Check List -- Regions=Worldwide (120 species) Again?
IUCN and region codes at bottom of page.
Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
Agami Heron (NT) i | Ardeidae | Agamia agami | MA, SA | e Mexico to Amazonia | |
American Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus lentiginosus | NA | widespread | MA and Caribbean |
Ascension Night Heron (EX) i | Ardeidae | Nycticorax olsoni †† † | AO | Ascension I. | |
Australasian Bittern (VU) i | Ardeidae | Botaurus poiciloptilus | AU | far sw WA, se QLD to se SA and Tasmania (sw, se Australia), North, South and Stewart is. (New Zealand), Ouvea (Loyalty Is.) and Grande Terre (New Caledonia; rare) | |
Bare-throated Tiger Heron i | Ardeidae | Tigrisoma mexicanum | MA, SA | Mexico to Colombia | |
Bermuda Night Heron (EX) i | Ardeidae | Nyctanassa carcinocatactes †† † | AO | Bermuda | |
Black Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus flavicollis | OR, AU | widespread | |
Black Heron i | Ardeidae | Egretta ardesiaca | AF | widespread s of the Sahara | |
Black-backed Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus dubius | AU | patchily in sc, nc, se New Guinea and far sw WA, ne WA to s VIC (sw, n, e Australia) | |
Black-crowned Night Heron i | Ardeidae | Nycticorax nycticorax | Worldwide | except AU | |
Black-headed Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardea melanocephala | AF | widespread s of the Sahara | |
Boat-billed Heron i | Ardeidae | Cochlearius cochlearius | MA, SA | wc Mexico to ne Argentina | |
Capped Heron i | Ardeidae | Pilherodius pileatus | MA, SA | e Panama to se Brazil | |
Chinese Egret (VU) i | Ardeidae | Egretta eulophotes | PAL | coastal Russian Far East and Korean Pen. to e China | se OR : s to coastal Vietnam through Philippines and w, c Indonesia |
Chinese Pond Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardeola bacchus | PAL, OR | Assam (ne India) and n Myanmar through Russian Far East, Japan and s China | Andaman Is. e to Ryukyu Is. (s Japan) s to Greater Sundas |
Cinnamon Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus cinnamomeus | OR, PAL | Pakistan and Maldives through se, e Asia to e China, Ryukyu Is. (s Japan), s to Philippines and w, c, Indonesian Arch. | |
Cocoi Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardea cocoi | SA | widespread | |
Dimorphic Egret i | Ardeidae | Egretta dimorpha | AF | e, Europa (w of s Madagascar, Mozambique Channel), Aldabra group (sw Seychelles) and Madagascar | |
Dwarf Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus sturmii | AF | widespread | |
Eastern Cattle Egret i U | Ardeidae | Ardea coromanda | OR | s, e Asia and Australasia | |
Eurasian Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus stellaris | PAL, AF | widespread | AF, n OR |
Fasciated Tiger Heron i | Ardeidae | Tigrisoma fasciatum | MA, SA | Costa Rica to n Bolivia and se SA | |
Forest Bittern (NT) i | Ardeidae | Zonerodius heliosylus | AU | Salawati (Raja Ampat Is., nw of New Guinea), Aru Is. (sw of New Guinea) and New Guinea | |
Goliath Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardea goliath | AF, PAL | widespread in Africa s of the Sahara, Iran and Iraq to India | |
Great Blue Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardea herodias | NA, MA | widespread | |
Great Egret i | Ardeidae | Ardea alba | NA, SA, AF, PAL, OR, AU | worldwide | |
Great-billed Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardea sumatrana | OR, AU | se Asia and w Philippines to n Australia and New Guinea | |
Green Heron i | Ardeidae | Butorides virescens | NA, MA | e, c USA to Panama | |
Grey Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardea cinerea | PAL, AF, OR | widespread | |
Humblot's Heron (EN) i | Ardeidae | Ardea humbloti | AF | w, c Madagascar | |
Indian Pond Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardeola grayii | PAL, OR | Persian Gulf to Myanmar and Maldives | |
Japanese Night Heron (VU) i | Ardeidae | Gorsachius goisagi | PAL | Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (c, s Japan), Jeju (off s Korean Pen.) and Taiwan | Ryukyu Is. (s Japan) to Philippines |
Javan Pond Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardeola speciosa | OR | Thailand through Philippines, Sulawesi region and Lesser Sundas | |
Lava Heron i | Ardeidae | Butorides sundevalli | SA | Galápagos | |
Least Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus exilis | NA, MA, SA | e, sw USA to se Brazil | |
Little Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus minutus | PAL, AF | s, c Europe to c Asia, nw India and Africa | |
Little Blue Heron i | Ardeidae | Egretta caerulea | NA, MA, SA | se USA to s Brazil | |
Little Egret i | Ardeidae | Egretta garzetta | PAL, AF, OR, AU | widespread | |
Malagasy Pond Heron (EN) i U | Ardeidae | Ardeola idae | AF | Madagascar and Aldabra I. | c, e AF |
Malayan Night Heron i | Ardeidae | Gorsachius melanolophus | OR | W Ghats (sw India), ne India through se Asia and se China to Philippines, Peleng (Banggai Is., e of Sulawesi) | to Sri Lanka, Greater Sundas |
Mauritius Night Heron (EX) i | Ardeidae | Nycticorax mauritianus †† † | IO | Mauritius (c Mascarenes) | |
Medium Egret i | Ardeidae | Ardea intermedia | PAL, OR | India to Japan and Greater Sundas | to Ryukyu Is. (s Japan) and Philippines |
Nankeen Night Heron i | Ardeidae | Nycticorax caledonicus | AU | widespread | |
New Zealand Bittern (EX) i | Ardeidae | Botaurus novaezelandiae † | AU | South I. (New Zealand) | |
Pacific Reef Heron i | Ardeidae | Egretta sacra | OR, AU | coastal s Bangladesh and Andaman Is. to Ryukyu Is. (s Japan), Australasia (except s outlying is.), Melanesia to Tuamotu Arch. (e Polynesia) | |
Pied Heron i | Ardeidae | Egretta picata | AU | Sulawesi and ne WA to ne QLD (n Australia) | |
Pinnated Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus pinnatus | MA, SA | e Mexico to ne Argentina | |
Plumed Egret i | Ardeidae | Ardea plumifera | OR | e Indonesia, New Guinea and Australia | |
Purple Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardea purpurea | PAL, OR, AF | widespread | |
Reddish Egret (NT) i | Ardeidae | Egretta rufescens | NA, MA | s USA and Caribbean | |
Reunion Night Heron (EX) i | Ardeidae | Nycticorax duboisi †† † | IO | Réunion (w Mascarenes) | |
Rodrigues Night Heron (EX) i | Ardeidae | Nycticorax megacephalus †† † | IO | Rodrigues (e Mascarenes) | |
Rufescent Tiger Heron i | Ardeidae | Tigrisoma lineatum | MA, SA | widespread | |
Rufous-bellied Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardeola rufiventris | AF | Uganda and s Kenya to s Angola, n Botswana and e South Africa | |
Slaty Egret (VU) i | Ardeidae | Egretta vinaceigula | AF | Zambia to ne Namibia, n Botswana and w Zimbabwe | |
Snowy Egret i | Ardeidae | Egretta thula | NA, MA, SA | widespread | |
Squacco Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardeola ralloides | PAL, AF | widespread | |
Striated Heron i | Ardeidae | Butorides striata | MA, SA, PAL, AF, AU | widespread | |
Stripe-backed Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus involucris | SA | Colombia to Suriname, s Bolivia and s Brazil to c Chile and c Argentina | |
Tricolored Heron i | Ardeidae | Egretta tricolor | NA, MA, SA | se USA to n SA | |
Von Schrenck's Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus eurhythmus | PAL | se Siberia, Korean Pen., Japan and e China | Malay Pen. to Greater Sundas, Sulawesi and Philippines |
Western Cattle Egret i | Ardeidae | Ardea ibis | PAL, AF, NA, MA, SA | s Europe to Iran, Africa, Indian Ocean Is., North to South America | |
Western Reef Heron i | Ardeidae | Egretta gularis | AF, PAL, OR | w AF, ne AF to w India and Sri Lanka | |
Whistling Heron i | Ardeidae | Syrigma sibilatrix | SA | n, sc, se | |
White-backed Night Heron i | Ardeidae | Calherodius leuconotus | AF | widespread | |
White-bellied Heron (CR) i | Ardeidae | Ardea insignis | OR | e Himalayas | |
White-crested Tiger Heron i | Ardeidae | Tigriornis leucolopha | AF | Senegal to Central African Republic and DR Congo | |
White-eared Night Heron (EN) i | Ardeidae | Oroanassa magnifica | OR | s, e China and n Vietnam | |
White-faced Heron i | Ardeidae | Egretta novaehollandiae | AU | Timor (e Lesser Sundas), Australasia to New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga (sw, sc Polynesia) | to Java, n Sulawesi, s New Guinea and Solomon Is. |
White-necked Heron i | Ardeidae | Ardea pacifica | AU | Australia | |
Yellow Bittern i | Ardeidae | Botaurus sinensis | PAL, IO, OR | Oman, Inner Is. (ne Seychelles), Pakistan and Sri Lanka through se Russia and Japan s to se Asia, Indonesian Arch., Philippines to w Micronesia | To s India, Andaman and Nicobar is. and Bismarck Arch. |
Yellow-billed Egret i | Ardeidae | Ardea brachyrhyncha | AF | Africa s of the Sahara | |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron i | Ardeidae | Nyctanassa violacea | NA, MA, SA | e USA to Peru and e Brazil | |
Zigzag Heron i | Ardeidae | Zebrilus undulatus | SA | Amazonia | |
Shoebill (VU) i | Balaenicipitidae | Balaeniceps rex | AF | s Sudan, Uganda and sw Ethiopia to se DR Congo and n Zambia | |
American White Pelican i | Pelecanidae | Pelecanus erythrorhynchos | NA | inland sc British Columbia and ne Alberta to wc Ontario (sw, sc Canada) to c California and Texas (sw, sc USA) | inland s USA to nw Central America |
Australian Pelican i | Pelecanidae | Pelecanus conspicillatus | AU | inland Australia and Tasmania | to New Guinea region, Java and Sulawesi |
Brown Pelican i | Pelecanidae | Pelecanus occidentalis | NA, MA, SA | coastal s California to Ecuador including Galápagos (e Pacific Ocean); Maryland through Caribbean (w North Atlantic Ocean) | n to sw coastal British Columbia, s to n Peru |
Dalmatian Pelican (NT) i | Pelecanidae | Pelecanus crispus | PAL | inland se Europe to Kazakhstan and w Mongolia, s to Turkey and Xinjiang (w China) | inland to e Mediterranean Sea, n Persian Gulf region, sub-Himalayan India and se China |
Great White Pelican i | Pelecanidae | Pelecanus onocrotalus | PAL, AF | patchily inland e Europe to e Kazakhstan; Sub-Saharan Africa | to Africa and n India |
Peruvian Pelican (NT) i | Pelecanidae | Pelecanus thagus | SA | coastal n Peru to c Chile | |
Pink-backed Pelican i | Pelecanidae | Pelecanus rufescens | AF | inland se Egypt, w, sw Arabian Pen., and Africa s of the Sahara; formerly also Madagascar and St. Joseph's Atoll (Amirantes group, nc Seychelles) | |
Spot-billed Pelican (NT) i | Pelecanidae | Pelecanus philippensis | OR | inland se India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and (?) Sumatra; extinct Philippines | |
Hamerkop i | Scopidae | Scopus umbretta | AF | also sw Arabian Pen. | |
African Sacred Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Threskiornis aethiopicus | AF | Africa s of the Sahara, Iraq | |
African Spoonbill i | Threskiornithidae | Platalea alba | AF | widespread s of the Sahara | |
American White Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Eudocimus albus | NA, MA, SA | s USA, Caribbean and n SA | |
Andean Ibis (NT) i | Threskiornithidae | Theristicus branickii | SA | Andes of Ecuador to n Chile and n Bolivia | |
Australian White Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Threskiornis molucca | AU | Wallacea, New Guinea, Australia and Solomon Is. | |
Bare-faced Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Phimosus infuscatus | SA | widespread | |
Black-faced Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Theristicus melanopis | SA | sw Peru, w Chile and s Argentina | |
Black-faced Spoonbill (EN) i | Threskiornithidae | Platalea minor | PAL | ne Russia, Korean Pen. and ne China | mainly n Vietnam, s China and Taiwan |
Black-headed Ibis (NT) i | Threskiornithidae | Threskiornis melanocephalus | OR | India, se Asia, se Sumatra and n Java (where now rare) | |
Buff-necked Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Theristicus caudatus | SA | widespread | |
Crested Ibis (EN) i | Threskiornithidae | Nipponia nippon | PAL | ne China | |
Eurasian Spoonbill i | Threskiornithidae | Platalea leucorodia | AF, PAL, OR | widespread | |
Giant Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Pseudibis gigantea | OR | s Vietnam and Cambodia | |
Glossy Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Plegadis falcinellus | Worldwide but disjunctly | s Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, c, s Asia to Philippines, Sulawesi, Java and Australia; also e and Gulf coasts of N America, Caribbean and n Venezuela | |
Green Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Mesembrinibis cayennensis | MA, SA | Honduras to se Brazil and ne Argentina | |
Hadada Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Bostrychia hagedash | AF | widespread | |
Madagascar Ibis (NT) i | Threskiornithidae | Lophotibis cristata | AF | Madagascar (except c, far s) | |
Malagasy Sacred Ibis (EN) i | Threskiornithidae | Threskiornis bernieri | AF | Aldabra (sw Seychelles) and Madagascar | |
Northern Bald Ibis (EN) i | Threskiornithidae | Geronticus eremita | AF | coastal wc Morocco; nearly extinct c Syria; semicaptive in sc Turkey; formerly much more widespread; now reintroduced locally in c, s Europe | |
Olive Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Bostrychia olivacea | AF | w, c, e | |
Plumbeous Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Theristicus caerulescens | SA | ne Bolivia and s Brazil to ne Argentina and Uruguay | |
Puna Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Plegadis ridgwayi | SA | n Peru to n Chile and nw Argentina | |
Red-naped Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Pseudibis papillosa | OR | India, Pakistan and Nepal | |
Reunion Ibis (EX) i | Threskiornithidae | Threskiornis solitarius †† † | IO | Réunion (w Mascarenes) | |
Roseate Spoonbill i | Threskiornithidae | Platalea ajaja | NA, MA, SA | s USA to n Argentina | |
Royal Spoonbill i | Threskiornithidae | Platalea regia | AU | sc New Guinea, Australia, Tasmania, coastal North and South Is. (New Zealand) | to Java, Sulawesi, Moluccas, Tasmania, s Solomon Is. and New Caledonia |
Sao Tome Ibis (CR) i | Threskiornithidae | Bostrychia bocagei | AF | São Tomé (sc Gulf of Guinea is.) | |
Scarlet Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Eudocimus ruber | SA | n, e Colombia and e Ecuador to ne Brazil | |
Sharp-tailed Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Cercibis oxycerca | SA | e Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and n Brazil | |
Southern Bald Ibis (VU) i | Threskiornithidae | Geronticus calvus | AF | South Africa | |
Spot-breasted Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Bostrychia rara | AF | Sierra Leone to Ghana, s Nigeria to Gabon and s DR Congo | |
Straw-necked Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Threskiornis spinicollis | AU | Trans-Fly (sc New Guinea), near Port Moresby (se New Guinea), Australia and Tasmania | |
Wattled Ibis i U | Threskiornithidae | Bostrychia carunculata | AF | montane Eritrea and Ethiopia | |
White-faced Ibis i | Threskiornithidae | Plegadis chihi | NA, MA, SA | c USA to c Argentina | |
White-shouldered Ibis (CR) i | Threskiornithidae | Pseudibis davisoni | OR | s Indochina and Borneo | |
Yellow-billed Spoonbill i | Threskiornithidae | Platalea flavipes | AU | Australia (except Tasmania) | |
87% 99 species of 120 (7 extinct).
IUCN Status Codes |
EX | Extinct |
EW | Extinct in the wild |
CR | Critically Endangered |
EN | Endangered |
VU | Vulnerable |
NT | Near Threatened |
LC | Least Concern |
DD | Data deficient |
NE | Not evaluated |
LC not shown.
Breeding Range Codes |
AF | Africa (entire continent rather than south of Sahara) |
AN | Antarctica |
AO | Atlantic Ocean |
AU | Australasia (Wallacea (Indonesian islands east of Wallace's line), New Guinea and its islands, Australia, New Zealand and its subantarctic islands, the Solomons, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu) |
PAL | Eurasia (Europe, Asia from the Middle East through central Asia north of the Himalayas, Siberia and northern China to Japan) |
IO | Indian Ocean |
LA | Latin America (Middle and South America) |
MA | Middle America (Mexico through Panama) |
NA | North America (includes the Caribbean) |
NO | Northern oceans |
OR | Oriental Region (South Asia from Pakistan to Taiwan, plus Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Greater Sundas) |
PO | Pacific Ocean |
SA | South America |
SO | Southern oceans |
TO | Temperate oceans |
TrO | Tropical oceans |
Worldwide | Worldwide |