanimbar is. (s Moluccas) | |
Pink-necked Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron vernans | OR, AU | se Asia to Philippines, Sulawesi region, w, c Lesser Sundas and n Moluccas | |
Pink-spotted Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus perlatus | AU | New Guinea and many satellites | |
Pinon's Imperial Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Ducula pinon | AU | New Guinea and satellites | |
Plain Pigeon (NT) i U | Columbidae | Patagioenas inornata | NA | Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico | |
Plain-breasted Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Columbina minuta | MA, SA | widespread | |
Plumbeous Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas plumbea | SA | Colombia to se Brazil | |
Polynesian Ground Dove (CR) i | Columbidae | Pampusana erythroptera | PO | Tuamotu Arch. (formerly also Society Is.; e Polynesia) | |
Polynesian Imperial Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Ducula aurorae | PO | Makatea (w Tuamotu Arch.) and formerly Society Is. | |
Purple Quail-Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Geotrygon purpurata | SA | nw Colombia to nw Ecuador | |
Purple-capped Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus ponapensis | PO | Chuuk (=Truk, c Caroline Is.) and Pohnpei (=Ponape, e Caroline Is., c Micronesia) | |
Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Ducula rufigaster | AU | Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea), Yapen (Geelvink Bay is., nw New Guinea) and New Guinea | |
Purple-winged Ground Dove (CR) i | Columbidae | Paraclaravis geoffroyi | SA | se Brazil, e Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Purplish-backed Quail-Dove i U | Columbidae | Zentrygon lawrencii | MA | Costa Rica and Panama | |
Raiatea Fruit Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus chrysogaster | PO | Bora Bora, Huahine, Raiatea, Tahaa and (formerly) Maupiti (wc Society Is., e Polynesia) | |
Rapa Fruit Dove (CR) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus huttoni | PO | Rapa (e Tubuai=Austral Is., se Polynesia) | |
Red Collared Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia tranquebarica | OR | widespread | |
Red-bellied Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus greyi | AU | Ndai (=Gower; n of Malaita, sc Solomon Is.), Temotu (=Santa Cruz Is., se Solomon Is.), and Vanuatu to New Caledonia (including Loyalty Is.) | |
Red-billed Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas flavirostris | MA | widespread | |
Red-eared Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus fischeri | AU | montane Sulawesi | |
Red-eyed Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia semitorquata | AF, PAL | widespread s of the Sahara, Saudi Arabia and Yemen | |
Red-knobbed Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula rubricera | AU | Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Red-moustached Fruit Dove (EX) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus mercierii † | PO | Marquesas Is. (ne Polynesia) | |
Red-naped Fruit Dove (VU) i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus dohertyi | AU | Sumba (sw Lesser Sundas) | |
Ring-necked Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia capicola | AF | e, s; also Comoros | |
Ring-tailed Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Patagioenas caribaea | NA | Jamaica | |
Rock Dove i | Columbidae | Columba livia | Worldwide | worldwide due largely to introductions; native to s Eurasia, n Africa to India | |
Rodrigues Pigeon (EX) i | Columbidae | Nesoenas rodericanus †† † | IO | Rodrigues (e Mascarenes) | |
Rodrigues Solitaire (EX) i | Columbidae | Pezophapssolitaria † | IO | Rodrigues | |
Rose-crowned Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus regina | AU | c, e Lesser Sundas and n, e Australia | |
Ruddy Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia emiliana | OR | Krakatau (w of Java), Java, Bali and Lombok to Flores (w, c Lesser Sundas) | |
Ruddy Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Columbina talpacoti | MA, SA | widespread | |
Ruddy Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas subvinacea | MA, SA | Costa Rica through Amazonia | |
Ruddy Quail-Dove i | Columbidae | Geotrygon montana | MA, SA | widespread | |
Rufescent Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula chalconota | AU | New Guinea | |
Russet-crowned Quail-Dove (NT) i U | Columbidae | Zentrygon goldmani | MA, SA | e Panama and nw Colombia | |
Ryukyu Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron permagnus | PAL | Ryukyu Is. (s Japan) | |
Ryukyu Wood Pigeon (EX) i | Columbidae | Columba jouyi † | PAL | Okinawa and Daito I., Ryukyu Is. (s Japan) | |
Santa Cruz Ground Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Pampusana sanctaecrucis | AU | Tinakula and Utupua (Temotu=Santa Cruz Is., se Solomon Is.) and Santo (n Vanuatu) | |
Sao Tome Green Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Treron sanctithomae | AF | São Tomé (sc Gulf of Guinea Is.) | |
Sao Tome Olive Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Columba thomensis | AF | montane São Tomé (sc Gulf of Guinea Is.) | |
Sapphire Quail-Dove i U | Columbidae | Geotrygon saphirina | SA | Colombia to se Peru | |
Scaled Dove i | Columbidae | Columbina squammata | SA | n, e | |
Scaled Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas speciosa | MA, SA | s Mexico to s Brazil | |
Scaly-naped Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas squamosa | NA | West Indies | |
Scarlet-breasted Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus bernsteinii | AU | n Moluccas | |
Scheepmaker's Crowned Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Goura scheepmakeri | AU | s watershed of se New Guinea | |
Sclater's Crowned Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Goura sclaterii | AU | sc New Guinea (except Trans-Fly) | |
Seram Imperial Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Ducula neglecta | AU | Seram, Boano (nw of Seram), Ambon and Saparua (s of w Seram; ec Moluccas) | |
Seram Mountain Pigeon i | Columbidae | Gymnophaps stalkeri | AU | montane Seram (ec Moluccas) | |
Seychelles Blue Pigeon i | Columbidae | Alectroenas pulcherrimus | AF | Inner Is. (ne Seychelles Is.) | |
Short-billed Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas nigrirostris | MA, SA | se Mexico to nw Colombia | |
Shy Ground Dove (VU) i | Columbidae | Pampusana stairi | PO | Fiji (sw Polynesia), Wallis and Futuna (ne of Fiji), Savaii, Upolu and Aleipata (e of Upolu, w Samoa), Manua group (American Samoa, c Polynesia) and Tonga (sc Polynesia) | |
Silver-capped Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus richardsii | AU | s Solomon Is. | |
Silver-tipped Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula luctuosa | AU | Sulawesi and satellites, Banggai and Sula is. (e of Sulawesi) | |
Silvery Pigeon (CR) i | Columbidae | Columba argentina | OR | w Sumatran islands; formerly Anambas (e of Malay Pen.), Riau and Lingga is. (e of c Sumatra), Natunas (nw of Borneo) and Karimata Is. (w of w Borneo) | |
Snow Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba leuconota | PAL | sc, se | |
Socorro Dove (EW) i | Columbidae | Zenaida graysoni | MA | Socorro I. | |
Somali Pigeon (DD) i | Columbidae | Columba oliviae | AF | coastal ne Somalia | |
Sombre Pigeon i | Columbidae | Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa | AU | montane Sulawesi | |
Speckled Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba guinea | AF | widespread | |
Speckled Wood Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Columba hodgsonii | OR | Himalayas to Myanmar | |
Spectacled Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula perspicillata | AU | Morotai to Obi (n Moluccas), Buru (wc Moluccas) and Kofiau (Raja Ampat Is., nw of New Guinea) | |
Spice Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula myristicivora | AU | Widi Is. (e of se Halmahera, n Moluccas; 1 old record), Gebe (nw of New Guinea) and Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea) | |
Spinifex Pigeon i | Columbidae | Geophaps plumifera | AU | wc to ec Australia | |
Spot-breasted Cuckoo-Dove i U | Columbidae | Macropygia mackinlayi | AU | Bismarck Arch. to Vanuatu | |
Spot-winged Pigeon i | Columbidae | Patagioenas maculosa | SA | c Peru to se Brazil and sc Argentina | |
Spotted Dove i | Columbidae | Spilopelia chinensis | OR | widespread | |
Spotted Green Pigeon (EX) i | Columbidae | Caloenas maculata † | PO | Unknown s Pacific island? | |
Spotted Imperial Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Ducula carola | OR | Philippines (except East Visayas, Palawan group and Sulu Arch.) | |
Squatter Pigeon i | Columbidae | Geophaps scripta | AU | ne, ec Australia | |
Sri Lanka Green Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Treron pompadora | OR | Sri Lanka | |
Sri Lanka Wood Pigeon (VU) i U | Columbidae | Columba torringtoniae | OR | Sri Lanka | |
Stephan's Emerald Dove i | Columbidae | Chalcophaps stephani | AU | Sulawesi to New Guinea and satellites, Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Stock Dove i | Columbidae | Columba oenas | PAL | w, sw | |
Sula Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Turacoena sulaensis | AU | Banggai and Sula is. (e of Sulawesi) | |
Sula Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus mangoliensis | AU | Sula Is. (e of Sulawesi) | |
Sulawesi Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Gallicolumba tristigmata | AU | Sulawesi | |
Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia doreya | AU | n Moluccas, Sulawesi to n New Guinea and w Papuan is. | |
Sulu Bleeding-heart (CR) i | Columbidae | Gallicolumba menagei | OR | Tawitawi (s Sulu Arch., s Philippines) | |
Sumatran Green Pigeon (NT) i U | Columbidae | Treron oxyurus | OR | montane Sumatra and w Java | |
Sumba Green Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Treron teysmannii | AU | Sumba (sw Lesser Sundas) | |
Sunda Collared Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia bitorquata | OR, AU | Java, Bali and Lombok to Timor (Lesser Sundas) | |
Superb Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus superbus | AU | Sulawesi to e Australia, Bismarck Arch. and ec Solomon Is. | |
Taiwan Green Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Treron formosae | OR | Taiwan and far n Philippines | |
Tambourine Dove i | Columbidae | Turtur tympanistria | AF | Guinea to Ethiopia, s to Angola, Zambia and South Africa, and Comoros | |
Tanimbar Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia timorlaoensis | AU | Tanimbar Is. (s Moluccas) | |
Tanna Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus tannensis | AU | Banks Is. to s Vanuatu | |
Tanna Ground Dove (EX) i | Columbidae | Pampusana ferruginea † | PO | Tanna (s Vanuatu) | |
Tawitawi Brown Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Phapitreron cinereiceps | OR | Tawitawi (s Sulu Arch., s Philippines) | |
Thick-billed Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron curvirostra | OR | widespread | |
Thick-billed Ground Dove (EX) i | Columbidae | Pampusana salamonis † | AU | Makira and Ramos (n of Isabel; se Solomon Is.) | |
Thick-billed Ground Pigeon i | Columbidae | Trugon terrestris | AU | Salawati (Raja Ampat Is., nw of New Guinea) and New Guinea | |
Timor Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Macropygia magna | AU | Timor, Alor, Wetar, Romang, Kisar, Leti, Moa and Sermata (e Lesser Sundas) | |
Timor Green Pigeon (EN) i | Columbidae | Treron psittaceus | AU | Roti, Semau, Timor and Atauro (e Lesser Sundas) | |
Timor Imperial Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Ducula cineracea | AU | Timor and Wetar (e Lesser Sundas) | |
Tolima Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Leptotila conoveri | SA | Colombia | |
Tooth-billed Pigeon (CR) i | Columbidae | Didunculus strigirostris | PO | Savaii and Upolu (w Samoa, c Polynesia) | |
Topknot Pigeon i | Columbidae | Lopholaimus antarcticus | AU | ne Cape York Pen., ne QLD to far e VIC (e Australia) | |
Torresian Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula spilorrhoa | AU | nw, ne, s, se New Guinea and satellites, and Torres Strait is., coastal ne WA to ec QLD (n Australia) | |
Trocaz Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba trocaz | AF | Madeira (w Madeira group, nc Macaronesia, nw of n Africa) | |
Tuxtla Quail-Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Zentrygon carrikeri | MA | se Mexico | |
Vanuatu Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula bakeri | AU | Banks Is. to Ambrym (n to c Vanuatu) | |
Victoria Crowned Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Goura victoria | AU | Geelvink Bay is. (nw New Guinea) and nc to ne, se New Guinea | |
Vinaceous Dove i | Columbidae | Streptopelia vinacea | AF | Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia to Eritrea, Ethiopia and Uganda | |
Violaceous Quail-Dove i U | Columbidae | Geotrygon violacea | MA, SA | Nicaragua to Venezuela and e, c SA | |
Wallace's Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus wallacii | AU | Banda, Kai and Tanimbar is. and intervening islets (s Moluccas), Babar (far e Lesser Sundas), Aru Is. (sw of New Guinea) and coastal sw New Guinea | |
Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron sphenurus | OR | n India to c China, se Asia, Bali and Lombok (w Lesser Sundas) | |
West Peruvian Dove i | Columbidae | Zenaida meloda | SA | Ecuador to n Chile | |
Western Bronze-naped Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba iriditorques | AF | Guinea and Sierra Leone to Uganda, DR Congo and Angola | |
Western Crowned Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Goura cristata | AU | Raja Ampat Is. (nw of New Guinea) and Bird's Head and Neck (nw New Guinea) | |
Wetar Ground Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Pampusana hoedtii | AU | Timor and Wetar (e Lesser Sundas) | |
Whistling Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus layardi | PO | Kadavu and Ono (sw Fiji, sw Polynesia) | |
White-bellied Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron sieboldii | PAL, OR | Japan to se Asia | |
White-bellied Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula forsteni | AU | montane Sulawesi, Togian Is. (between ne and ec Sulawesi), Banggai and Sula is. (e of Sulawesi) | |
White-bibbed Fruit Dove i U | Columbidae | Ptilinopus rivoli | AU | c, s Moluccas, New Guinea and satellites and Bismarck Arch. | |
White-breasted Ground Dove i | Columbidae | Pampusana jobiensis | AU | New Guinea and some satellites, e Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
White-capped Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus dupetithouarsii | PO | Marquesas Is. (ne Polynesia) | |
White-collared Pigeon i U | Columbidae | Columba albitorques | AF | montane Eritrea and Ethiopia | |
White-crowned Pigeon (NT) i | Columbidae | Patagioenas leucocephala | NA, MA | s Florida to West Indies and e MA | |
White-eared Brown Dove i | Columbidae | Phapitreron leucotis | OR | Philippines (except Palawan group) | |
White-faced Cuckoo-Dove i | Columbidae | Turacoena manadensis | AU | Sulawesi and satellites | |
White-faced Quail-Dove i U | Columbidae | Zentrygon albifacies | MA | e Mexico to Nicaragua | |
White-fronted Ground Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Pampusana kubaryi | PO | Chuuk (=Truk, c Caroline Is.) and Pohnpei (=Ponape, e Caroline Is., c Micronesia) | |
White-fronted Quail-Dove (EN) i | Columbidae | Geotrygon leucometopia | NA | Dominican Republic | |
White-headed Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus eugeniae | AU | Makira (=San Cristobal) and small satellites (se Solomon Is.) | |
White-headed Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba leucomela | AU | se Cape York Pen., ne QLD to se VIC (e Australia) | |
White-naped Pigeon i | Columbidae | Columba albinucha | AF | Cameroon; e DR Congo, w Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi | |
White-quilled Rock Pigeon i | Columbidae | Petrophassa albipennis | AU | nc Australia (except Top End) | |
White-throated Ground Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Pampusana xanthonura | PO | Northern Mariana Is., Guam (s Mariana Is., where probably extinct) and Yap (w Caroline Is., w Micronesia) | |
White-throated Quail-Dove i | Columbidae | Zentrygon frenata | SA | w Colombia to nw Argentina | |
White-tipped Dove i | Columbidae | Leptotila verreauxi | MA, SA | widespread | |
White-winged Collared Dove (NT) i | Columbidae | Streptopelia reichenowi | AF | se Ethiopia and sw Somalia | |
White-winged Dove i | Columbidae | Zenaida asiatica | NA, MA | sw USA to Panama; also Greater Antilles | |
Wompoo Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus magnificus | AU | New Guinea and some satellites and e Australia | |
Wonga Pigeon i | Columbidae | Leucosarcia melanoleuca | AU | se QLD to se VIC (e, se Australia) | |
Yellow-bibbed Fruit Dove i U | Columbidae | Ptilinopus solomonensis | AU | Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove i | Columbidae | Ptilinopus occipitalis | OR | Philippines (except Palawan group and Sulu Arch.) | |
Yellow-eyed Pigeon (VU) i U | Columbidae | Columba eversmanni | PAL | Iran to nw China | nw India, Pakistan and Iran |
Yellow-footed Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron phoenicopterus | OR | India to se Asia | |
Yellow-legged Pigeon (VU) i | Columbidae | Columba pallidiceps | AU | New Ireland and New Britain (e Bismarck Arch.) and Bougainville to Makira (n to se Solomon Is.) | |
Yellow-vented Green Pigeon i | Columbidae | Treron seimundi | OR | se Asia | |
Yellowish Imperial Pigeon (NT) i U | Columbidae | Ducula subflavescens | AU | Admiralty Is., Lavongai (=New Hanover), New Ireland and New Britain and satellites (Bismarck Arch.) | |
Yungas Dove i | Columbidae | Leptotila megalura | SA | Bolivia and nw Argentina | |
Zebra Dove i | Columbidae | Geopelia striata | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Java; widely introduced elsewhere | |
Zenaida Dove i | Columbidae | Zenaida aurita | NA | West Indies and Yucatán Pen. (e Mexico) | |
Zoe's Imperial Pigeon i | Columbidae | Ducula zoeae | AU | New Guinea and satellites | |
46% 159 species of 352 (13 extinct).