Check List -- Regions=Worldwide (28 species) Again?
IUCN and region codes at bottom of page.
Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
Black-throated Loon i | Gaviidae | Gavia arctica | PAL, NA | Arctic to temperate n, c Eurasia and far w Alaska | to coastal s European and w Asia seas; to Japan and Korean Pen. |
Common Loon i | Gaviidae | Gavia immer | NA, PAL | w, se Greenland, Iceland; subarctic to temperate n North America: w Alaska mainland to n tier of contiguous USA, across subarctic Canada to s Baffin I. and New England | inshore waters: to nw Europe; Aleutian Is., s Baja California and Gulf of California (nw Mexico); w North Atlantic coast to Florida, Gulf of Mexico to ne Mexico |
Pacific Loon i | Gaviidae | Gavia pacifica | NA, PAL | high Arctic to subarctic: Yana and Indigirka rivers e to Chukotka (nc, ne Siberia), Wrangel I. (n of ne Siberia), Alaska, wc British Columbia, and n Canada to Baffin I. and James Bay (ne, se Canada) | to Japan, Korean Pen. and n Yellow Sea (ne China); c Baja California (nw Mexico) |
Red-throated Loon i | Gaviidae | Gavia stellata | NA, PAL | high Arctic to subarctic: sw, se Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Is., n British Isles, n Scandinavia, Svalbard (n of Norway), n Russia to Chukotka Pen., Kamchatka and Sakhalin and s to Lake Baikal (e Russia); Aleutian Is., Alaska mainland to nw British Columbia | North Atlantic and North Pacific coasts and seas: s to n Florida, Iberian Pen., Mediterranean, Black and Caspian seas; Japan, Korean Pen. and Yellow Sea; to n Baja California (nw Mexico) |
Yellow-billed Loon (NT) i | Gaviidae | Gavia adamsii | NA, PAL | Arctic nw Russia from Novaya Zemlya to Chukotka Pen.; nw, n Alaska and n Canada to Nunavut (ec Canada) | to n Norway; Japan and Korean Pen.; coastal sw British Columbia; prone to extreme vagrancy, Europe and North America |
Alaotra Grebe (EX) i | Podicipedidae | Tachybaptus rufolavatus † | AF | Lac Alaotra (ec Madagascar) | |
Atitlan Grebe (EX) i | Podicipedidae | Podilymbus gigas † | MA | Lake Atitlan (sw Guatemala) | |
Australasian Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Tachybaptus novaehollandiae | OR, AU | Java, Sangihe and Talaud is. (n of Sulawesi), Timor (e Lesser Sundas), New Guinea, se Bismarck Arch., Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Rennell (s Solomon Is.) | |
Black-necked Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Podiceps nigricollis | PAL, AF, NA, MA | temperate Eurasia to Russian Far East and ne China; e, s Africa; sw Canada and w, wc USA to c Mexico | to coasts of n Africa, Arabian Pen., Black and Caspian seas, nw Indian subcontinent, se China, Korean Pen. and Japan; s Mexico and ec US |
Clark's Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Aechmophorus clarkii | NA, MA | far sw, sc Canada (local) to c, sw USA and c Mexico | |
Colombian Grebe (EX) i | Podicipedidae | Podiceps andinus † | SA | montane wetlands of Bogotá area (e Andes, c Colombia) | |
Great Crested Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Podiceps cristatus | PAL, AF, OR, AU | temperate Eurasia, locally nw India, to ne Russia, ne China and nc Japan; ne, e, s Africa; Australia and South I. (New Zealand) | |
Great Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Podiceps major | SA | coastal w Peru; Paraguay and se Brazil to s Chile and Argentina | |
Hoary-headed Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Poliocephalus poliocephalus | AU | sw, se Australia and Tasmania | AU : Australia and Tasmania (except far ne, sc) |
Hooded Grebe (CR) i | Podicipedidae | Podiceps gallardoi | SA | submontane lakes of w Santa Cruz Province, sw Argentina | Santa Cruz River estuary and adjacent coast, se Argentina |
Horned Grebe (VU) i | Podicipedidae | Podiceps auritus | NA, PAL | Iceland, Scandinavia to e Russia; s, c Alaska, w, c Canada and n tier of w, c contiguous USA states | to coasts of North Sea, n Mediterranean and w Asian seas; Korean Pen. and Japan; Aleutian Is. to n Baja California (nw Mexico); w North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts to c Florida |
Junin Grebe (EN) i | Podicipedidae | Podiceps taczanowskii | SA | Lake Junín (=Chinchaycocha, wc Peru) | |
Least Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Tachybaptus dominicus | NA, MA, SA | s Texas and nw Mexico to n Argentina | |
Little Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Tachybaptus ruficollis | PAL, AF, OR | Europe (except n) to c, s, e Asia and Philippines; Africa and Malagasy region | |
Madagascar Grebe (EN) i U | Podicipedidae | Tachybaptus pelzelnii | AF | Madagascar | |
New Zealand Grebe i U | Podicipedidae | Poliocephalus rufopectus | AU | North I. (New Zealand) | |
Pied-billed Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Podilymbus podiceps | NA, MA, SA | nw Canada through USA, Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America to c Chile and n, wc Argentina | to w, se US |
Red-necked Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Podiceps grisegena | NA, PAL | c, e Europe and Turkey to temperate wc Russia and Kazakhstan; subarctic c, e Siberia to Kamchatka, Alaska and Canada to sw Quebec | |
Silvery Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Podiceps occipitalis | SA | montane lakes of c Andes of Colombia to n Chile and nw Argentina; c, s Chile and Argentina to Tierra del Fuego; Falkland Is. | |
Titicaca Grebe (EN) i | Podicipedidae | Rollandia microptera | SA | montane lakes from Lake Titicaca and nearby lakes (se Peru) to lakes Uru Uru and Poopó (wc Bolivia) | |
Tricolored Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Tachybaptus tricolor | OR, AU | Java, Sulawesi region, Lesser Sundas, Moluccas, n New Guinea, Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is. | |
Western Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Aechmophorus occidentalis | NA, MA | wc Canada to nc, sw USA and c Mexico | |
White-tufted Grebe i | Podicipedidae | Rollandia rolland | SA | wc Peru to s Brazil, Tierra del Fuego and Falkland Is. | |
84% 21 species of 28 (3 extinct).
IUCN Status Codes |
EX | Extinct |
EW | Extinct in the wild |
CR | Critically Endangered |
EN | Endangered |
VU | Vulnerable |
NT | Near Threatened |
LC | Least Concern |
DD | Data deficient |
NE | Not evaluated |
LC not shown.
Breeding Range Codes |
AF | Africa (entire continent rather than south of Sahara) |
AN | Antarctica |
AO | Atlantic Ocean |
AU | Australasia (Wallacea (Indonesian islands east of Wallace's line), New Guinea and its islands, Australia, New Zealand and its subantarctic islands, the Solomons, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu) |
PAL | Eurasia (Europe, Asia from the Middle East through central Asia north of the Himalayas, Siberia and northern China to Japan) |
IO | Indian Ocean |
LA | Latin America (Middle and South America) |
MA | Middle America (Mexico through Panama) |
NA | North America (includes the Caribbean) |
NO | Northern oceans |
OR | Oriental Region (South Asia from Pakistan to Taiwan, plus Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Greater Sundas) |
PO | Pacific Ocean |
SA | South America |
SO | Southern oceans |
TO | Temperate oceans |
TrO | Tropical oceans |
Worldwide | Worldwide |