Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
Ancient Murrelet i | Alcidae | Synthliboramphus antiquus | PAL, NA | temperate nw to ne North Pacific coasts: patchily Kamchatka, Sea of Okhotsk, Sakhalin, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia); Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea, Aleutian Is., Gulf of Alaska to w British Columbia (sw Canada) | to Sea of Japan and sw Pacific coast of Japan, and s California; prone to long-distance vagrancy, s Canada and n USA |
Atlantic Puffin (VU) i | Alcidae | Fratercula arctica | PAL, NA | subarctic and temperate North Atlantic coasts: w, ec Greenland, Iceland, Faroe, British, and Channel is., nw France, s to n Scandinavia, Svalbard (n of Norway) and Novaya Zemlya (nw Russia); n Hudson Bay to se Canada and Maine (e Canada, ne USA) | pelagic in North Atlantic and marginal seas, to North Carolina in Gulf Stream of w North Pacific and to Azores (n Macaronesia, nw of Africa) and Iberian Pen. |
Black Guillemot i | Alcidae | Cepphus grylle | NA, PAL | coasts of high Arctic to n temperate North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean | to ice-free waters near breeding range |
Cassin's Auklet (NT) i | Alcidae | Ptychoramphus aleuticus | NA, MA | e North Pacific coastal is. | |
Common Murre i | Alcidae | Uria aalge | NA, PAL | subarctic to temperate (locally Arctic) n coasts | to Virginia in Gulf Stream (w North Atlantic); to Iberian Pen. (e North Atlantic); to n Japan (w North Pacific); to nw Baja California (nw Mexico; e North Pacific) |
Craveri's Murrelet (VU) i U | Alcidae | Synthliboramphus craveri | NA, MA | ec North Pacific coast: is. Cedros, San Benito and Asuncion-San Jorge (w of wc Baja California), islands in Gulf of California, including Rasa and Tiburon (n Gulf of California) and Partida (s Gulf of California) | to coastal c California and Jalisco (wc Mexico) |
Crested Auklet i | Alcidae | Aethia cristatella | PAL, NA | nw to ne North Pacific coasts: patchily from e Chukotka, ne Kamchatka, Sea of Okhotsk, Sakhalin, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia); Bering Sea is. and Aleutian Is. | pelagic to Hokkaido and n Honshu (n Japan) and Gulf of Alaska |
Great Auk (EX) i | Alcidae | Pinguinusimpennis † | NA, PAL | n North Atlantic coasts: e Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Is., British Isles and Denmark | to e USA and w, c Mediterranean |
Guadalupe Murrelet (EN) i U | Alcidae | Synthliboramphus hypoleucus | MA | ec North Pacific coast: is. Guadalupe and San Benito (w of c Baja California, nw Mexico) | n to coastal n California |
Horned Puffin i | Alcidae | Fratercula corniculata | PAL, NA | Arctic to temperate North Pacific coasts: Wrangel I. (n of ne Siberia), Beaufort Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia), Bering Sea is., Aleutian Is. and patchily n, w, s Alaska to British Columbia | pelagic and coastal in North Pacific Ocean, mostly within limits of breeding range |
Japanese Murrelet (VU) i | Alcidae | Synthliboramphus wumizusume | PAL | w North Pacific coasts: islands off w Honshu, Kyushu and Izu Is. (c, s Japan), s of Korean Pen. and ?far se Russia | to Hokkaido (n of Japan) and se of Japan |
Kittlitz's Murrelet (NT) i U | Alcidae | Brachyramphus brevirostris | PAL, NA | Arctic to subarctic nw to ne North Pacific coasts: patchily from Wrangel I. (n of ne Siberia), Chukotka, ne Kamchatka, n Sea of Okhotsk (e Russia); Bering Sea and Aleutian Is., Gulf of Alaska to se Alaska; nests up to 75 km inland | to bays and fjords within breeding range |
Least Auklet i | Alcidae | Aethia pusilla | PAL, NA | nw to ne North Pacific coasts: patchily from e Chukotka, ne Kamchatka, Sea of Okhotsk, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia); Bering Sea is. and Aleutian Is. | pelagic in North Pacific, to n Sea of Japan and w British Columbia (sw Canada) |
Little Auk i | Alcidae | Alle alle | NA, PAL | coasts of high Arctic from ne Canada to nw of Russia; more rarely to Bering Strait | s in Gulf Stream to North Carolina; to n British Isles and North Sea |
Long-billed Murrelet (NT) i | Alcidae | Brachyramphus perdix | PAL | coastal strip of temperate w North Pacific: Kamchatka, Sea of Okhotsk, Sakhalin (e Russia) and n Hokkaido (n Japan); nests up to 30 km inland | to coastal c Japan; prone to long-distance vagrancy to continental USA |
Marbled Murrelet (EN) i | Alcidae | Brachyramphus marmoratus | NA | coastal strip of temperate c, e North Pacific: Aleutian Is. to c California; nests up to 100 km inland | to coastal s California |
Parakeet Auklet i | Alcidae | Aethia psittacula | PAL, NA | nw to ne North Pacific coasts: patchily from e Chukotka, ne Kamchatka, Sea of Okhotsk, Sakhalin, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia); Bering Sea is., Aleutian Is., and Gulf of Alaska | pelagic in North Pacific, reaching n Sea of Japan and w British Columbia (sw Canada) |
Pigeon Guillemot i | Alcidae | Cepphus columba | PAL, NA | Arctic to temperate nw to ec North Pacific coasts: s Chukotka to Kamchatka, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia); Bering Sea and Aleutian Is., Gulf of Alaska to c California | n PO |
Razorbill i | Alcidae | Alca torda | NA, PAL | low Arctic to n temperate North Atlantic coasts: Greenland, Iceland, British Isles to Scandinavia, nw France and the White Sea (nw Russia), ne Canada to Gulf of Maine | to Gulf Stream off North Carolina (w North Atlantic); to Iberian Pen. (e North Atlantic) and w Mediterranean Sea |
Rhinoceros Auklet i | Alcidae | Cerorhinca monocerata | PAL, NA | temperate North Pacific coasts: off Sakhalin and Kuril Is. (se Russia), Hokkaido and n Honshu (n Japan), Aleutian Is., s, se Alaska to s California | to s Japan, Korean Pen. (w North Pacific) and n Baja California (e North Pacific) |
Scripps's Murrelet (VU) i | Alcidae | Synthliboramphus scrippsi | NA, MA | ec North Pacific coast: Channel Is. (s California) and islands off nw, nc Baja California to San Benito (nw Mexico) | n to coastal Washington (ec North Pacific Ocean) |
Spectacled Guillemot i | Alcidae | Cepphus carbo | PAL | temperate w North Pacific coast: Sea of Okhotsk, s Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kuril Is. (e Russia), Hokkaido (n Japan) and ?ne Korean Pen. | to c Japan and s Korean Pen. |
Thick-billed Murre i | Alcidae | Uria lomvia | NA, PAL | HolArctic, high and low Arctic (locally temperate) coasts | s of pack-ice, to coastal New York |
Tufted Puffin i | Alcidae | Fratercula cirrhata | PAL, NA | Arctic to temperate n Pacific coasts: n Chukotka, Sea of Okhotsk, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia), off se Hokkaido (n Japan), Bering Sea is., Aleutian Is., w, s Alaska to c California | highly pelagic in North Pacific Ocean, and nearshore to s Japan and s California |
Whiskered Auklet i | Alcidae | Aethia pygmaea | PAL, NA | nc, nw North Pacific coasts: patchily from Sea of Okhotsk, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia) and Aleutian Is. | |
Beach Stone-curlew (NT) i | Burhinidae | Esacus magnirostris | OR, AU | coasts and islets of tropical e Indian and w Pacific oceans: Andaman Is., Malay Pen. and sw, s Philippines, Indonesian Arch., New Guinea and satellites, nc WA to se NSW (nw, n, e Australia), Bismarck Arch. (including Admiralty Is.), n to se Solomon Is. (e | |
Bush Stone-curlew i | Burhinidae | Burhinus grallarius | AU | inland s Trans-Fly (sc New Guinea) and Australia (except sc, Tasmania) | |
Double-striped Thick-knee i | Burhinidae | Hesperoburhinus bistriatus | MA, SA | inland s Mexico to nw Costa Rica; n Hispaniola; Colombia to n Brazil | |
Eurasian Stone-curlew i | Burhinidae | Burhinus oedicnemus | PAL | w Europe, Canary Is. and n Africa to Lithuania, n Kazakhstan and far w China, s to Levant, Iraq and w Pakistan | |
Great Stone-curlew (NT) i | Burhinidae | Esacus recurvirostris | OR | river systems of s, se Asia: estuaries of s Iran; inland Indus Valley (c Pakistan), sub-Himalayan India s to Sri Lanka and e to n Thailand, n Cambodia and n, s Vietnam | |
Indian Stone-curlew i U | Burhinidae | Burhinus indicus | OR | inland nw, w India and Sri Lanka e to c Myanmar, c Thailand, Cambodia and s Vietnam | |
Peruvian Thick-knee i | Burhinidae | Hesperoburhinus superciliaris | SA | coastal s Ecuador to n Chile | |
Senegal Thick-knee i | Burhinidae | Burhinus senegalensis | AF | inland Senegal to Ethiopia and Kenya and n to Egypt | |
Spotted Thick-knee i | Burhinidae | Burhinus capensis | AF | s Arabian Pen.; widespread, inland Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Water Thick-knee i | Burhinidae | Burhinus vermiculatus | AF | inland w, c to e, s Africa | |
African Wattled Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus senegallus | AF | inland Sub-Saharan Africa except (c, sw, and s) | |
American Golden Plover i | Charadriidae | Pluvialis dominica | NA | high Arctic to subarctic, Alaska and n, ne Canada: nw, n, e Alaska, Yukon to nc British Columbia e to w Hudson Bay and Baffin I. (ne Canada) | coastal se Brazil and inland grassland, Paraguay to ec Argentina and coastal se Argentina |
Andean Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus resplendens | SA | montane wc Colombia to ne Chile and nw Argentina | |
Banded Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus tricolor | AU | inland Australia (except n, wc) and Tasmania | |
Black-fronted Dotterel i | Charadriidae | Charadrius melanops | AU | inland Australia, Tasmania and North and South Is. (New Zealand) | |
Black-headed Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus tectus | AF | inland Sahel to e Africa | |
Black-winged Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus melanopterus | AF | inland ne to se Africa | |
Blacksmith Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus armatus | AF | inland wc Angola to sc Kenya and s to South Africa | |
Brown-chested Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus superciliosus | AF | inland Nigeria to n DR Congo | to Uganda, sw Kenya, nw Tanzania and e DR Congo |
Caspian Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus asiaticus | PAL | temperate inland c Asia: sw Russia, Kazakhstan (except n), Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to nw Xinjiang (nw China) | inland Kenya to sc Africa |
Chestnut-banded Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus pallidus | AF | inland and coastal e, s Africa | |
Collared Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus collaris | MA, SA | widespread, coastal and riverine Neotropics: coastal Mexico from Sinaloa and s Tamaulipas (but not Yucatan Pen.), coastal Central America, inland around Lake Nicaragua and Panama Canal zone; n Colombia and Venezuela, islands n of Venezuela, Trinidad, nc C | |
Common Ringed Plover i | Charadriidae | Charadrius hiaticula | PAL | inland high Arctic Palearctic from Greenland to ne Siberia; to temperate Europe | to s Europe and Mediterranean, Azores to Cape Verde (Macaronesia, w of nw Africa); n and Sub-Saharan Africa, Seychelles, Comoros, Madagascar and the Mascarenes; Middle East to Persian Gulf region |
Crowned Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus coronatus | AF | inland ne to s Africa | |
Diademed Sandpiper-Plover (NT) i | Charadriidae | Phegornis mitchellii | SA | montane nc Peru and Bolivia to nc Chile and nc Argentina | |
Double-banded Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus bicinctus | AU | North, South, Stewart, Chatham (e of South I.) and Auckland is. (s of South I.; New Zealand) | to coastal s, e Australia, Tasmania, Lord Howe and Norfolk is. (far e of Australia) and New Caledonia |
Eurasian Dotterel i U | Charadriidae | Eudromias morinellus | PAL | high Arctic coastal tundra; alpine zone of temperate Europe and Asia: n British Isles, Scandinavia, nw Russia (including Novaya Zemlya and New Siberian Is., n of nw, ne Siberia) to Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Siberia) and w Alaska (including St. Lawrence I., n Be | ne Iberian Pen., n Africa and Middle East to se Iraq and e Arabian Pen. |
European Golden Plover i | Charadriidae | Pluvialis apricaria | PAL | inland low Arctic (mainly) to temperate zone: ec Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Is., British Isles, n Germany and Denmark, Fennoscandia, Baltic e to Taimyr Pen. (nc Russia) | to inland and coastal s Europe, n Africa to Middle East |
Forbes's Plover i | Charadriidae | Charadrius forbesi | AF | inland Guinea to South Sudan, Zambia and Angola | to nw Uganda |
Greater Sand Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus leschenaultii | PAL | inland w to ec Asia: Turkey to e Mongolia | coastal e, s Africa to s Ryukyu Is. (=Nansei Shoto; s Japan), Australia, Melanesia and w Micronesia |
Grey Plover i | Charadriidae | Pluvialis squatarola | NA, PAL | high (locally low) Arctic coasts and is. (except Ellesmere I., Greenland, Scandinavia and is. from Svalbard to Severnaya Zemlya) | Worldwide, temperate to tropical coasts (except remote is.) |
Grey-headed Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus cinereus | PAL | inland Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia (nc, ne China), Honshu to Kyushu (c, s Japan) | to ne, s India, through se Asia to Malay Pen., n, s Vietnam and se China |
Hooded Plover i | Charadriidae | Charadrius cucullatus | AU | coastal and inland sw WA and coastal sc SA to se NSW (sc, se Australia) and Tasmania | |
Inland Dotterel i | Charadriidae | Peltohyas australis | AU | inland Australia (except n, e, Tasmania) | |
Javan Lapwing (EX) i | Charadriidae | Vanellus macropterus † | OR | Java | |
Javan Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus javanicus | OR | coastal s Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lesser Sundas and w Sulawesi | |
Kentish Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus alexandrinus | PAL, AF, OR | widespread, coastal and inland s Palearctic to ne, s Asia | to Sahel of wc to ec Africa through e China, Indonesian Arch. and Philippines |
Killdeer i | Charadriidae | Charadrius vociferus | NA, MA, SA | inland subarctic to temperate North America to Central America; coastal Ecuador to Peru | |
Kittlitz's Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus pecuarius | AF | widespread inland Sub-Saharan Africa (except c), Nile Valley to Nile Delta, and Madagascar | |
Little Ringed Plover i | Charadriidae | Charadrius dubius | PAL, OR | widespread inland subarctic to tropical zones: Eurasia, Indian subcontinent, se Asia, Philippines, New Guinea and Bismarck Arch. | Sub-Saharan wc to ne, ec Africa; Middle East; s, se Asia and Indonesian Arch. |
Long-billed Plover i | Charadriidae | Charadrius placidus | PAL | riverine temperate se Siberia, Hokkaido to Kyushu (n to s Japan), n, c Korean Pen., ne, ec China; disjunctly ne India | to riverine c Nepal, ne India, s, se China, s Korean Pen., Taiwan, n Thailand and n, c Vietnam |
Long-toed Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus crassirostris | AF | inland wc, e, se Africa | |
Madagascar Plover i U | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus thoracicus | AF | coastal strip w Madagascar (local) | |
Malaysian Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus peronii | OR | coastal Malay Pen. to Philippines (local), Greater and Lesser Sundas and Sulawesi region | |
Masked Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus miles | AU | widespread inland New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand | |
Mountain Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus montanus | NA | inland far s Alberta and sw Saskatchewan (sc Canada) s to ne Utah and w Texas (wc USA) | to inland c California, s, Arizona to s Texas (sw, sc USA) and n Baja California, Sonora to Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi and Tamaulipas (n Mexico) |
New Zealand Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus obscurus | AU | coastal n North I. and montane Stewart I. (New Zealand) | |
Northern Lapwing (NT) i | Charadriidae | Vanellus vanellus | PAL | widespread inland temperate and subarctic Eurasia: British Isles, Scandinavia and Baltic states to Iberian Pen. e through s, c Russia to se Russia and ne China, s through Turkey and Caspian region, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Xinjiang and Inn | to n Africa, Arabian Pen., sub-Himalayan n Pakistan and n India, c, s Japan, Korean Pen., e China, Taiwan and n Vietnam |
Oriental Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus veredus | PAL | temperate inland e Asia: s Tuva and s Transbaikalia (n of Mongolia, sc Siberia), Mongolia (except far w, s) and w Inner Mongolia (nc China) | inland and coastal Indonesian Arch. from Java to Lesser Sundas, s New Guinea and nw to nc Australia |
Pacific Golden Plover i | Charadriidae | Pluvialis fulva | PAL | Arctic mainland Russia and subarctic e Russia and w Alaska: Yamal Pen. (nc Siberia) to Chukotskiy Pen., n Kamchatka and n Sea of Okhotsk (e Siberia), and Wrangel I. (n of ne Siberia); Chukchi and Bering Sea coasts of w Alaska and satellites, including St. | coastal Horn of Africa, Indian subcontinent, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., Taiwan, Philippines, New Guinea region, Australia, New Zealand region, Melanesia, Micronesia to e Polynesia; widely vagrant elsewhere |
Pied Plover i | Charadriidae | Hoploxypterus cayanus | SA | cis-Andean South America from e Colombia and e Ecuador to c Bolivia, ne Paraguay and se Brazil | |
Piping Plover (NT) i | Charadriidae | Charadrius melodus | NA | inland se Alberta to sw Ontario (sc Canada) and Great Lakes s to e Colorado and n Kansas; coastal s Newfoundland (e Canada) to North Carolina | coastal sw North Atlantic from North Carolina to Florida, coastal Gulf of Mexico to Yucatan Pen.; Bahamas and Greater Antilles (except Jamaica) |
Puna Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus alticola | SA | montane c Peru and Bolivia to ne Chile and nw Argentina | |
Red-capped Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus ruficapillus | AU | Timor (e Lesser Sundas), inland and coastal Australia and Tasmania | to e Java |
Red-kneed Dotterel i | Charadriidae | Erythrogonys cinctus | AU | Australia (except sc, Tasmania) | |
Red-wattled Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus indicus | OR | widespread e Turkey, Iraq, ne Arabian Pen., s Turkmenistan, Afghanistan to nw India and Sri Lanka, e to sw China, Malay Pen. and n, s Vietnam | |
River Lapwing (NT) i | Charadriidae | Vanellus duvaucelii | OR | riverine nc India to w Yunnan (sw China), Thailand to n Thai-Malay Pen. and n, s Vietnam | |
Rufous-chested Dotterel i | Charadriidae | Zonibyx modestus | SA | inland sc Chile, s Argentina and Falkland Is. | to coastal s Peru and se Brazil |
Semipalmated Plover i | Charadriidae | Charadrius semipalmatus | NA | inland high Arctic to extreme ne Russia and subarctic Alaska and Canada: e Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Russia), c, e Aleutian Is., all Alaskan mainland and nw British Columbia to Banks and Baffin is., s to w James Bay, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia (nw to ne, se C | coastal from Oregon and New Jersey (nw, ec USA) s to n Chile and ec Argentina; also Bermuda, throughout West Indies and Galápagos |
Senegal Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus lugubris | AF | inland s Guinea and s Mali to w Nigeria; Gabon s to wc Angola, e to ne Kenya, s to far ne South Africa | |
Shore Plover i | Charadriidae | Charadrius novaeseelandiae | AU | South East I. (=Rangatira, Chatham Is., e of South I.); reintroduced to New Zealand satellites | |
Siberian Sand Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus mongolus | PAL | e Russia (s, se Siberia) | coastal Kyushu and Ryukyu Is. (=Nansei Shoto; s Japan), coastal Taiwan and Vietnam to Australia, New Guinea region, Melanesia and w Micronesia |
Snowy Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus nivosus | NA, MA, SA | coastal Washington to c Baja California (nw Mexico); inland Saskatchewan (irregular; sc Canada) to California and c Texas; coastal Gulf of Mexico to Yucatan Pen.; inland c Mexico; s, c Bahamas to Virgin Is.; Peru to sc Chile | to coastal n Central America |
Sociable Lapwing (CR) i | Charadriidae | Vanellus gregarius | PAL | inland n Kazakhstan and adjacent s Russia (formerly Ukraine to Xinjiang [nw China]) | Sudan to Eritrea, Israel, Arabian Pen., c Pakistan and nw India |
Southern Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus chilensis | MA, SA | widespread inland, Nicaragua to s Chile and s Argentina | |
Spot-breasted Lapwing i U | Charadriidae | Vanellus melanocephalus | AF | montane nc to sc Ethiopia | |
Spur-winged Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus spinosus | PAL, AF | e Greece (se Europe), Turkey, Cyprus, Middle East to sw Iran and Arabian Pen.; Mauritania to Nigeria and e to Eritrea, Somalia, n in Sudan and Egypt to Nile Delta; s to Zambia and Malawi | |
St. Helena Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus sanctaehelenae | AO | St. Helena (tropical se Atlantic Ocean) | |
Tawny-throated Dotterel i U | Charadriidae | Oreopholus ruficollis | SA | coastal and inland n Peru to Tierra del Fuego | to coastal Uruguay and se Brazil |
Three-banded Plover i | Charadriidae | Charadrius tricollaris | AF | inland ne to s Africa and Madagascar | |
Tibetan Sand Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus atrifrons | PAL | inland c Asia and Tibetan Plateau | e, s Africa, Indian Ocean islands and Indian subcontinent to coastal s China, se Asia, Greater Sundas and Sulawesi |
Two-banded Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus falklandicus | SA | inland and coastal se Chile, sc, se Argentina, locally nc Argentina and se Brazil; Falkland Is. | to coastal Chile, coastal se Brazil |
White-crowned Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus albiceps | AF | inland Senegal to Liberia and n Angola, e to w South Sudan, nw Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia to Mozambique and ne South Africa | |
White-faced Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus dealbatus | OR | presumably coastal se China; also s Vietnam (1 nest) | to coastal s Vietnam, s Thailand, Malay Pen., Singapore and e Sumatra |
White-fronted Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus marginatus | AF | widespread coastal and inland Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar | |
White-tailed Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus leucurus | PAL | inland c Turkey and e Azerbaijan to n Caspian Sea, s Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and nw Afghanistan; s to n Jordan and Persian Gulf to sw Pakistan | to Eritrea, n Ethiopia, Sudan; Red Sea and Persian Gulf regions, e to nw, nc India |
Wilson's Plover i | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus wilsonia | NA, MA, SA | coastal temperate to tropical e, sw USA to Caribbean, ec Brazil and Peru | |
Wrybill (VU) i U | Charadriidae | Anarhynchus frontalis | AU | rivers of South I. (New Zealand) | to n North I. (New Zealand) |
Yellow-wattled Lapwing i | Charadriidae | Vanellus malabaricus | OR | s Indus Valley (sc Pakistan), inland India to c Assam (except far n, ne), s Nepal, and Sri Lanka | |
Black-faced Sheathbill i | Chionidae | Chionis minor | IO | islands of subantarctic w, c South Indian Ocean | |
Snowy Sheathbill i | Chionidae | Chionis albus | AN | Antarctic Pen. and satellites, South Shetland, South Orkney, and South Georgia is. | to coastal sc Chile and ec Argentina to Cape Horn and Falkland Is. |
Crab-plover i | Dromadidae | Dromas ardeola | AF, IO | sandy coasts and islands of Red Sea, Arabian Pen. and Persian Gulf (nw Indian Ocean) | e AF, India : tropical to subtropical Indian Ocean coasts: sw Indian Ocean coast to Mozambique and KwaZulu Natal, Malagasy region including coralline atolls of s, c Seychelles, Chagos Arch., Maldives (wc Indian Ocean), w coast of India, Sri Lanka and Anda |
Australian Pratincole i | Glareolidae | Stiltia isabella | AU | tropical to subtropical open plains of n, c to inland se Australia: ne WA to w QLD and c NSW | to tropical open fields of Java, Sulawesi region, Lesser Sundas, c, s Moluccas and New Guinea region (except n) |
Black-winged Pratincole (NT) i | Glareolidae | Glareola nordmanni | PAL | temperate saline steppe near water of c Palearctic: c Ukraine and sw Russia e to e Kazakhstan | s AF : inland subtropical grassland near water of s Africa: e Namibia, Botswana and n South Africa |
Bronze-winged Courser i | Glareolidae | Rhinoptilus chalcopterus | AF | tropical to subtropical wooded savanna of Sub-Saharan Africa: Senegal e to e Sudan and s to n South Africa | |
Burchell's Courser i U | Glareolidae | Cursorius rufus | AF | subtropical dry plains of s Africa: sw Angola to s, ne South Africa | |
Collared Pratincole i | Glareolidae | Glareola pratincola | AF, PAL | patchily s temperate to tropical grassland near water, w, c Palearctic and Africa | AF |
Cream-colored Courser i | Glareolidae | Cursorius cursor | PAL, AF | subtropical to tropical desert of w Paleotropics: e Canary and Cape Verde is. (c, s Macaronesia, w of w Africa), nw Africa, Middle East from se Turkey to Socotra, Iran and w Turkmenistan to far nw India | |
Double-banded Courser i | Glareolidae | Rhinoptilus africanus | AF | tropical to subtropical stony plains of e and s Africa | |
Grey Pratincole i | Glareolidae | Glareola cinerea | AF | large river sandbanks of w, wc tropical Africa: s Mali and s Niger to n Angola and c DR Congo | |
Indian Courser i U | Glareolidae | Cursorius coromandelicus | OR | subtropical to tropical dry stony plains of s Asia: nc Pakistan, sub-Himalayan India, far s Nepal and far n Sri Lanka | |
Jerdon's Courser (CR) i | Glareolidae | Rhinoptilus bitorquatus | OR | tropical scrub jungle of ec India: Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh (extremely rare) | |
Madagascar Pratincole (NT) i | Glareolidae | Glareola ocularis | AF | rocky coastal and river islets of nw, e Madagascar | e AF : open areas on tropical sw Indian Ocean coast and estuaries of e Africa: s Somalia to n Mozambique |
Oriental Pratincole i | Glareolidae | Glareola maldivarum | PAL, OR | patchily in temperate to tropical grassland near water of s to ne Asia: w India and Sri Lanka, se Asia to Malay Pen., e, ne China, Philippines, Taiwan, e Siberia and s, c Japan | OR, AU : grassy fields of Chagos Arch. and Maldives (wc Indian Ocean), Indian Pen. through Indonesian Arch., Cocos (Keeling), Christmas I. and Ashmore Reef (se Indian Ocean), n WA and n NT (n, nc Australia), Mariana Is. to Palau, Truk, Yap and Marshall Is |
Rock Pratincole i | Glareolidae | Glareola nuchalis | AF | rocky rivers of tropical Africa | |
Small Pratincole i | Glareolidae | Glareola lactea | OR | foothills to sub-Himalayan rivers from ne s to Sri Lanka, e through Nepal, Bhutan, s Yunnan (s China) to Vietnam | to other waterbody types |
Somali Courser i | Glareolidae | Cursorius somalensis | AF | tropical semiarid ne Africa | |
Temminck's Courser i | Glareolidae | Cursorius temminckii | AF | tropical to subtropical savanna of Sub-Saharan Africa: s Mauritania e to Eritrea and w Somalia, s to n South Africa | |
Three-banded Courser i | Glareolidae | Rhinoptilus cinctus | AF | tropical bushland and open woodland of ne to sc Africa | |
African Oystercatcher i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus moquini | AF | coastal n Namibia to Kwa-Zulu Natal (s Africa) | to coastal s Angola |
American Oystercatcher i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus palliatus | NA, MA, SA | widespread coastal w Mexico to sc Chile; coastal ne USA to n Gulf of Mexico, Yucatan Pen.; Caribbean (local) to s Argentina | |
Black Oystercatcher i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus bachmani | NA, MA | coastal e North Pacific from w Aleutian Is. to wc Baja California (nw Mexico) | |
Blackish Oystercatcher i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus ater | SA | coastal n Peru and se Argentina to Cape Horn and Falkland Is. | to coastal s Uruguay |
Canary Islands Oystercatcher (EX) i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus meadewaldoi † | AF | coastal Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and La Graciosa (e Canary Is., Macaronesia, w of nw Africa) | |
Chatham Islands Oystercatcher (EN) i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus chathamensis | AU | Chatham Is. (e of South I., New Zealand) | |
Eurasian Oystercatcher (NT) i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus ostralegus | PAL | nw, sw, c Palearctic; far ne Palearctic | coastal AF, OR |
Magellanic Oystercatcher i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus leucopodus | SA | coastal and inland sc Chile and sc Argentina to Cape Horn and Falkland Is. | to coasts |
Pied Oystercatcher i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus longirostris | AU | coastal far e Lesser Sundas, Tanimbar and Kai Is. (se Moluccas), coastal Australia and Tasmania | |
Sooty Oystercatcher i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus fuliginosus | AU | coastal Australia and Tasmania | |
South Island Oystercatcher i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus finschi | AU | inland South I. (New Zealand) | to coastal North and Stewart is. (New Zealand) |
Variable Oystercatcher i | Haematopodidae | Haematopus unicolor | AU | coastal North, South and Stewart is. (New Zealand) | |
Ibisbill i | Ibidorhynchidae | Ibidorhyncha struthersii | PAL | rivers of w Tajikistan, se Kazakhstan, nw Xinjiang (nw China) and ne Afghanistan through Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau to Qinghai, Gansu, e Inner Mongolia, Hebei and n of Beijing (ne China) | |
African Jacana i | Jacanidae | Actophilornis africanus | AF | widespread inland Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Bronze-winged Jacana i | Jacanidae | Metopidius indicus | OR | inland India to Vietnam and n Malay Pen. | to Java (rare) |
Comb-crested Jacana i | Jacanidae | Irediparra gallinacea | AU | inland se Borneo, Sulawesi, Lesser Sundas and Mindanao (s Philippines) to New Guinea and some satellites, and ne WA to sc NSW (n, e Australia) | |
Lesser Jacana i | Jacanidae | Microparra capensis | AF | Mali to Ghana, e to Ethiopia and s to Namibia, Botswana and se Africa | |
Madagascar Jacana (EN) i | Jacanidae | Actophilornis albinucha | AF | inland w Madagascar | |
Northern Jacana i | Jacanidae | Jacana spinosa | MA | inland s Sinaloa and c Tamaulipas (n Mexico; rarely s Texas, where formerly bred) to w Panama and including Cozumel (Mexico); and Cuba, Jamaica and Hispaniola | |
Pheasant-tailed Jacana i | Jacanidae | Hydrophasianus chirurgus | OR | widespread inland Pakistan to Luzon, Mindanao (n, s Philippines), Java and Bali | OR : s through w Indonesia |
Wattled Jacana i | Jacanidae | Jacana jacana | SA | wc Panama to n Argentina | |
African Skimmer i | Laridae | Rynchops flavirostris | AF | tropical African rivers | to estuaries and lagoons |
Aleutian Tern (VU) i | Laridae | Onychoprion aleuticus | PAL, NA | North Pacific coasts from Sakhalin, Sea of Okhotsk and Kamchatka through Aleutian Is., and w to sw Alaska | to coastal Thailand, Philippines, n New Guinea, Indonesia, s Malaysia and Singapore, and n NSW (ec Australia); migrates along w North Pacific coast via Japan, Korean Pen., e China, and Taiwan |
American Herring Gull i | Laridae | Larus smithsonianus | NA | n, w Alaska and n Yukon across subarctic Canada to Baffin I. and Newfoundland, s on e North Pacific coast to sc British Columbia; e to Great Lakes, inland ne USA and w North Atlantic coast s to North Carolina | Aleutian Is., e North Pacific coast to Nayarit (nc Mexico), Gulf of Mexico coast and inland to Honduras, Caribbean to Bahamas, Cuba and Cayman Is.; rarer farther s |
Andean Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus serranus | SA | Andes of far sw Colombia to sc Chile and sw Argentina | some move to adjacent Pacific coast |
Antarctic Tern i | Laridae | Sterna vittata | SO | widespread, subantarctic and Antarctic is., South Atlantic, South Indian, w South Pacific and Antarctic Pen. | |
Arctic Tern i | Laridae | Sterna paradisaea | PAL, NA | widespread Arctic and subarctic coasts and inland, from Greenland, Iceland and British Isles to ne Siberia, Sakhalin and Kamchatka (e Russia), Aleutian Is., Alaska mainland through Arctic and subarctic Canada to James Bay, se Canada and New York | subantarctic and oceans and Antarctic Ocean to edge of pack-ice |
Armenian Gull i | Laridae | Larus armenicus | PAL | lakes of s Georgia, Armenia, e Turkey and nw Iran | to e Mediterranean, s Black and s Caspian seas, and Persian Gulf |
Audouin's Gull i | Laridae | Ichthyaetus audouinii | PAL | e North Atlantic coast of s Portugal and Spain; coasts and islets of Mediterranean and associated seas to Cyprus and s Turkey | to coast of Gambia (tropical North Atlantic) |
Australian Tern i | Laridae | Gelochelidon macrotarsa | AU | inland Australia (except sc, Tasmania) | to coastal s New Guinea and Timor (e Lesser Sundas) |
Belcher's Gull i | Laridae | Larus belcheri | SA | w coast and islets of South America from n Peru to n Chile | some move to coasts of n Ecuador and c Chile |
Black Noddy i | Laridae | Anous minutus | PO, AO | tropical and subtropical Pacific and Atlantic oceans, very locally ne Indian and Caribbean Sea | |
Black Skimmer i | Laridae | Rynchops niger | NA, MA, SA | coastal USA from s California to w Mexico and Massachusetts to e Mexico; river systems of n, sc South America to ne Argentina | |
Black Tern i | Laridae | Chlidonias niger | NA, PAL | inland temperate Canada, USA and Europe to c Asia | coasts and offshore waters, w Africa and Pacific and Caribbean coastal Mexico to n South America |
Black-bellied Tern (EN) i | Laridae | Sterna acuticauda | OR | inland Indus Valley (Pakistan), sub-Himalayan India and Irrawaddy (=Ayeyarwady) River, c Myanmar; formerly to s China and Vietnam | |
Black-billed Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus bulleri | AU | mostly on braided rivers, North and South Is. (New Zealand) | some move to coasts |
Black-fronted Tern (EN) i | Laridae | Chlidonias albostriatus | AU | rivers of e South I. (New Zealand) | to coastal North and Stewart is. (New Zealand) |
Black-headed Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus ridibundus | PAL | coastal far s Greenland, inland Iceland, temperate and subarctic w Europe across Russia to Yakutsk region, Kamchatka, Sakhalin (e Russia); in south through Caspian Sea, n Central Asia, n, c Mongolia and ne China; also wc Newfoundland (se Canada) | AF, IO, OR : to coasts and offshore waters of n Atlantic Canada, se Greenland, North Sea and w Atlantic to Mediterranean and marginal seas; to Canary Is. and wc Africa; Arabian Sea and associated gulfs, n Indian Ocean; w North Pacific coasts from Japan to |
Black-legged Kittiwake (VU) i | Laridae | Rissa tridactyla | PAL, NA | high Arctic to temperate n coasts, from Greenland, Iceland, w, nw Europe, Svalbard (n of Norway), n Siberian is. to Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia); Aleutian and Bering Sea is., w, sw Alaska mainland; Canadian high Arctic (ne Canad | w North Atlantic coast and coastal waters s to Virginia; mid-Atlantic Ridge to Azores; North Sea; Japan, Korean Pen., se Alaska to s California (USA) |
Black-naped Tern i | Laridae | Sterna sumatrana | AF, OR, AU | islands off tropical Indian and Pacific oceans from Seychelles to Cook Is. (e Polynesia) | IO, s PO |
Black-tailed Gull i | Laridae | Larus crassirostris | PAL | coasts and islets of e Siberia, Sakhalin and Kuril Is. (se Russia), Hokkaido and Honshu (n, c Japan), Korean Pen., e China and Matsu Is. (=Lienchiang County; w of Taiwan) | Japan, Korean Pen., East China Sea s to Philippines |
Blue Noddy i | Laridae | Anous ceruleus | PO | tropical Pacific Ocean islands from far se Japan and Micronesia to Northwestern Hawaiian Is., Marquesas and Gambier Is. (e Tuamotu Arch., e Polynesia) | |
Bonaparte's Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus philadelphia | NA | boreal forest zone from sw Alaska mainland and nw, sw Canada to e Quebec (se Canada) | e North Pacific coast to wc Mexico; inland se US; w North Atlantic coast and offshore Gulf Stream to Florida, the Bahamas and Cuba |
Bridled Tern i | Laridae | Onychoprion anaethetus | TrO | widespread tropical and subtropical is., mostly near continents (except e Polynesia and Hawaiian Is. and other remote is.) | |
Brown Noddy i | Laridae | Anous stolidus | TrO | widespread on tropical and subtropical islands of all oceans | |
Brown-headed Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus | PAL | inland Tibetan Plateau of Tajikistan, Xinjiang (w China), Ladakh (far nw India) and Tibet | inland and coastal Indian Subcontinent, sw China, w se Asia |
Brown-hooded Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus maculipennis | SA | inland and coastal se Brazil, c Chile, nc Argentina and Falkland Is. | |
Cabot's Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus acuflavidus | NA, MA, SA | coastal Virginia to s Texas, Caribbean, French Guiana, e Brazil and Argentina | Pacific coast from Mexico to Ecuador; Atlantic coast from Florida to Uruguay |
California Gull i | Laridae | Larus californicus | NA | c Northwest Territories to c Manitoba (c Canada) to ne South Dakota; e Washington to Montana and s to Colorado and c California | e North Pacific coast from s British Columbia (sw Canada) to wc Mexico |
Caspian Gull i | Laridae | Larus cachinnans | PAL | inland s Poland and Hungary e through Black, Caspian and Aral seas to e Kazakhstan | to se Europe, Black Sea, e Mediterranean, Persian Gulf and n Arabian Sea |
Caspian Tern i | Laridae | Hydroprogne caspia | PAL, OR, AU, NA | patchily coastal Baltic Sea and inland se Europe to w Mongolia and Ussuriland (se Russia) and ne China and s Asian coasts; coastal and inland w and s Africa; Europa (w of s Madagascar, Mozambique Channel), coastal Madagascar and Aldabra group (sw Seychell | coastal Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, India, Thailand, Malay Pen. and Vietnam; e Pacific and Caribbean to Panama |
Chinese Crested Tern (CR) i | Laridae | Thalasseus bernsteini | PAL | islands off Zhejiang and Fujian (e China coast) | Philippines, Borneo, Halmahera (n Moluccas) and Seram (ec Moluccas; few records anywhere) |
Common Gull i | Laridae | Larus canus | NA, PAL | Iceland and nw, c Europe to Kamchatka (e Siberia) | Europe to n Africa, Mediterranean, Black and Caspian seas, Persian Gulf; Sea of Okhotsk (se Russia), Japan, Korean Pen. to se China |
Common Tern i | Laridae | Sterna hirundo | PAL, NA | widespread, subarctic, temperate, and locally tropical Northern Hemisphere | widespread coasts to s South America, s Africa, w Madagascar, and s Australia |
Damara Tern i | Laridae | Sternula balaenarum | AF | coastal s Angola, Namibia and South Africa | to Ghana |
Dolphin Gull i | Laridae | Leucophaeus scoresbii | SA | coastal c, s Chile and Argentina to Tierra del Fuego; Falkland Is. | some move n on coasts |
Elegant Tern (NT) i | Laridae | Thalasseus elegans | NA, MA | coastal e Pacific of sw California and Baja California and Gulf of California (nw Mexico) | to coastal e Pacific from n California to c Chile |
European Herring Gull i | Laridae | Larus argentatus | PAL | coastal and inland Iceland to w France and nw, sw Russia | |
Fairy Tern (VU) i | Laridae | Sternula nereis | AU | w to se Australia, n North I. (New Zealand) and New Caledonia | |
Forster's Tern i | Laridae | Sterna forsteri | NA, MA | inland c Alberta to c Manitoba (sc Canada) patchily to California and n Baja California (nw Mexico), Colorado, and the Great Lakes; coastal w North Atlantic from New Jersey to North Carolina; Gulf of Mexico coast from Alabama to n Tamaulipas (ne Mexico) | to Gulf of Mexico coast, Bahamas, Cuba and southern Mexico |
Franklin's Gull i | Laridae | Leucophaeus pipixcan | NA | prairie marshes of w, n Alberta and ec Oregon to sw Manitoba (wc, ec Canada) and nw Minnesota | to w South Pacific coast from Ecuador and Galápagos to c Chile |
Glaucous Gull i | Laridae | Larus hyperboreus | PAL, NA | circumpolar Arctic coasts | coasts of Hudson Bay to ne Canada, Greenland, Iceland, nw Europe (n North Atlantic); Sea of Okhotsk, Japan, sw Alaska and sw Canada; widely vagrant farther s and inland |
Glaucous-winged Gull i | Laridae | Larus glaucescens | PAL, NA | coastal North Pacific in e Siberia, Kamchatka, Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia); Aleutian and Pribilof is., sw Alaska mainland to n Washington | to Japan and California |
Great Black-backed Gull i | Laridae | Larus marinus | NA, PAL | North Atlantic coasts, from sw, se Greenland, Iceland to nw Europe, Svalbard (n of Norway) and Baltic states (nw Russia); coastal and inland ne Canada to Great Lakes (scarce) and coasts to New Jersey | to coastal sw Europe (e North Atlantic) and coastal Florida (w North Atlantic) |
Greater Crested Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus bergii | AU, OR, AF | coasts of sw Africa, North Indian Ocean and marginal seas, through Indonesian and Australian waters from far s Japan to e Polynesia | |
Grey Gull i | Laridae | Leucophaeus modestus | SA | Atacama Desert (n Chile) | to coasts of Ecuador to c Chile |
Grey Noddy i U | Laridae | Anous albivitta | PO | subtropical South Pacific from Lord Howe and Norfolk is. (far e of Australia), Kermadec Is. (ne of New Zealand) to se Polynesia and is. far w of n Chile | |
Grey-headed Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus | SA, AF | coastal and inland Africa s of the Sahara and Madagascar; coastal Ecuador and Peru; s Uruguay and ne Argentina to Santa Fe (nc Argentina) | |
Gull-billed Tern i | Laridae | Gelochelidon nilotica | PAL, AF, OR, NA, MA, SA | widespread inland, sw Europe to ne China; coastal China; coastal w North Atlantic and Caribbean; coastal s California and Mexico; coastal South America and inland nc Argentina | to subtropical and tropical coasts, rivers and lakes worldwide (except remote is.) |
Hartlaub's Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus hartlaubii | AF | coastal c Namibia to W Cape, s Africa | |
Heermann's Gull (NT) i | Laridae | Larus heermanni | NA, MA | I. Rasa (n Gulf of California; 90-95%); sporadic breeding on islets from Seaside (c California) and Baja California to Nayarit (w Mexico) | coasts from s British Columbia (sw Canada) to sw Mexico |
Iceland Gull i | Laridae | Larus glaucoides | NA, PAL | Arctic ne Canada to Greenland | coastal Iceland to nw Europe, Labrador to wc North Atlantic coast, and ec North Pacific coast |
Inca Tern (NT) i | Laridae | Larosterna inca | SA | coastal n Peru to c Chile | |
Indian Skimmer (EN) i | Laridae | Rynchops albicollis | OR | local on major rivers, now mainly nc, ec India, c Myanmar | to ne Arabian Sea coast of nw Indian Pen. and n, e Bay of Bengal |
Ivory Gull (NT) i | Laridae | Pagophila eburnea | PAL, NA | high Arctic is. from Greenland, Svalbard (n of Norway), Franz Josef Land to Herald I. (e of Wrangel I., n of Chukotka Pen.; n Russia) and n Canada | Arctic Ocean pack-ice edge to se Greenland, Labrador and Bering seas |
Kelp Gull i | Laridae | Larus dominicanus | SA, AU, AF | coasts of s continents and is., mostly temperate to Antarctic waters | |
Kerguelen Tern (NT) i | Laridae | Sterna virgata | IO | subantarctic islands of w, c South Indian Ocean: Crozet, Prince Edward, and Kerguelen is. | |
Large-billed Tern i | Laridae | Phaetusa simplex | SA | widespread on rivers and lakes e of Andes to nc Argentina | |
Laughing Gull i | Laridae | Leucophaeus atricilla | NA, MA, SA | islands off w North Atlantic coast of Maine to Florida, Gulf of Mexico to s Texas; Yucatan Pen.; Gulf of California to Colima; West Indies, islands off Yucatan Pen., and islands n of Venezuela, Trinidad, Tobago and to French Guiana | |
Lava Gull i | Laridae | Leucophaeus fuliginosus | SA | coasts of Galápagos | |
Least Tern i | Laridae | Sternula antillarum | NA, MA | Great Plains to Texas and n Louisiana; c California and Gulf of California coasts to Oaxaca (w Mexico), El Salvador and Nicaragua; w North Atlantic coast from Maine to Florida, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea from Bahamas to Lesser Antilles, islands off | n SA coast |
Lesser Black-backed Gull i | Laridae | Larus fuscus | PAL | Greenland, Iceland, w Europe to nc Siberia | to sw Europe, wc, ec Africa, nw India, and e North America |
Lesser Crested Tern i U | Laridae | Thalasseus bengalensis | AF, OR, AU | disjunctly, coasts of sc Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and marginal seas, and n Australia | to subtropical and tropical Old World waters from nw Africa to New Guinea |
Lesser Noddy i U | Laridae | Anous tenuirostris | IO | tropical and subtropical Indian Ocean is. from Seychelles and Mascarenes to Chagos and Maldives (wc Indian Ocean) and Houtman Abrolhos Is. (w of WA, w Australia) and Ashmore Reef (nw of Australia; race?) | to e Africa, Comoros and n Madagascar |
Little Gull i | Laridae | Hydrocoloeus minutus | PAL | Baltic region of e, n Europe to w Siberia and n Kazakhstan, nw, nc Mongolia (rare); Siberia e of Lake Baikal to Sea of Okhotsk and ne China; rare Great Lakes, Hudson and James bays (ec Canada) | e North Atlantic coasts, North, Mediterranean, Baltic, Black, and Caspian seas; w North Atlantic coast from New England to North Carolina |
Little Tern i | Laridae | Sternula albifrons | AF, PAL, OR, AU | w Europe, sw Russia, c Asia, Mongolia to se Russia, Japan, e China, Taiwan and Vietnam; n, w Africa; Persian Gulf and Iraq to Indus Valley (Pakistan) and Gangetic Plain (nc India); Sri Lanka; Gulf of Thailand, Malay Pen., Singapore, and islands off Greate | |
Mediterranean Gull i | Laridae | Ichthyaetus melanocephalus | PAL | inland s Britain and e Spain to sw Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan | coasts of e North Atlantic from s Ireland and Britain to Canary Is. (Macaronesia, w of nw Africa) and wc Africa; Black Sea, and throughout Mediterranean and associated seas |
Mongolian Gull i | Laridae | Larus mongolicus | PAL | Altai Republic to Lake Baikal (sc Russia) and Mongolia; Lake Khanka (Heilongjiang, ne China); and Yellow Sea is. (w Korean Pen.) | coastal Japan, Korean Pen., e China and Taiwan |
Olrog's Gull (NT) i | Laridae | Larus atlanticus | SA | coastal s Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces (ne, ec Argentina) | some move to coasts of se Brazil |
Pacific Gull i | Laridae | Larus pacificus | AU | coasts of sw to se Australia and Tasmania | |
Pallas's Gull i | Laridae | Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus | PAL | patchily on lake islands from Crimea to Kazakhstan, w, s Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia (w, c China) | to coasts of Black, Caspian, and Aral seas; Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal (North Indian Ocean) to Bangladesh and Gulf of Martaban (sc Myanmar); also large n, c rivers of India and Myanmar |
Peruvian Tern (EN) i | Laridae | Sternula lorata | SA | coasts c Ecuador to n Chile | |
Red-legged Kittiwake (VU) i | Laridae | Rissa brevirostris | NA | Commander Is. (se Russia), Aleutian and Pribilof is., and St. Matthew I. (n Bering Sea) | Bering Sea to ice-edge and s of Aleutian Is. |
Relict Gull i U | Laridae | Ichthyaetus relictus | PAL | lakes of ne Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi (nc China) and Transbaikalia (se Russia) | rare to coasts of Korean Pen., Bohai Bay, Yellow Sea and East China Sea |
Ring-billed Gull i | Laridae | Larus delawarensis | NA | inland e British Columbia to s Northwest Territories, s James Bay to Labrador and Newfoundland (c, s Canada), Pacific Northwest states and Great Lakes (n contiguous USA) | to coastal and inland s US, s Mexico, Bahamas and Greater Antilles |
River Tern (VU) i | Laridae | Sterna aurantia | OR | rivers of Indus Valley (c Pakistan), sub-Himalayan India, nw, c Myanmar, sw China, to se Cambodia (formerly s Vietnam) | |
Roseate Tern i | Laridae | Sterna dougallii | Worldwide | patchily temperate to tropical Atlantic, tropical Indian, and subtropical to tropical w Pacific to Vanuatu | |
Ross's Gull i | Laridae | Rhodostethia rosea | PAL, NA | w, e Greenland (rare); Arctic ne Siberia, locally from Taimyr Pen. to Kolyma River; Arctic ne Canada and formerly Churchill, Manitoba (wc Hudson Bay, ec Canada) | Arctic Ocean, in Beaufort (n of Alaska) and Labrador seas (at least) |
Royal Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus maximus | NA, MA, SA | coastal w North Atlantic from Virginia to Florida, Gulf of Mexico to s Texas, Campeche Bank (ne Mexico), off n Honduras, through West Indies and off n Venezuela to French Guiana; s California, n Gulf of California to Sinaloa and Is. Tres Marias (off wc Me | |
Sabine's Gull i | Laridae | Xema sabini | PAL, NA | patchily on Arctic coasts of nw, e Greenland, Svalbard (n of Norway), ne Siberia from Taimyr Pen. to Wrangel I. (n of Chukotka Pen.) and Gulf of Anadyr (e Chukotka Pen.; ne Russia); St. Lawrence I. (n Bering Sea), w, n Alaska and Arctic Canada | coastal and offshore waters of n South America to n Chile and w Africa from Angola to s, se Africa |
Sandwich Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus sandvicensis | PAL, AF | coastal nw to se Europe from British Isles and Baltic Sea to e Iberian Pen., Mediterranean, Black and e, s Caspian seas | coastal sw Europe and Mediterranean to n, w, s Africa, Persian Gulf, India and Sri Lanka |
Saunders's Gull (VU) i | Laridae | Saundersilarus saundersi | PAL | coastal Liaoning to Jiangsu (Yellow Sea, e China) and Songdo (nw South Korea) | coasts of East China Sea from Japan and Korean Pen. to Taiwan and n South China Sea to n Vietnam |
Saunders's Tern i | Laridae | Sternula saundersi | AF, PAL | islands of Red Sea and Persian Gulf, off Somalia and Socotra, patchily to coast of Pakistan, nw India, and Adam's Bridge is. (between India and Sri Lanka) | to coastal Tanzania, all Seychelles groups and Madagascar (tropical w Indian Ocean), Chagos Arch. and Maldives (nc Indian Ocean) |
Short-billed Gull i | Laridae | Larus brachyrhynchus | NA | w, n Alaska mainland s to Vancouver I. (sw British Columbia), and nw Canada e to nw Alberta | e North Pacific coast from s British Columbia (sw Canada) to nw Baja California (nw Mexico) |
Silver Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae | AU | inland s Australia and coastal throughout Australia; coastal New Zealand and outlying is. and New Caledonia | |
Slaty-backed Gull i | Laridae | Larus schistisagus | PAL | coasts and lakes of ne Siberia s of Anadyr, Kamchatka, Sea of Okhotsk, Sakhalin, Kuril Is. (e Russia), ne China, and Hokkaido and n Honshu (n Japan) | to coasts of Japan and Korean Pen., Bohai Sea (ne China) and Taiwan; prone to extreme vagrancy elsewhere |
Slender-billed Gull i | Laridae | Chroicocephalus genei | PAL, AF | patchily on coasts and saline lakes of s Iberian Pen., s Europe, Black and Caspian seas and Turkey to Central Asia, Pakistan and coastal far nw India; Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia | to coasts of Arabian Pen. and w India |
Snowy-crowned Tern i | Laridae | Sterna trudeaui | SA | coastal se Brazil and Uruguay to inland ec Argentina; coastal Aconcagua to Llanquihue provinces (c, sc Chile) | |
Sooty Gull i | Laridae | Ichthyaetus hemprichii | AF, PAL | islands of Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Socotra, nw Indian Ocean to ne Kenya, Persian Gulf and nw Arabian Sea to s Pakistan | to Gulf of Aqaba (se Israel) and c Tanzania and Zanzibar |
Sooty Tern i | Laridae | Onychoprion fuscatus | TrO | widespread in all tropical and subtropical oceans | |
South American Tern i | Laridae | Sterna hirundinacea | SA | coastal s Peru and Espiritu Santo (ec Brazil) to Tierra del Fuego, Cape Horn is. and Falkland Is. | |
Spectacled Tern i | Laridae | Onychoprion lunatus | PO | sw to c tropical Pacific Ocean: n Mariana, Phoenix, Line, Tuamotu, Marquesas, American Samoa, Northwestern Hawaiian Is., islets off Kauai and Oahu (main Hawaiian Is.) and Johnston Atoll (s of Hawaii) | to ne Melanesia in sw, and far e Polynesia in e |
Swallow-tailed Gull i | Laridae | Creagrus furcatus | SA | Galápagos and Malpelo I. (far w of Colombia) | to Humboldt Current off Ecuador to n Chile |
Vega Gull i | Laridae | Larus vegae | PAL | Arctic c, e Siberia from Taimyr to Chukotka, New Siberian Is. (far nc Russia) and St. Lawrence I. (n Bering Sea) | to coasts of Japan, Korean Pen. and e China |
West African Crested Tern i | Laridae | Thalasseus albididorsalis | AF | coasts of Mauritania to Guinea (w Africa) | to coasts of Morocco in n and s to Namibia |
Western Gull i | Laridae | Larus occidentalis | NA, MA | w North Pacific coast from nw Washington to I. Guadelupe and c Baja California (nw Mexico) | to s British Columbia and s Baja California (nw Mexico) |
Whiskered Tern i | Laridae | Chlidonias hybrida | AF, PAL, OR, AU | widespread inland s, c Eurasia, e, s Africa, and Australia | inland Africa, Asia and Australia |
White Tern i | Laridae | Gygis alba | TrO | widespread on tropical and subtropical is. (except Caribbean, n, e Indian Ocean) | tropical seas |
White-cheeked Tern i | Laridae | Sterna repressa | AF, PAL | coastal Kenya to Persian Gulf, Red Sea and coastal Pakistan | |
White-eyed Gull i | Laridae | Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus | AF | islands off Red Sea coasts | throughout Red Sea |
White-fronted Tern (NT) i | Laridae | Sterna striata | AU | coasts and satellites of North, South, Stewart, Chatham (e of South I.) and Auckland is. (s of South I.; New Zealand); also (few) Furneaux group, e Bass Strait is. (Australia) | coastal e SA, Tasmania to se QLD (s, e Australia) |
White-winged Tern i | Laridae | Chlidonias leucopterus | PAL | inland sc, e Europe and Iraq to se Russia, ne China and nc Siberia | to coastal and inland Africa n and s of Sahara; se Asia and e China, Philippines, Indonesian Arch., and coastal New Guinea and Australia |
Yellow-billed Tern i | Laridae | Sternula superciliaris | SA | large rivers of ne Peru, n, c Colombia, n Venezuela and Guianas to ec Argentina | |
Yellow-footed Gull i U | Laridae | Larus livens | NA, MA | islets in Gulf of California, from Roca Consag to La Paz Bay | to Salton Sea (sc California) and throughout Gulf of California (nw Mexico) |
Yellow-legged Gull i | Laridae | Larus michahellis | PAL | coastal and inland s, w, c Europe, Macaronesia, Mediterranean and nw Africa | |
Plains-wanderer (EN) i | Pedionomidae | Pedionomus torquatus | AU | se NT and sw QLD to nc VIC (ec Australia) | |
Magellanic Plover (VU) i | Pluvianellidae | Pluvianellus socialis | SA | inland w Santa Cruz Province (sw Argentina), se Magallanes Province (far se Chile) and n, c Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego | coastal ec, se Argentina to se Buenos Aires Province |
Egyptian Plover i | Pluvianidae | Pluvianus aegyptius | AF | Senegal and Gambia e to Ethiopia, s to far n Angola, DR Congo and Sudan; formerly also Nile River, Egypt | |
American Avocet i | Recurvirostridae | Recurvirostra americana | NA, MA | se British Columbia to sw Ontario (sc Canada) to California, Texas (w, sc USA) and n Baja California (nw Mexico) to c Mexico | s, se USA to s Mexico |
Andean Avocet i | Recurvirostridae | Recurvirostra andina | SA | montane c Peru, Bolivia, n Chile and far nw Argentina | |
Banded Stilt i | Recurvirostridae | Cladorhynchus leucocephalus | AU | s, c Australia | |
Black Stilt (CR) i | Recurvirostridae | Himantopus novaezelandiae | AU | c South I. (New Zealand) | to North I. (New Zealand) |
Black-necked Stilt i | Recurvirostridae | Himantopus mexicanus | NA, MA, SA, PO | coastal and inland w, s, se USA to sw Peru, Galápagos and ne Brazil; also Hawaiian Is. | |
Black-winged Stilt i | Recurvirostridae | Himantopus himantopus | PAL, AF, OR | coastal and inland s to ec Europe, Sal (ne Cape Verde Is., s Macaronesia, w of nw Africa); n and Sub-Saharan Africa, Socotra, and coastal Madagascar; through sw Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia to se Russia, ne, e China, locally Honshu and Shikoku (sc Japa | to Greater Sundas and Philippines |
Pied Avocet i | Recurvirostridae | Recurvirostra avosetta | AF, PAL | inland and coastal s British Isles, Iberian Pen., far s Scandinavia (nw to sw Europe) and sw Russia to Transbaikalia (ne Russia) and ne China s through n Middle East, c Asia to ec Afghanistan, Sind and Kutch (coastal Pakistan and nw India); e and s Africa | to coastal n Africa, inland w Africa, Indian Pen., Sri Lanka, c Myanmar, c Thailand, and e China |
Pied Stilt i | Recurvirostridae | Himantopus leucocephalus | OR, AU | local c, s Philippines, Indonesian Arch., New Guinea region, Australia, New Zealand, ne New Britain (se Bismarck Arch.) | throughout Philippines |
Red-necked Avocet i | Recurvirostridae | Recurvirostra novaehollandiae | AU | Australia (except n, Tasmania) | |
White-backed Stilt i | Recurvirostridae | Himantopus melanurus | SA | inland ec Peru, c Bolivia and se Brazil to sc Chile and sc Argentina | |
Australian Painted-snipe (EN) i | Rostratulidae | Rostratula australis | AU | Australia (except wc, nc, ne, Tasmania) | |
Greater Painted-snipe i | Rostratulidae | Rostratula benghalensis | AF, OR | widespread inland Africa and tropical to subtropical (locally temperate) Asia: Africa and Madagascar; Indus Valley (c Pakistan) to s China, c Japan, Philippines and e Lesser Sundas | |
South American Painted-snipe i | Rostratulidae | Nycticryphes semicollaris | SA | patchily in Paraguay and se Brazil to sc Argentina and c Chile | |
African Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago nigripennis | AF | subtropical to tropical wetlands of ne, sc, s Africa | |
Amami Woodcock (VU) i | Scolopacidae | Scolopax mira | PAL | Amami-Oshima to Tokunoshima (n Ryukyu Is., s Japan) | s to Okinawa (c Ryukyu Is., s Japan) |
American Woodcock i | Scolopacidae | Scolopax minor | NA | temperate e Nearctic forest and edge: sw Alberta e to Maritime Provinces (sc to se Canada) and s to se Texas and n Florida (e USA) | to woodlands and fields of se Texas and s Florida |
Asian Dowitcher (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Limnodromus semipalmatus | PAL | inland wetlands of temperate c, e Palearctic: sw Siberia and e Kazakhstan, (probably) n Mongolia to Amurland (se Siberia) and ne China | OR, AU : coastal s Thailand, Malay Pen., Indonesian Arch., n Australia and Philippines (rare) |
Baird's Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Calidris bairdii | NA, PAL | high Arctic (locally to subarctic) dry tundra: Wrangel I. (n of ne Siberia and e Chukotskiy Pen. (far ne Siberia), n, c Alaska, n Canada including Arctic islands from Banks to Ellesmere and Baffin is. and nw Greenland | w, s SA : inland including montane and coastal from s Peru through Chile and c, s Argentina |
Bar-tailed Godwit (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Limosa lapponica | PAL | patchily in low Arctic tundra of n Palearctic: far n Scandinavia to Chukotskiy and Anadyr pens. (ne Russia) and n, w Alaska | AF, OR, AU : mainly temperate to tropical coasts: British Isles, s Europe, w Mediterranean, Africa, Malagasy region through Middle East, Indian subcontinent, se Asia, Indonesian Arch.; Ryukyu Is. (s Japan), se China, Taiwan, Philippines, Australasia from |
Black Turnstone i | Scolopacidae | Arenaria melanocephala | NA | coastal w Alaska, also along rivers, streambeds and lakes | rocky coastal se Alaska to s Baja California, Gulf of California, and Sonora (nw Mexico; e North Pacific) |
Black-tailed Godwit (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Limosa limosa | PAL | widespread in subarctic and temperate wet grassland: Iceland, Faroe Is., British Isles, Scandinavia s to sw France, e through nw Russia, n Kazakhstan, n Mongolia e to Chukotskiy Pen., Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Amurland (e Russia) and Inner Mongolia (ne Chin | AF, OR, AU : coastal and inland temperate to tropical wetlands: s British Isles, s Europe, Macaronesia (nw of n Africa; scarce), Africa (except s), Middle East, s, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., s New Guinea, Australia; Ryukyu Is. (=Nansei Shoto, s Japan), Ta |
Bristle-thighed Curlew (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Numenius tahitiensis | NA | low Arctic upland tundra of w Alaska: nc Seward Pen. and n Yukon Delta | c, s PO is.: Micronesia and Fiji (sw Polynesia) e through Northwestern Hawaiian Is. and Kaui (rarer on other main Hawaiian Is.) and all Polynesian islands; rarer to Japan and Melanesia |
Broad-billed Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Calidris falcinellus | PAL | patchily in low Arctic to subarctic tundra bogs of n Palearctic: Scandinavia to Kanin Pen. (nw Russia); Taimyr Pen. (nw Siberia) and Lena to Kolyma rivers (ne Siberia) | AF, OR, AU : Paleotropical coasts, e Africa, Red Sea and Persian Gulf through se Asia, Indonesian Arch., s New Guinea and Australia (except sw, sc, Tasmania) |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Calidris subruficollis | NA, PAL | high Arctic dry coastal tundra of far ne Palearctic and n Nearctic: n Chukotka e from Wrangel I. (n of ne Siberia), Alaskan North Slope from Pt. Barrow e through ne Canada, including Arctic is. from Banks to Devon is. (ne Canada) | se SA : coastal and inland grassland of subtropical s Neotropics: se Brazil, Uruguay and n, c Argentina; prone to extreme vagrancy worldwide |
Bukidnon Woodcock i | Scolopacidae | Scolopax bukidnonensis | OR | Calayan, Babuyan Claro, and montane Luzon and Mindanao (n, s Philippines) | |
Chatham Islands Snipe (VU) i | Scolopacidae | Coenocorypha pusilla | AU | South East I. (=Rangatira), Mangere and Little Mangere is. and Star Keys (Chatham Is., e of South I., New Zealand) | |
Common Greenshank i | Scolopacidae | Tringa nebularia | PAL | inland and coastal subarctic to temperate taiga wetlands of Palearctic: n Europe to e Siberia: Scotland, Scandinavia and Baltic states e through temperate Russia to Chukotskiy Pen., Kamchatka and Amurland (se Russia) | sw PAL, AF, OR, AU : inland and coastal s temperate to tropical Old World: sw, s Europe, Canary and Cape Verde is. (Macaronesia, w of n Africa), Africa, Malagasy region, Middle East, s, se Asia to e China, Indonesian Arch., New Guinea region, Australia an |
Common Redshank i | Scolopacidae | Tringa totanus | PAL | subarctic to temperate coastal and inland marshes, meadows of Palearctic: Iceland to n Scandinavia and s to s Iberian Pen. and coastal Tunisia, in n from Baltics, sw Russia, Kazakhstan, n Mongolia e to Amurland (se Russia), s through n Middle East, most o | sw PAL, AF, OR : temperate to tropical inland and coastal wetlands of Africa to n Australia: s British Isles, Africa (except s), Middle East, s, se Asia to Malay Pen., Indonesian Arch., e China, Philippines, Taiwan and Ryukyu Is. (s Japan) |
Common Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Actitis hypoleucos | PAL | widespread, subarctic to temperate inland waterbody margins of Palearctic: British Isles n to Scandinavia s to Iberian Pen., e through temperate Russia to ec Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Russia), s from Turkey, Caucasus, Iran, c Asia to Kashmir (nw Himalayas), n M | AF, OR, AU, also Middle East : tropical to subtropical inland and coastal waterbodies of Paleotropics: sw Europe, s Macaronesia (nw of w Africa), Africa, Malagasy region, s Middle East, s, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., Philippines, Taiwan, e China, s Japan, |
Common Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago gallinago | PAL | widespread low Arctic to temperate wetlands of Palearctic: Iceland to British Isles, Scandinavia, France and Azores (n Macaronesia, nw of n Africa) e through n Russia to c Chukotskiy Pen., Kamchatka, Sea of Okhotsk and Commander Is. (se Russia); in s to n | s Europe, AF, OR : temperate to tropical wetlands of Eastern Hemisphere mainly n of Equator: British Isles to s Europe, Macaronesia (nw of n Africa), n Africa, wc to ec Africa, Middle East, c, s se Asia, e Asia, Greater Sundas, Philippines, Taiwan, e Chin |
Curlew Sandpiper (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Calidris ferruginea | PAL | drier low Arctic tundra of nc, ne Palearctic: nw Siberia from Yamal Pen. to nw Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Siberia), and New Siberian Is. (n of nc Siberia) | AF, OR, AU : inland and coastal wetlands of Paleotropics: s Europe, Cape Verde Is. (s Macaronesia, w of w Africa), Africa, Malagasy region, through s, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., se China, Taiwan, Philippines, s New Guinea, Australia and Tasmania, Bismarck |
Dunlin i | Scolopacidae | Calidris alpina | NA, PAL | low (locally high) Arctic to temperate wet tundra of Holarctic: sw to ne Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Is., n British Isles, Scandinavia, Baltic states e through n Russia including Novaya Zemlya (n of nw Siberia) and New Siberian Is. (n of ec Russia), through | s NA, AF, s PAL : coastal and inland wetlands from temperate to tropical zones n of Equator: British Isles, w Europe, Mediterranean, n, nc Africa, Middle East, n Indian subcontinent to n Vietnam and e China, Taiwan, Korean Pen. and Japan (except n); sw Ca |
Eskimo Curlew (CR) i | Scolopacidae | Numenius borealis | NA | low Arctic tundra of nw North America: n NWT (nw Canada; possibly also n Alaska; probably extinct) | grassland of se South America: se Brazil, Uruguay and ne Argentina (probably extinct) |
Eurasian Curlew (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Numenius arquata | PAL | subarctic and temperate Palearctic wetlands, meadows: Faroe Is., British Isles, Scandinavia s to s France, e through n Kazakhstan and (locally) n Mongolia to Transbaikalia (ne Russia), Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang (ne China) | AF, OR : mainly subtropical to tropical coasts and larger rivers, Iceland, s British Isles, s Europe, Mediterranean, Africa, Malagasy region through Middle East, Indian subcontinent, se Asia, Indonesian Arch.; s, sc Japan, Korean Pen., se China, Taiwan an |
Eurasian Whimbrel i | Scolopacidae | Numenius phaeopus | PAL | patchily in subarctic tundra of Palearctic: ne Greenland and n Scotland through subarctic Russia to Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Russia) | widespread on temperate to tropical Palearctic coasts: s British Isles, Madeira to Cape Verde (Macaronesia, nw of n Africa), w Mediterranean, Africa, Indian Ocean and associated gulfs, bays and islands, Australasia to North and n South is. (New Zealand) a |
Eurasian Woodcock i | Scolopacidae | Scolopax rusticola | PAL | widespread subarctic to temperate and montane subtropical moist forests of Palearctic: British Isles n to Scandinavia (except far n) s to n Iberian Pen., Azores, Madeira and w, c Canary Is. (Macaronesia, nw of w Africa), e through temperate Russia, ne Kaz | OR, n AF : temperate to subtropical Eastern Hemisphere woodlands: to Iberian Pen., n Africa, n Middle East, sw India, n se Asia, e China, Taiwan, Korean Pen. and c, s Japan |
Far Eastern Curlew (EN) i | Scolopacidae | Numenius madagascariensis | PAL | inland wetlands of subarctic to temperate ne Palearctic: ec Siberia to Kamchatka and Ussuriland (se Russia) and Heilongjiang (ne China) | AU : coastal subtropical to tropical e Asia: Ryukyu Is. (=Nansei Shoto, s Japan), Taiwan, se coastal China, Philippines, e Vietnam, Malay Pen., Indonesian Arch., s, se New Guinea, Australia, Tasmania, North and South is. (New Zealand) |
Fuegian Snipe (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago stricklandii | SA | bogs of temperate s South America: c, s Chile and s Argentina to Cape Horn and Isla de los Estados (e of Tierra del Fuego) | |
Giant Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago undulata | SA | wet grassland of n, se South America | |
Great Knot (EN) i | Scolopacidae | Calidris tenuirostris | PAL | low Arctic and subarctic montane tundra: ne Siberia from Yakutsk e to Anadyr Pen. | OR, AU : coastal Australasia: ne Arabian Pen., coastal s, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., Taiwan, se China, Philippines, nw, s New Guinea, Australia including Tasmania |
Great Snipe (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago media | PAL | subarctic to temperate meadows of nw Palearctic: w, n Scandinavia and e Poland through w Russia to Yenisei River (w Siberia) | AF : wet grassland of tropical and subtropical Sub-Saharan Africa |
Greater Yellowlegs i | Scolopacidae | Tringa melanoleuca | NA | (mainly) temperate taiga muskeg of Nearctic: s Alaska and sw Canada through s tier of Canadian provinces to e Labrador (e Canada) | s USA and LA : temperate to tropical coastal and inland Neotropical wetlands: n California, Pennsylvania, and throughout Caribbean s to Tierra del Fuego; Galápagos |
Green Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Tringa ochropus | PAL | subarctic to temperate zone taiga wetlands of Palearctic: Scandinavia (except far n) s to Germany, e to e Sakha Republic (ne Siberia), s through n, e Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, w, nw Xinjiang (nw China), n Mongolia and Inner Mongolia (ne China) | sw PAL, AF, OR : temperate to tropical inland and coastal wetlands of Palearctic: s British Isles to Canary Is. (Macaronesia, w of n Africa), Africa (except far s), Middle East, s, se Asia to Malay Pen., e China, n, w Philippines, Taiwan, Korean Pen. and |
Grey-tailed Tattler (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Tringa brevipes | PAL | (mainly) subarctic tundra of nc, ne Palearctic: montane Krasnoyarsk (wc Siberia) and Yana River to Anadyr Pen. and Kamchatka (ec, e Siberia) | e IO and w PO islands : subtropical to tropical mainly muddy to sandy Pacific coasts: Malay Pen., Indonesian Arch., New Guinea region, w, n, e Australia, Melanesia, New Zealand, Micronesia, Fiji and Tuvalu (w Polynesia) |
Hudsonian Godwit i | Scolopacidae | Limosa haemastica | NA | patchily in low Arctic bogs near treeline, w Alaska to c Canada: w, sc Alaska, n and sc NWT, sw shores of Hudson Bay in n Manitoba and n Ontario (ec Canada) | mainly temperate coastal wetlands of s South America; highly localized: n Peru to s Chile (e South Pacific) and s Brazil to s Argentina (w South Atlantic) |
Hudsonian Whimbrel i | Scolopacidae | Numenius hudsonicus | NA | low Arctic coastal and inland tundra of Alaska and Canada: w, n, c Alaska, far w, nw Canada and sw shore of Hudson Bay | widespread on temperate to tropical Western Hemisphere coasts: c California (e North Pacific) and se coast of USA (w North Atlantic), Gulf of Mexico through Caribbean and Mexico, Central America and to s tip of South America; also Revillagigedo (far w of |
Imperial Snipe (NT) i U | Scolopacidae | Gallinago imperialis | SA | elfin forest montane bogs of nw South America: Ecuador to Peru (old records Colombia) | |
Jack Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Lymnocryptes minimus | PAL | subarctic to temperate taiga wetlands of n Palearctic: Scandinavia and ne Poland to e Sakha Republic (ec Siberia) | OR, AF : temperate to tropical inland wetlands of w, c Eastern Hemisphere mainly n of Equator: Faroe and British Isles, w, s Europe, Mediterranean, n, c tropical Africa, Middle East and Indian subcontinent |
Jameson's Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago jamesoni | SA | montane bogs of n to wc South America: wc Venezuela to nc Bolivia | |
Javan Woodcock (NT) i U | Scolopacidae | Scolopax saturata | OR | montane Sumatra and w Java | |
Kiritimati Sandpiper (EX) i | Scolopacidae | Prosobonia cancellata † | PO | Kiritimati (Line Is., e Polynesia) | |
Latham's Snipe (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago hardwickii | PAL | meadows and fields of temperate ne Palearctic: e Amurland and s Sakhalin (se Russia) and s Kuril Is. s through Honshu and ?Kyushu (n to s Japan) | AU : tropical to temperate freshwater wetlands: e Australia including Tasmania |
Least Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Calidris minutilla | NA | low Arctic and subarctic n Nearctic tundra and taiga wetlands: e Aleutian Is., all Alaskan mainland, n Canada from n Yukon to n British Columbia, e to s James Bay, Ungava Pen., Labrador and Nova Scotia | subtropical to tropical coastal mudflats and inland wetlands from s USA, Caribbean, and Mexico to n South America |
Lesser Yellowlegs i | Scolopacidae | Tringa flavipes | NA | (mainly) subarctic tundra to forest of n Nearctic: Alaska mainland (except far w, far n) s to c British Columbia and s Alberta, e to James Bay and probably c Quebec (ec Canada) | s USA and LA : temperate to tropical coastal and inland Neotropical wetlands: n California, North Carolina, and throughout Caribbean s to Tierra del Fuego; Galápagos |
Little Curlew i | Scolopacidae | Numenius minutus | PAL | patchily in subarctic taiga of wc to ec Siberia | AU : coastal and inland Trans-Fly (sc New Guinea), Port Moresby area (se New Guinea) and n Australia to wc, ec coasts |
Little Stint i | Scolopacidae | Calidris minuta | PAL | high to low Arctic drier tundra of n Palearctic: far n Scandinavia, White Sea coast, s Novaya Zemlya, through n Russia to New Siberian Is. (ec Siberia) | e PAL, AF, India : coastal and inland mudflats and marshes, s Europe, Mediterranean, Africa, w Madagascar, Middle East, c to s Asia |
Long-billed Curlew i | Scolopacidae | Numenius americanus | NA | inland grassland of temperate wc North America: s British Columbia e to sw Saskatchewan (sw, sc Canada) and s to ne California, ne New Mexico and nw Nebraska (sw, wc USA) | coastal and inland s USA, Mexico, and w Central America: California, coastal se USA, coastal and inland Mexico to c Panama (e North Pacific) and to w Yucatan Pen. (e Mexico; w North Atlantic) |
Long-billed Dowitcher i | Scolopacidae | Limnodromus scolopaceus | PAL, NA | low Arctic to subarctic wet meadows of e Palearctic and w Nearctic: Lena River to e Chukotskiy Pen. and s to Anadyr Pen. (ne Siberia); St. Lawrence I. (Bering Sea; rare), w Alaska and n NWT (nc Canada) | s USA and MA : coastal and inland temperate to subtropical Nearctic: from n California, Florida and Gulf of Mexico through s USA, Mexico to Campeche (ec Mexico) and Pacific coast of Central America to nw Costa Rica |
Long-toed Stint i | Scolopacidae | Calidris subminuta | PAL | subarctic to temperate bogs of c, e Palearctic: disjunctly from sw to s Chukotskiy Pen., n Kuril and Commander is. (e Russia); (perhaps) n Mongolia | OR, AU : inland and coastal e India and Sri Lanka, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., w, se Australia, Philippines, se China, Taiwan and s, sc Japan |
Madagascar Snipe (VU) i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago macrodactyla | AF | wetlands of e Madagascar | |
Magellanic Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago magellanica | SA | wet grassland of temperate s South America: c Chile and c Argentina to Tierra del Fuego and Falkland Is. | |
Marbled Godwit i | Scolopacidae | Limosa fedoa | NA | subarctic to temperate grassland of Nearctic: disjunctly c Alaska Pen.; sc Canada to nc USA; and w James Bay area (n Ontario, ec Canada) | coastal s USA and Mexico: Washington to Baja California, Gulf of California to c Panama (e North Pacific); New Jersey to Florida (w North Atlantic), Gulf of Mexico to Yucatan Pen. |
Marsh Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Tringa stagnatilis | PAL | temperate zone freshwater marshes of wc to ec Palearctic: e Poland and Baltic states e through s Russia, n Kazakhstan and n Mongolia to Amurland and ne China | AF, OR, AU : inland and coastal wetlands of Paleotropics: Africa, n Middle East, s, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., s New Guinea, Australia (except Tasmania), Mariana Is. and Palau (w Micronesia), Philippines, s China, Taiwan and Ryukyu Is. (s Japan) |
Moluccan Woodcock (VU) i | Scolopacidae | Scolopax rochussenii | AU | Obi (nc Moluccas) | |
Moorea Sandpiper (EX) i | Scolopacidae | Prosobonia ellisi † | PO | Moorea (Society Is., e Polynesia) | |
New Guinea Woodcock i | Scolopacidae | Scolopax rosenbergii | AU | montane New Guinea | |
Noble Snipe (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago nobilis | SA | montane wet grassland of nw South America: far w Venezuela to far n Peru | |
Nordmann's Greenshank (EN) i | Scolopacidae | Tringa guttifer | PAL | coastal larch forest of ne Palearctic: w, s coastal Sea of Okhotsk, Tatar Strait (w of Sakhalin) and Sakhalin (e Siberia) | OR : coastal mudflats and saltpans of tropical s se Asia: se Bangladesh, s Myanmar, s Thailand, Malay Pen., Sumatra and sw Borneo |
North Island Snipe (EX) i | Scolopacidae | Coenocorypha barrierensis † | AU | North, Browns and Little Barrier is. (n New Zealand) | |
Pantanal Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago paraguaiae | SA | wetlands of tropical to subtropical n, c South America: Trinidad, c, e Colombia through the Guianas s to n Argentina and Uruguay | |
Pectoral Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Calidris melanotos | NA, PAL | high to low Arctic wet tundra of Holarctic: Yamal Pen. (nw Siberia) e to Chukotskiy Pen., s to Anadyr, including New Siberian and Wrangel is. (ne Russia); w, n Alaska through ne Canada, including Arctic islands from Banks to Devon and Southampton (ne Cana | AU, Southern Cone : mainly wet grassland, wetland edge of subtropical and temperate zone; few to se Australia, New Zealand, Chatham Is. (e of North I., New Zealand); most to Peru, Bolivia, and s Brazil s to Tierra del Fuego; a few winter farther north; pr |
Pin-tailed Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago stenura | PAL | low Arctic tundra to temperate montane meadows of nc, ne Palearctic: nw Siberia and ne Kazakhstan and n Mongolia to c Chukotskiy Pen. to Sea of Okhotsk (e Siberia) | OR : inland wetlands of subtropical to tropical Oriental region: s, se Arabian Pen., s, se Asia, Greater Sundas, se China, Taiwan, Korean Pen., Ryukyu Is. (s Japan) |
Puna Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago andina | SA | montane wet grassland of w South America: Peru to n Chile and nw Argentina | |
Purple Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Calidris maritima | NA, PAL | high to low montane Arctic of North Atlantic and Arctic oceans: Greenland (except n, ne), Iceland, Jan Mayen (ne of Iceland), Bear I. and Svalbard (n of Norway), Scandinavia to far nw Russia, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya (n of nw Siberia) and Severn | e NA, w Europe : rocky North Atlantic coasts: Iceland, Faroe Is., British Isles, Scandinavia and w Europe (e North Atlantic); Labrador and Gulf of St. Lawrence (se Canada) to North Carolina (w North Atlantic) |
Red Knot (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Calidris canutus | NA, PAL | patchily in high Arctic (mainly) tundra of Holarctic: nw, e Greenland, nc Siberia, islands n of nc and ne Siberia, and n Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Siberia) | SA, Europe, AF, AU : coasts worldwide from temperate zone to tropics; in Indian Ocean mainly w Australia, and in Pacific in New Zealand but rare on other remote islands |
Red Phalarope i | Scolopacidae | Phalaropus fulicarius | NA, PAL | mostly high (locally low) Arctic marshy tundra of Holarctic: from sw, ec Greenland, Iceland (local), Svalbard (n of Norway), Novaya Zemlya and n Siberia to Bering Strait; n Alaska and n Canada including s tier of Arctic Canadian islands | temperate to tropical coastal waters of Atlantic and Pacific oceans: from n California to s Chile (e Pacific) and Atlantic USA to n Florida (w North Atlantic); coastal waters of e tropical and South Atlantic off nw, w, sw Africa |
Red-necked Phalarope i | Scolopacidae | Phalaropus lobatus | NA, PAL | mostly low Arctic to subarctic Holarctic tundra and alpine tundra: s Greenland, Iceland, Scotland (rare), n Scandinavia, and Arctic and subarctic Russia to Kamchatka, Kuril and Commander is.; Aleutian Is., Arctic and subarctic Alaska and Canada | to tropical and subtropical coastal waters and coasts: Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, and Bay of Bengal; seas of Indonesian Arch., off n, w New Guinea and Bismarck Arch.; and se North Pacific coasts of w Mexico and Central America to Peru and Galápagos |
Red-necked Stint (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Calidris ruficollis | PAL | coastal low Arctic to subarctic tundra of nc, ne Siberia: Taymyr Pen. (nc Siberia) e to Chukotskiy Pen. and s to n Kamchatka Pen. (ne Russia) | OR, AU : coastal ne India and Sri Lanka through se Asia, Indonesian Arch., New Guinea, Australia, Melanesia from Bismarck Arch. to New Caledonia, New Zealand, Philippines to Ryukyu Is. (=Nansei Shoto, s Japan) |
Rock Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Calidris ptilocnemis | PAL, NA | coastal low Arctic to subarctic tundra of far n Pacific: e Chukotskiy Pen. to (disjunctly) s Kamchatka, Commander and (perhaps) n Kuril is. (e Russia), Aleutian and Bering Sea is., w Alaska from Seward Pen. to Gulf of Alaska is. | rocky subarctic to temperate coasts: Hokkaido (n Japan, w North Pacific; rare) to c California (e North Pacific) |
Ruddy Turnstone i | Scolopacidae | Arenaria interpres | NA, PAL | high and low Arctic tundra of coastal Holarctic | temperate to tropical coasts worldwide |
Ruff i | Scolopacidae | Calidris pugnax | PAL | low Arctic to temperate tundra and steppe of Palearctic: nw Europe from Belgium and Scandinavia s through n Ukraine, nw Kazakhstan, n Mongolia to far e Siberia | AF, sw PAL, India : inland and coastal c, s Europe, Africa, Middle East, Indian subcontinent, se Asia, Philippines, ec China, Taiwan and c to s Japan; rarer Indonesian Arch. |
Sanderling i | Scolopacidae | Calidris alba | NA, PAL | high Arctic tundra wetlands of Holarctic: nw, se Greenland, Svalbard (n of Norway), n Taymyr Pen. and Severnaya Zemlya (to n), Lena Delta and New Siberian Is. (nc Siberia), Alaskan North Slope (rare), Canadian Arctic islands from Banks to Ellesmere and s | Worldwide : sandy coastal beaches from temperate to tropical zone: British Isles and Macaronesia (nw of n Africa) through Africa, Malagasy region, Middle East, s, se Asia through Indonesian Arch. to Australia, Melanesia, Philippines and s, c Japan (but ra |
Semipalmated Sandpiper (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Calidris pusilla | NA, PAL | low (locally high) Arctic to subarctic tundra of far ne Palearctic and Nearctic: e Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Siberia), w, n Alaska and n Canada including most of mainland Nunavut, around Hudson and James bays and e to n Labrador, and s Canadian Arctic islands f | MA, SA, Caribbean : subtropical to tropical coastal Neotropics: from Isthmus of Tehuantepec (sw Mexico) to far n Chile and Galápagos (e Pacific), throughout Caribbean and from n Yucatan Pen. to ne Brazil (w Atlantic) |
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (VU) i | Scolopacidae | Calidris acuminata | PAL | low Arctic to subarctic tundra of ne Palearctic: Lena to Kolyma rivers (ne Siberia) | AU : coastal and inland Wallacea, New Guinea, Australia, Melanesia, New Zealand and Fiji (sw Polynesia); prone to extreme vagrancy to North America and Europe |
Short-billed Dowitcher i | Scolopacidae | Limnodromus griseus | NA | n temperate bogs in tundra and muskeg of Nearctic: Gulf of Alaska and inland sc Alaska, sw Yukon and montane nw British Columbia (nw Canada); nc Alberta to w Manitoba (c Canada); sw Hudson and James bays to w Labrador (ec Canada) | s USA and LA : coastal mudflats and mangroves of temperate to tropical Western Hemisphere: n California to n Peru and Galápagos (e Pacific) and North Carolina to ne Brazil (w Atlantic) |
Slender-billed Curlew (CR) i | Scolopacidae | Numenius tenuirostris | PAL | sw Siberia (perhaps extinct) | n AF : coastal Tunisia and Morocco; vagrant se Arabian Pen. (perhaps extinct) |
Snares Snipe (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Coenocorypha huegeli | AU | Snares Is. (s of South I., New Zealand) | |
Solitary Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Tringa solitaria | NA | subarctic to temperate zone taiga muskeg of Nearctic: Alaska mainland (except far n), nw to sw Canada, e s of Hudson and James bays and n of Great Lakes to e Quebec (at least) | MA, SA, Caribbean : inland subtropical to tropical small wetlands of Neotropics: wc Mexico, s Texas, and throughout the Caribbean to c Peru and nc Argentina |
Solitary Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago solitaria | PAL | montane wetlands of c, e Palearctic: Altai and Tien Shan mts. from sc Russia, ne Kazakhstan, nw Xinjiang and n Mongolia e to Kamchatka and ne China | n OR : montane e Kazakhstan to e Afghanistan, Himalayas, n se Asia, wc, se China, Korean Pen., n, c Japan and Sakhalin and Amurland (se Russia) |
South Island Snipe (EX) i | Scolopacidae | Coenocorypha iredalei † | AU | South, Stewart, and satellites (New Zealand) | |
Spoon-billed Sandpiper (CR) i | Scolopacidae | Calidris pygmaea | PAL | coastal low Arctic to subarctic tundra of ne Siberia: ne, e Chukotskiy Pen. to n Kamchatka Pen. (ne Russia) | OR : coastal mudflats from Taiwan and ec China to Bangladesh; mainly Thailand, Myanmar and Bangladesh |
Spotted Redshank i | Scolopacidae | Tringa erythropus | PAL | low Arctic to subarctic wooded tundra of n Palearctic: n, c Scandinavia e through inland Russia to c Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Siberia) | sw PAL, AF, OR : subtropical to tropical inland and coastal wetlands of Paleotropics (except Australasia): s British Isles and Canary Is. (Macaronesia, w of n Africa) to tropical Africa, Middle East, s, se Asia to se China and Taiwan |
Spotted Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Actitis macularius | NA | widespread, low Arctic to temperate inland waterbody margins of Nearctic: Aleutian Is., Alaska mainland except North Slope, Canada (except far n and Arctic Arch.) to Newfoundland, s to sw, ec USA | temperate to tropical coastal and inland waterbody margins of Western Hemisphere: s USA and Caribbean through South America (except far s), including Bermuda, the Azores (n Macaronesia, nw of n Africa), main Hawaiian Is. and Galápagos |
Stilt Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Calidris himantopus | NA | high and low Arctic tundra to taiga edge of n Nearctic: North Slope of Alaska and n Canada to s Victoria I. (nc Canada); also locally w coasts of Hudson and James bays | coastal and inland Mexico and throughout the West Indies; in Central America mainly along Pacific coast; coastal South America to Peru and n Brazil, and in pampas of nc Argentina |
Subantarctic Snipe (NT) i | Scolopacidae | Coenocorypha aucklandica | AU | Antipodes Is. (se of Stewart I.) and Auckland and Campbell is. (s of South I.; New Zealand) | |
Sulawesi Woodcock i | Scolopacidae | Scolopax celebensis | AU | montane Sulawesi | |
Surfbird i | Scolopacidae | Calidris virgata | NA | montane low Arctic to subarctic w Nearctic tundra: Alaska mainland (except far n) and Yukon (nw Canada) | w NA, LA : e Pacific rocky coasts from se Alaska to Tierra del Fuego |
Swinhoe's Snipe i U | Scolopacidae | Gallinago megala | PAL | temperate woodland-edge wetlands of c, e Palearctic: ne Kazakhstan, sc Siberia, nc Mongolia and Amurland (se Russia) | OR, AU : wetland edge of subtropical to tropical e Oriental region: s Korean Pen., ec China, Taiwan, Philippines, Malay Pen., Indonesian Arch., New Guinea, far n Australia, Bismarck Arch. (including Admiralty Is.), Solomon Is., Mariana Is. (n Micronesia) |
Tahiti Sandpiper (EX) i | Scolopacidae | Prosobonia leucoptera † | PO | Tahiti (Society Is., e Polynesia) | |
Temminck's Stint i | Scolopacidae | Calidris temminckii | PAL | low (locally high) Arctic to subarctic tundra of n Palearctic: s to n Scandinavia e through n Russia to e Chukotskiy Pen. (ne Russia), including New Siberian Is. (n of nc Siberia) | AF, OR : coastal and inland Paleotropics from se Europe, n to c Africa, Middle East, s, se Asia to Malay Pen., Borneo, sw Japan, Taiwan and ec China |
Terek Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Xenus cinereus | PAL | low Arctic to temperate tundra and taiga floodplains of nc Palearctic: Finland and Ukraine e through Russia to ec Chukotskiy Pen., n Kamchatka and s to w Amurland (e Russia) | AF, OR, AU, also Middle East : tropical to subtropical coastal mudflats, estuaries of Paleotropics:, s, e Africa, Malagasy region, Middle East, s, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., New Guinea, Australia (mainly nw, n, ne), Philippines, se China and Taiwan; rarer |
Tuamotu Sandpiper (EN) i | Scolopacidae | Prosobonia parvirostris | PO | Tuamotu Is. (e Polynesia) | |
Upland Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Bartramia longicauda | NA | inland grassland of subarctic to n temperate Neotropics: n to se Alaska and nw Canada, e to se Canada and New England, in s to e Oregon, ne Oklahoma and in se to Pennsylvania (ec USA) | inland grassland of subtropical to temperate s South America: mainly s Paraguay, s Brazil, Uruguay and wc to ec Argentina |
Wandering Tattler i | Scolopacidae | Tringa incana | PAL, NA | subarctic montane tundra of far ne Palearctic and nw Nearctic: Chukotka (ne Siberia), Alaska mainland (except far n), Yukon, far NWT and nw British Columbia (nw Canada) | w USA and s PO islands : temperate to tropical, mainly rocky Pacific coasts: e Australia, se New Guinea satellites, Melanesia, Micronesia and all Polynesian groups including Hawaiian Is., isolated e Pacific islands including Clipperton (far sw of Mexico), |
Western Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Calidris mauri | NA, PAL | Chukotskiy Pen. s to Anadyr (ne Siberia; few), St. Lawrence I. (Bering Sea) and w, n Alaska mainland | NA, MA, n SA : temperate to n tropical (mainly) coastal Western Hemisphere: Washington to Peru and Galápagos (e Pacific), se Canada to Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean islands and coasts to Guianas; inland c Mexico to n Costa Rica |
White-rumped Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Calidris fuscicollis | NA | high to low Arctic wet tundra of far n Nearctic: North Slope Alaska, coastal n Canada to nw Hudson Bay, and Banks to Devon and Baffin is. (ne Canada) | coastal and inland wetlands of temperate s South America: s Chile, se Brazil, nw to se Argentina, and Falkland Is. |
Willet i | Scolopacidae | Tringa semipalmata | NA | temperate zone prairie wetlands and coastal saltmarshes of wc, e, se Canada and USA: inland c Alberta to sw Manitoba, s to ne California and n Nebraska; coastal Newfoundland to Florida and Gulf of Mexico s to Tamaulipas; Bahamas, most Greater Antilles, sc | sw NA, LA : temperate to tropical Western Hemisphere coasts: n California to n Chile and Galápagos (e Pacific); New Jersey through Caribbean to ne Brazil (w Atlantic coast) |
Wilson's Phalarope i | Scolopacidae | Phalaropus tricolor | NA | temperate zone inland marshes of Nearctic: w, c Canada and nw to wc USA | to hypersaline lakes of w Canada and USA for molt migration; then mainly saline montane lakes from Peru to Argentina; also w coast of South America from Ecuador s and Argentina to Tierra del Fuego |
Wilson's Snipe i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago delicata | NA | Alaska to e Canada and northern tier of continental USA | NA (south of breeding range) to n SA |
Wood Sandpiper i | Scolopacidae | Tringa glareola | PAL | inland subarctic to temperate wooded wetlands of n Palearctic: Scotland (n British Isles), n Scandinavia, Austria e through inland n Russia to w Chukotskiy Pen., to e Siberia and ne China, in s through n Mongolia, ne China, Kamchatka and Commander Is. (e | AF, OR, AU : inland subtropical to tropical small open wetlands of Paleotropics: Africa, s Arabian Pen., s, se Asia, Indonesian Arch., New Guinea, Australia (except Tasmania), Philippines, Taiwan, e China and Ryukyu Is. (s Japan) |
Wood Snipe (VU) i | Scolopacidae | Gallinago nemoricola | OR | alpine meadows and scrub of subtropical Asian mts.: w Himalayas from Himachal Pradesh to e India and sc China | OR : to lower-elevation wetlands and woodlands; rare to Indian Pen. and n se Asia |
Brown Skua i | Stercorariidae | Stercorarius antarcticus | SO, AN | southern oceans and coasts: coastal s Argentina, Falkland Is., Tristan da Cunha group (sc South Atlantic), subantarctic and Antarctic is. from Cape Horn to New Zealand region | |
Chilean Skua i | Stercorariidae | Stercorarius chilensis | SA | coastal sc Chile and se Argentina to Cape Horn | coasts to s Peru and c Brazil |
Great Skua i | Stercorariidae | Stercorarius skua | PAL | Iceland, Faroe Is., Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Svalbard (n of Norway), and nw Russia to Novaya Zemlya | North Atlantic Ocean offshore waters to c Gulf Stream of New England to North Carolina, ne Brazil, North Sea to Iberian Pen., Macaronesia (w of nw Africa), w Africa and w Mediterranean |
Long-tailed Jaeger i | Stercorariidae | Stercorarius longicaudus | NA, PAL | Holarctic high and low Arctic tundra, locally subarctic: nw, se Greenland, Arctic n Scandinavia to ne Siberia and Kamchatka (e Russia); Arctic and w, s Alaska through Arctic Canada to Ellesmere and Baffin is. | highly pelagic and southerly: to offshore subantarctic and subtropical waters off w, sw, se Africa, s Madagascar, s Australia, Peru, Chile and ec Argentina |
Parasitic Jaeger i | Stercorariidae | Stercorarius parasiticus | NA, PAL | Holarctic low Arctic tundra, locally high Arctic and subarctic: w, s Greenland, Iceland, n Scotland, Scandinavian coasts including Baltic Sea, Svalbard (n of Norway), n Russia to ne Siberia and Kamchatka, Aleutian and Bering Sea is., w and sw Alaska, Arct | to high-productivity subtropical to tropical coastal waters of s continents: coastal w, s, ec Africa, Persian Gulf, e coast Arabian Sea (w India and Sri Lanka), n Indian Ocean, Australia and New Zealand, Peru, Chile and ec Argentina |
Pomarine Jaeger i | Stercorariidae | Stercorarius pomarinus | NA, PAL | Holarctic high Arctic tundra: erratically off sw Greenland, Svalbard (nesting unconfirmed; n of Norway), nw to ne Arctic Russia (including many high Arctic islands), high Arctic n Alaska and sw Alaska mainland, and Arctic Canada to Baffin I. (ne Canada) | to temperate to tropical coasts and offshore waters worldwide |
South Polar Skua i | Stercorariidae | Stercorarius maccormicki | AN | coastal Antarctica, especially Ross Sea; also South Shetland and South Orkney is. (off Antarctic Pen.) | to n offshore waters and North Indian Ocean: mostly clockwise to Japanese and Korean waters (w North Pacific) and Gulf Stream of e USA (w North Atlantic), then sw Canada to n Baja California (nw Mexico; e North Pacific) and nw Africa (e North Atlantic) |
Grey-breasted Seedsnipe i | Thinocoridae | Thinocorus orbignyianus | SA | montane Peru to s Chile and Argentina | to adjacent lowlands |
Least Seedsnipe i | Thinocoridae | Thinocorus rumicivorus | SA | lowland coastal sw Ecuador to n Chile, montane s Peru to nw Argentina, and lowland Patagonia | |
Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe i | Thinocoridae | Attagis gayi | SA | montane n, c Ecuador to se Chile and sw Argentina (to s Santa Cruz Province) | |
White-bellied Seedsnipe i | Thinocoridae | Attagis malouinus | SA | high-montane s Chile and Rio Negro (wc Argentina) to Cape Horn | to plains of se Argentina |
Barred Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix suscitator | OR | widespread | |
Black-breasted Buttonquail (VU) i U | Turnicidae | Turnix melanogaster | AU | se QLD (ec Australia) | |
Black-rumped Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix nanus | AF | widespread | |
Buff-breasted Buttonquail (CR) i | Turnicidae | Turnix olivii | AU | se Cape York Pen., ne QLD (ne Australia) | |
Chestnut-backed Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix castanotus | AU | n WA, Top End and satellites (n NT; nc Australia) | |
Common Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix sylvaticus | PAL, AF, OR | widespread | |
Fynbos Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix hottentottus | AF | South Africa | |
Little Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix velox | AU | Australia (except n, Tasmania) | |
Luzon Buttonquail (DD) i | Turnicidae | Turnix worcesteri | OR | Luzon (n Philippines) | |
Madagascar Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix nigricollis | AF | Madagascar | |
New Caledonian Buttonquail (EX) i | Turnicidae | Turnix novaecaledoniae † | AU | Grande Terre (New Caledonia) | |
Painted Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix varius | AU | sw, se, e Australia and Tasmania | |
Quail-plover i U | Turnicidae | Ortyxelos meiffrenii | AF | Mauritania and Senegal to Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya | |
Red-backed Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix maculosus | AU | Sulawesi and Lesser Sundas to sc, ne, se New Guinea, n, e Australia and e Bismarck Arch. | |
Red-chested Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix pyrrhothorax | AU | Australia (except n, se, Tasmania) | |
Spotted Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix ocellatus | OR | Luzon (Philippines) | |
Sumba Buttonquail (VU) i | Turnicidae | Turnix everetti | AU | Sumba (sw Lesser Sundas) | |
Yellow-legged Buttonquail i | Turnicidae | Turnix tanki | OR | widespread | |
82% 315 species of 392 (9 extinct).