Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
Abyssinian Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Dendropicos abyssinicus | AF | montane c Eritrea and c Ethiopia | |
Acorn Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes formicivorus | NA, MA, SA | nw USA to Colombia | |
African Grey Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendropicos goertae | AF | Mauritania and Senegal to w Ethiopia to nw Tanzania, s Gabon, nw Angola and sc DR Congo | |
African Piculet i | Picidae | Verreauxia africana | AF | Sierra Leone to Ghana; Cameroon to w Uganda, c DR Congo and n Angola | |
American Three-toed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picoides dorsalis | NA | n, wc | |
Andaman Woodpecker (VU) i | Picidae | Dryocopus hodgei | OR | Andaman Is. | |
Andean Flicker i | Picidae | Colaptes rupicola | SA | s Ecuador to nw Argentina | |
Antillean Piculet i | Picidae | Nesoctites micromegas | NA | Hispaniola | |
Arabian Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocoptes dorae | PAL | wc to sw Saudi Arabia and sw Yemen (wc, sw Arabian Pen.) | |
Arizona Woodpecker i | Picidae | Leuconotopicus arizonae | NA, MA | sw USA and w, n Mexico | |
Arrowhead Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus minutissimus | SA | Guianas | |
Ashy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Mulleripicus fulvus | AU | Sulawesi, Mantehage (=Manterawu, nw of ne Sulawesi), Lembeh (e of ne Sulawesi), Togian Is. (between ne and ec Sulawesi) and Muna and Butung (=Buton; se of se Sulawesi) | |
Bamboo Woodpecker i | Picidae | Gecinulus viridis | OR | Myanmar to Malay Pen. | |
Banded Woodpecker i | Picidae | Chrysophlegma miniaceum | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Bar-bellied Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis nigriceps | SA | n Colombia to Bolivia | |
Bar-breasted Piculet i U | Picidae | Picumnus aurifrons | SA | Amazonia | |
Bay Woodpecker i | Picidae | Blythipicus pyrrhotis | OR | Nepal to s Vietnam and se China | |
Bearded Woodpecker i | Picidae | Chloropicus namaquus | AF | e, sc, se | |
Beautiful Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes pulcher | SA | nc Colombia | |
Bennett's Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campethera bennettii | AF | sc, se | |
Bermuda Flicker (EX) i | Picidae | Colaptes oceanicus †† † | NA | Bermuda | |
Black Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryocopus martius | PAL | widespread | |
Black-and-buff Woodpecker i | Picidae | Meiglyptes jugularis | OR | se Asia | |
Black-backed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picoides arcticus | NA | Alaska, c, s Canada and n, w USA | |
Black-bodied Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryocopus schulzii | SA | sc Bolivia and w Paraguay to nc Argentina | |
Black-cheeked Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes pucherani | MA, SA | s Mexico to w Ecuador | |
Black-headed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus erythropygius | OR | se Asia | |
Black-necked Woodpecker i | Picidae | Colaptes atricollis | SA | Peru | |
Black-rumped Flameback i | Picidae | Dinopium benghalense | OR | Indian subcontinent | |
Blond-crested Woodpecker i | Picidae | Celeus flavescens | SA | e, se | |
Blood-colored Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis sanguineus | SA | Guianas | |
Bronze-winged Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Colaptes aeruginosus | MA | ne Mexico | |
Brown-backed Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Dendropicos obsoletus | AF | ec, c, w | |
Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Yungipicus nanus | OR | India and Sri Lanka | |
Brown-eared Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Pardipicus caroli | AF | c, w | |
Brown-fronted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocoptes auriceps | OR | ne Afghanistan to c Nepal | |
Buff-necked Woodpecker (NT) i | Picidae | Meiglyptes tukki | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Buff-rumped Woodpecker i | Picidae | Meiglyptes grammithorax | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra, Nias (w of n Sumatra), Bangka (e of s Sumatra), Natuna Is. (nw of Borneo) and Borneo including ne is. | |
Buff-spotted Flameback i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes lucidus | OR | East Visayas, Mindanao group (ec, s Philippines) | |
Buff-spotted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Pardipicus nivosus | AF | c, w | |
Campo Flicker i | Picidae | Colaptes campestris | SA | e, c, se | |
Cardinal Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendropicos fuscescens | AF | widespread | |
Checker-throated Woodpecker (NT) i | Picidae | Chrysophlegma mentale | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Checkered Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis mixtus | SA | e, c, se | |
Chestnut Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus cinnamomeus | SA | n Colombia and nw Venezuela | |
Chestnut Woodpecker i | Picidae | Celeus elegans | SA | n, Amazonia | |
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker i | Picidae | Celeus castaneus | MA | se Mexico to w Panama | |
Chilean Flicker i | Picidae | Colaptes pitius | SA | Chile and sw Argentina | |
Choco Woodpecker (NT) i | Picidae | Veniliornis chocoensis | SA | w Colombia to nw Ecuador | |
Cinnamon Woodpecker i | Picidae | Celeus loricatus | MA, SA | e Nicaragua to sw Ecuador | |
Common Flameback i | Picidae | Dinopium javanense | OR | widespread | |
Cream-backed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campephilus leucopogon | SA | c Bolivia and w Paraguay to nw Uruguay and nc Argentina | |
Cream-colored Woodpecker i | Picidae | Celeus flavus | SA | Amazonia and se Brazil | |
Crimson-backed Flameback i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes stricklandi | OR | Sri Lanka | |
Crimson-bellied Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Campephilus haematogaster | SA | c Colombia, e Ecuador to c Peru | |
Crimson-crested Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campephilus melanoleucos | SA | widespread, also Panama | |
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker i | Picidae | Colaptes rivolii | SA | nw Venezuela to c Bolivia | |
Crimson-naped Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryobates cathpharius | OR, PAL | wc Nepal, se Tibet and ne India to w Myanmar | |
Crimson-winged Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus puniceus | OR | Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Cuban Green Woodpecker i | Picidae | Xiphidiopicus percussus | NA | Cuba | |
Darjeeling Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Dendrocopos darjellensis | OR | wc Nepal to n Vietnam and sc China | |
Dot-fronted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis frontalis | SA | Bolivia to nw Argentina | |
Downy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryobates pubescens | NA | widespread | |
Eastern Grey Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendropicos spodocephalus | AF | Highlands of nc Tanzania and c Kenya to e Sudan and c Ethiopia | |
Ecuadorian Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus sclateri | SA | Ecuador and nw Peru | |
Elliot's Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendropicos elliotii | AF | c, wc | |
Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picoides tridactylus | PAL | widespread | |
Eurasian Wryneck i | Picidae | Jynx torquilla | PAL | widespread | AF, OR |
European Green Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus viridis | PAL | w | |
Fernandina's Flicker (EN) i | Picidae | Colaptes fernandinae | NA | Cuba | |
Fine-banded Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campethera taeniolaema | AF | e Congo to Kenya and Tanzania | |
Fine-barred Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus subtilis | SA | e Peru | |
Fine-spotted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campethera punctuligera | AF | c, w | |
Fire-bellied Woodpecker i | Picidae | Chloropicus pyrrhogaster | AF | Guinea to w Cameroon | |
Freckle-breasted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos analis | OR | s Myanmar to Indochina, Andaman Is., Java and Bali | |
Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos macei | OR | n Pakistan to n Myanmar | |
Gabon Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendropicos gabonensis | AF | s Nigeria, to DR Congo, n Angola and w Uganda | |
Gila Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes uropygialis | NA, MA | sw USA and Baja California to w Mexico | |
Gilded Flicker i | Picidae | Colaptes chrysoides | NA, MA | sw USA and nw Mexico | |
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes chrysogenys | MA | w Mexico | |
Golden-collared Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Veniliornis cassini | SA | ne Amazonia | |
Golden-fronted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes aurifrons | NA, MA | sc USA to c Mexico | |
Golden-green Woodpecker i | Picidae | Piculus chrysochloros | MA, SA | Panama to Venezuela, Amazonia, se Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and n Argentina | |
Golden-naped Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes chrysauchen | MA | Costa Rica and Panama | |
Golden-olive Woodpecker i | Picidae | Colaptes rubiginosus | MA, SA | Mexico to Guyana, nw Peru and nw Argentina | |
Golden-spangled Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus exilis | SA | ne, e Brazil | |
Golden-tailed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campethera abingoni | AF | widespread | |
Great Slaty Woodpecker (VU) i U | Picidae | Mulleripicus pulverulentus | OR | widespread | |
Great Spotted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos major | PAL | widespread | |
Greater Flameback i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus | PAL, OR | se India, Himalayas e to Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Greater Yellownape i | Picidae | Chrysophlegma flavinucha | OR | widespread | |
Green-barred Woodpecker i | Picidae | Colaptes melanochloros | SA | e, c, se | |
Grey-and-buff Woodpecker i | Picidae | Hemicircus concretus | OR | Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Grey-breasted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes hypopolius | MA | sw Mexico | |
Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Yungipicus canicapillus | OR, PAL | e Asia to n India, Sumatra and Borneo | |
Grey-crowned Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Colaptes auricularis | MA | w Mexico | |
Grey-headed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus canus | PAL, OR | widespread | |
Greyish Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus granadensis | SA | nw Colombia | |
Ground Woodpecker (NT) i | Picidae | Geocolaptes olivaceus | AF | South Africa and Lesotho | |
Guadeloupe Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes herminieri | NA | Lesser Antilles | |
Guatemalan Flicker i | Picidae | Colaptes mexicanoides | MA | s Mexico to Nicaragua | |
Guayaquil Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campephilus gayaquilensis | SA | sw Colombia to nw Peru | |
Hairy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Leuconotopicus villosus | NA, MA | widespread | |
Heart-spotted Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Hemicircus canente | OR | widespread | |
Helmeted Woodpecker (VU) i | Picidae | Celeus galeatus | SA | se Brazil, e Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Himalayan Flameback i | Picidae | Dinopium shorii | OR | n India to Myanmar | |
Himalayan Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos himalayensis | PAL | ne Afghanistan to w Nepal | |
Hispaniolan Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes striatus | NA | Hispaniola | |
Hoffmann's Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes hoffmannii | MA | Honduras to Costa Rica | |
Iberian Green Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus sharpei | PAL | Iberian Pen. | |
Imperial Woodpecker (CR) i | Picidae | Campephilus imperialis | MA | nc, c Mexico | |
Ivory-billed Woodpecker (CR) i | Picidae | Campephilus principalis | NA | se USA and Cuba | |
Jamaican Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes radiolatus | NA | Jamaica | |
Japanese Green Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus awokera | PAL | Honshu to Kyushu group (c, s Japan) | |
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Yungipicus kizuki | PAL | e Asia | |
Javan Flameback (VU) i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes strictus | OR | Java, Bali and Kangean Is. (n of Bali) | |
Kaempfer's Woodpecker (VU) i | Picidae | Celeus obrieni | SA | e Brazil | |
Knysna Woodpecker (NT) i | Picidae | Campethera notata | AF | s South Africa | |
Laced Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus vittatus | OR | e Myanmar, s China, Thailand and Indochina to e Sumatra, Lingga Is. (e of c Sumatra), Java, Bali and Kangean Is. (n of Bali) | |
Ladder-backed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryobates scalaris | NA, MA | sw USA to ne Nicaragua | |
Lafresnaye's Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus lafresnayi | SA | w, c Amazonia | |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryobates minor | PAL | widespread | |
Lesser Yellownape i | Picidae | Picus chlorolophus | OR | widespread | |
Levaillant's Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus vaillantii | AF | Morocco to Tunisia | |
Lewis's Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes lewis | NA | sw Canada to sw USA | to n Mexico |
Lineated Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryocopus lineatus | MA, SA | widespread | |
Lita Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Piculus litae | SA | w Colombia to nw Ecuador | |
Little Green Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campethera maculosa | AF | w, c | |
Little Grey Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Dendropicos elachus | AF | s Mauritania and n Senegal; Mali to w Sudan | |
Little Spotted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campethera cailliautii | AF | e, se | |
Little Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis passerinus | SA | widespread | |
Luzon Flameback i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes haematribon | OR | Luzon group (n Philippines) | |
Magellanic Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campephilus magellanicus | SA | Chile and sw Argentina | |
Malabar Flameback i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes socialis | OR | sw India | |
Maroon Woodpecker i | Picidae | Blythipicus rubiginosus | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Melancholy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendropicos lugubris | AF | Sierra Leone to sw Nigeria | |
Middle Spotted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocoptes medius | PAL | w, sw | |
Mombasa Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Campethera mombassica | AF | s Somalia to ne Tanzania | |
Mottled Piculet (NT) i | Picidae | Picumnus nebulosus | SA | se Brazil, ne Argentina and n Uruguay | |
Necklaced Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryobates pernyii | OR, PAL | n, e Myanmar to n Laos, nw Vietnam and s, c, nc China | |
Northern Flicker i | Picidae | Colaptes auratus | NA, MA | widespread | |
Northern Sooty Woodpecker (NT) i U | Picidae | Mulleripicus funebris | OR | Luzon group (n Philippines) | |
Nubian Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campethera nubica | AF | e, ne | |
Nuttall's Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryobates nuttallii | NA, MA | California to n Baja California (Mexico) | |
Ocellated Piculet i U | Picidae | Picumnus dorbignyanus | SA | e Peru and w Bolivia | |
Ochraceous Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus limae | SA | ne Brazil | |
Ochre-backed Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Celeus ochraceus | SA | e Brazil | |
Ochre-collared Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus temminckii | SA | se Brazil, e Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Okinawa Woodpecker (CR) i | Picidae | Dendrocopos noguchii | PAL | n Okinawa (s Ryukyu Is., s Japan) | |
Olivaceous Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus olivaceus | MA, SA | Guatemala to nw Peru | |
Olive Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendropicos griseocephalus | AF | s, sc | |
Olive-backed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Gecinulus rafflesii | OR | Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo | |
Orange-backed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes validus | OR | Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Orinoco Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus pumilus | SA | nw Amazonia | |
Pale-billed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campephilus guatemalensis | MA | widespread | |
Pale-crested Woodpecker i | Picidae | Celeus lugubris | SA | sc | |
Pale-headed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Gecinulus grantia | OR | se Asia and e China | |
Philippine Pygmy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Yungipicus maculatus | OR | Philippines (except Palawan group and Sulu Arch.) | |
Pileated Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryocopus pileatus | NA | e, nw USA and s Canada | |
Plain-breasted Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus castelnau | SA | w Amazonia | |
Powerful Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campephilus pollens | SA | nc Colombia to Peru | |
Puerto Rican Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes portoricensis | NA | Puerto Rico | |
Red-backed Flameback i | Picidae | Dinopium psarodes | OR | c, s Sri Lanka | |
Red-bellied Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes carolinus | NA | e, c, se USA | |
Red-breasted Sapsucker i | Picidae | Sphyrapicus ruber | NA | w | |
Red-cockaded Woodpecker (NT) i | Picidae | Leuconotopicus borealis | NA | se USA | |
Red-collared Woodpecker (NT) i | Picidae | Picus rabieri | OR | Laos and Vietnam | |
Red-crowned Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes rubricapillus | MA, SA | Costa Rica to nw Venezuela | |
Red-headed Flameback (NT) i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes erythrocephalus | OR | Palawan group (sw Philippines) | |
Red-headed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes erythrocephalus | NA | sc, se Canada to se USA | |
Red-naped Sapsucker i | Picidae | Sphyrapicus nuchalis | NA | sw Canada to sw USA | Mexico |
Red-necked Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campephilus rubricollis | SA | Amazonia | |
Red-rumped Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis kirkii | MA, SA | Costa Rica to nw SA | |
Red-stained Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis affinis | SA | Amazonia and e Brazil | |
Red-throated Wryneck i | Picidae | Jynx ruficollis | AF | widespread | |
Ringed Woodpecker (NT) i U | Picidae | Celeus torquatus | SA | Amazonia and se Brazil | |
Robust Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campephilus robustus | SA | se Brazil, e Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Rufous Piculet i | Picidae | Sasia abnormis | OR | Malay Pen. and Greater Sundas | |
Rufous Woodpecker i | Picidae | Micropternus brachyurus | OR | widespread | |
Rufous-bellied Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos hyperythrus | OR | n India to se, e Asia | |
Rufous-breasted Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus rufiventris | SA | w Amazonia | |
Rufous-headed Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Celeus spectabilis | SA | w Amazonia | |
Rufous-winged Woodpecker i | Picidae | Piculus simplex | MA | Honduras to Panama | |
Rusty-necked Piculet i U | Picidae | Picumnus fuscus | SA | ne Bolivia and wc Brazil | |
Scaled Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus squamulatus | SA | Colombia and Venezuela | |
Scaly-bellied Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus squamatus | PAL | sc Asia | |
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Veniliornis callonotus | SA | sw Colombia to nw Peru | |
Sind Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos assimilis | PAL | se Iran, sub-Himalayan Pakistan and far w India (where rare) | |
Smoky-brown Woodpecker i | Picidae | Leuconotopicus fumigatus | MA, SA | e Mexico to nw Argentina | |
Southern Sooty Woodpecker (VU) i | Picidae | Mulleripicus fuliginosus | OR | Samar, Leyte and Mindanao (ec, s Philippines) | |
Speckle-breasted Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Dendropicos poecilolaemus | AF | Cameroon to Uganda, w Kenya and Rwanda | |
Speckle-chested Piculet (NT) i | Picidae | Picumnus steindachneri | SA | Andes of n Peru (Amazonas and San Martín) | |
Speckle-throated Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Campethera scriptoricauda | AF | Tanzania to Malawi and Mozambique | |
Speckled Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus innominatus | OR | widespread, also c, e China | |
Splendid Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campephilus splendens | MA, SA | Panama, w Colombia and nw Ecuador | |
Spot-breasted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Colaptes punctigula | MA, SA | Panama through n SA and Amazonia | |
Spot-throated Flameback (NT) i | Picidae | Dinopium everetti | OR | Palawan, Balabac, and Calamian Is. (sw Philippines) | |
Spotted Piculet i U | Picidae | Picumnus pygmaeus | SA | e Brazil | |
Stierling's Woodpecker (NT) i U | Picidae | Dendropicos stierlingi | AF | s Tanzania, s Malawi and nw Mozambique | |
Streak-breasted Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Picus viridanus | OR | Myanmar to Malay Pen. | |
Streak-throated Woodpecker i | Picidae | Picus xanthopygaeus | OR | India and Nepal to s Thailand and Cambodia | |
Strickland's Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Leuconotopicus stricklandi | MA | c Mexico | |
Stripe-breasted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos atratus | OR | se Asia | |
Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker i | Picidae | Piculus callopterus | MA | Panama | |
Striped Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis lignarius | SA | Bolivia, s Chile and Argentina | |
Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Yungipicus temminckii | AU | Sulawesi, Togian Is. (between ne and ec Sulawesi) and Butung (=Buton; se of se Sulawesi) | |
Sulu Pygmy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Yungipicus ramsayi | OR | Sulu Arch. (s Philippines) | |
Sumatran Woodpecker (NT) i | Picidae | Picus dedemi | OR | montane Sumatra | |
Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker i | Picidae | Yungipicus moluccensis | OR | Malay Pen., Greater and Lesser Sundas | |
Syrian Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos syriacus | PAL | se Europe to s Iran | |
Tullberg's Woodpecker i | Picidae | Campethera tullbergi | AF | se Nigeria, w Cameroon and Bioko I. (Gulf of Guinea) | |
Varzea Piculet (NT) i U | Picidae | Picumnus varzeae | SA | c Amazonia | |
Velasquez's Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes santacruzi | MA | e Mexico s to Nicaragua and islands off Honduras | |
Waved Woodpecker i | Picidae | Celeus undatus | SA | w, c Amazonia from se Colombia and e Peru to c Brazil and the Guianas | |
West Indian Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes superciliaris | NA | Bahamas, Cuba and Cayman Is. | |
White Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes candidus | SA | coastal Suriname and French Guiana; lower Amazon River, e, se Brazil to se Peru, n Argentina and Uruguay | |
White-backed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos leucotos | PAL | widespread | |
White-barred Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus cirratus | SA | ne, se | |
White-bellied Piculet (VU) i | Picidae | Picumnus spilogaster | SA | n, ne | |
White-bellied Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dryocopus javensis | OR | widespread | |
White-browed Piculet i | Picidae | Sasia ochracea | OR | se Asia | |
White-fronted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes cactorum | SA | Bolivia and w Paraguay to nc Argentina | |
White-headed Woodpecker i | Picidae | Leuconotopicus albolarvatus | NA | sw Canada and w USA | |
White-naped Woodpecker i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes festivus | OR | India and Sri Lanka | |
White-spotted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis spilogaster | SA | se Brazil, e Paraguay, ne Argentina and Uruguay | |
White-throated Woodpecker i | Picidae | Piculus leucolaemus | SA | w Amazonia | |
White-wedged Piculet i | Picidae | Picumnus albosquamatus | SA | c | |
White-winged Woodpecker i | Picidae | Dendrocopos leucopterus | PAL | sc, se Kazakhstan to n, w Xinjiang (nw China), s through Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to nc Afghanistan and w Kyrgyzstan and w Tajikistan | |
Williamson's Sapsucker i | Picidae | Sphyrapicus thyroideus | NA, MA | s British Colombia through w, wc USA to n Baja California (Mexico) | Mexico |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker i | Picidae | Sphyrapicus varius | NA | e Alaska and nw Canada to se Canada and ne USA | se USA and MA |
Yellow-browed Woodpecker (NT) i | Picidae | Piculus aurulentus | SA | se Brazil, e Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Yellow-crested Woodpecker i | Picidae | Chloropicus xantholophus | AF | se Nigeria and Cameroon to w Kenya, e DR Congo and n Angola | |
Yellow-crowned Woodpecker i | Picidae | Leiopicus mahrattensis | OR | widespread | |
Yellow-eared Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis maculifrons | SA | e Brazil | |
Yellow-faced Flameback (EN) i | Picidae | Chrysocolaptes xanthocephalus | OR | West Visayas (wc Philippines) | |
Yellow-fronted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes flavifrons | SA | se Brazil, e Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Yellow-throated Woodpecker i U | Picidae | Piculus flavigula | SA | Amazonia and se Brazil | |
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes cruentatus | SA | Amazonia | |
Yellow-vented Woodpecker i | Picidae | Veniliornis dignus | SA | sw Venezuela to Peru | |
Yucatan Woodpecker i | Picidae | Melanerpes pygmaeus | MA | Yucatán Pen. | |
Zebra Woodpecker (EN) i | Picidae | Meiglyptes tristis | OR | Java | |
73% 176 species of 241 (1 extinct).