Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
African Black Duck i | Anatidae | Anas sparsa | AF | widespread | |
African Pygmy Goose i | Anatidae | Nettapus auritus | AF | s of the Sahara | |
American Black Duck i | Anatidae | Anas rubripes | NA | e Canada and ne USA | e USA |
American Wigeon i | Anatidae | Mareca americana | NA | Alaska, Canada and n USA | MA |
Amsterdam Wigeon (EX) i | Anatidae | Mareca marecula †† † | IO | Amsterdam I. | |
Andaman Teal (VU) i | Anatidae | Anas albogularis | OR | Andaman Is. and Cocos Is. | |
Andean Duck i | Anatidae | Oxyura ferruginea | SA | Colombia to Southern Cone | |
Andean Goose i | Anatidae | Chloephaga melanoptera | SA | Peru to s Chile and Argentina | |
Andean Teal i | Anatidae | Anas andium | SA | Colombia and Ecuador | |
Ashy-headed Goose i | Anatidae | Chloephaga poliocephala | SA | s Chile and s Argentina | |
Auckland Teal (NT) i | Anatidae | Anas aucklandica | AU | Auckland Is. (s of South I., New Zealand) | |
Australasian Shoveler i | Anatidae | Spatula rhynchotis | AU | s Australia, Tasmania and North and South Is. (New Zealand) | |
Australian Shelduck i | Anatidae | Tadorna tadornoides | AU | s Australia (except c) and Tasmania | |
Baer's Pochard (CR) i U | Anatidae | Aythya baeri | PAL | se Siberia and n China | s China and se Asia |
Baikal Teal i | Anatidae | Sibirionetta formosa | PAL | e Siberia | se China and Japan |
Bar-headed Goose i | Anatidae | Anser indicus | PAL | c Asia | n India |
Barnacle Goose i | Anatidae | Branta leucopsis | PAL | high Arctic e Greenland, Svalbard (n of Norway), Novaya Zemlya and nearby Kolguyev and Vaygach is. (nw Russia) | to coastal n British Isles, s Scandinavia, and nw Europe |
Barrow's Goldeneye i | Anatidae | Bucephala islandica | NA, PAL | c, sw Alaska through w Canada s to nw USA se to Oregon and Colorado; ne Quebec and sw, n Labrador; Iceland | to c California and se Canada |
Bernier's Teal (EN) i | Anatidae | Anas bernieri | AF | coastal w Madagascar | |
Black Scoter (NT) i | Anatidae | Melanitta americana | PAL, NA | Yana River to Kamchatka (e Siberia), Alaska e to nw Yukon; e Northwest Territories and sw Nunavut to Newfoundland (c to e Canada) | to c Japan (w North Pacific coast); Aleutian Is., e North Pacific coast to c California; Newfoundland to n Florida (w North Atlantic coast) |
Black Swan i | Anatidae | Cygnus atratus | AU | Australia (except n, sc), Tasmania, and North, South, Stewart and Chatham is. (New Zealand) | |
Black-bellied Whistling Duck i | Anatidae | Dendrocygna autumnalis | NA, MA, SA | se Texas to n Argentina | |
Black-headed Duck i U | Anatidae | Heteronetta atricapilla | SA | c Chile to Paraguay and s to c Argentina | |
Black-necked Swan i | Anatidae | Cygnus melancoryphus | SA | Southern Cone | |
Blue Duck (EN) i | Anatidae | Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos | AU | c, s North and w South Is. (New Zealand) | |
Blue-billed Duck i | Anatidae | Oxyura australis | AU | sw WA, sw QLD to s VIC and se SA and Tasmania (sw, se Australia) | |
Blue-billed Teal i | Anatidae | Spatula hottentota | AF | Nigeria to Ethiopia and s to South Africa, Madagascar | |
Blue-winged Goose (NT) i U | Anatidae | Cyanochen cyanoptera | AF | montane Ethiopia | |
Blue-winged Teal i | Anatidae | Spatula discors | NA | s Canada and USA | MA, n SA |
Brant Goose i | Anatidae | Branta bernicla | NA, PAL | widespread | |
Brazilian Merganser (CR) i | Anatidae | Mergus octosetaceus | SA | sc Brazil, e Paraguay and ne Argentina | |
Brazilian Teal i | Anatidae | Amazonetta brasiliensis | SA | Amazonia and se | |
Bronze-winged Duck (NT) i | Anatidae | Speculanas specularis | SA | s Chile and s Argentina | |
Brown Teal (NT) i | Anatidae | Anas chlorotis | AU | Great Barrier I. (off ne North I.) and other satellites (New Zealand) | |
Bufflehead i | Anatidae | Bucephala albeola | NA | subarctic wc Alaska and Canada e to e Quebec and (locally) nw, nc USA | to c Mexico and n Florida |
Cackling Goose i | Anatidae | Branta hutchinsii | NA | c Canada | to Texas and n Mexico |
Campbell Teal (VU) i U | Anatidae | Anas nesiotis | AU | Campbell I. (s of South I., New Zealand) | |
Canada Goose i | Anatidae | Branta canadensis | NA | widespread | |
Canvasback i | Anatidae | Aythya valisineria | NA | widespread | MA |
Cape Barren Goose i | Anatidae | Cereopsis novaehollandiae | AU | islands off s Australia | adjacent coast |
Cape Shoveler i | Anatidae | Spatula smithii | AF | Namibia, Botswana and South Africa | |
Cape Teal i | Anatidae | Anas capensis | AF | Chad, Sudan and Ethiopia to South Africa | w AF |
Chestnut Teal i | Anatidae | Anas castanea | AU | Australia (except n, c) | |
Chiloe Wigeon i | Anatidae | Mareca sibilatrix | SA | Southern Cone | |
Chubut Steamer Duck (VU) i | Anatidae | Tachyeres leucocephalus | SA | coastal nc to s Chubut Province (se Argentina) | |
Cinnamon Teal i | Anatidae | Spatula cyanoptera | NA, MA, SA | w NA to s SA | |
Comb Duck i | Anatidae | Sarkidiornis sylvicola | SA | n Colombia and Venezuela to n Argentina | |
Common Eider (NT) i | Anatidae | Somateria mollissima | NA, PAL | c, s coastal Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Is., nw Europe to Chukotka Pen. (ne Russia), Alaska through Arctic Canada to Massachusetts (nw Atlantic) | to France, Kamchatka (se Russia), Aleutian Is., Long I. (New York) |
Common Goldeneye i | Anatidae | Bucephala clangula | NA, PAL | subarctic from Scotland and Scandinavia to Sakhalin and Kamchatka (se Russia), in s through n Kazakhstan, n Mongolia and Heilongjiang (ne China); w Alaskan mainland to Labrador and New Brunswick, in s through n tier of contiguous USA | |
Common Merganser i | Anatidae | Mergus merganser | NA, PAL | Iceland, n, c Europe, subarctic Russia through ne Kazakhstan and ne Afghanistan through Tibet and w China, n Mongolia to Kamchatka, Hokkaido (n Japan) and ne China; sw Alaska mainland through subarctic Canada to Newfoundland, s through w USA and to n Grea | |
Common Pochard (VU) i | Anatidae | Aythya ferina | PAL | w Europe to c Asia and n China | AF and n OR |
Common Scoter i | Anatidae | Melanitta nigra | PAL | se Greenland, Iceland, Scotland, and n, w Scandinavia to Olenyok River (nc Siberia) | to Baltic and North sea coasts, and Atlantic coast to nw Africa |
Common Shelduck i | Anatidae | Tadorna tadorna | PAL, AF | w Europe to ne China | n AF, n India and s China |
Coscoroba Swan i | Anatidae | Coscoroba coscoroba | SA | Southern Cone | |
Cotton Pygmy Goose i | Anatidae | Nettapus coromandelianus | OR | widespread | AU |
Crested Duck i | Anatidae | Lophonetta specularioides | SA | s | |
Crested Shelduck (EX) i | Anatidae | Tadorna cristata † | PAL | ne Asia | ne Siberia, Korean Pen., s Japan and ne China |
Eastern Spot-billed Duck i | Anatidae | Anas zonorhyncha | OR | China and se Asia | se Asia |
Eaton's Pintail (VU) i | Anatidae | Anas eatoni | IO | Kerguelen Is. | |
Egyptian Goose i | Anatidae | Alopochen aegyptiaca | AF | s Mauritania to s Egypt and Ethiopia s to South Africa | |
Emperor Goose i | Anatidae | Anser canagicus | NA, PAL | w Alaska and ne Siberia | |
Eurasian Teal i | Anatidae | Anas crecca | PAL, NA | n, c Europe, Asia and Aleutian Is. | c, s Europe, n Africa and c, s, e Asia |
Eurasian Wigeon i | Anatidae | Mareca penelope | PAL | n Eurasia | AF and n OR |
Falcated Duck (NT) i | Anatidae | Mareca falcata | PAL | Mongolia, e Siberia and ne China | n India to s, e China, s Korean Pen. and Japan |
Falkland Steamer Duck i | Anatidae | Tachyeres brachypterus | SA | Falkland Is. | |
Ferruginous Duck (NT) i | Anatidae | Aythya nyroca | PAL | w Europe and nw Africa to c Asia | AF |
Flying Steamer Duck i | Anatidae | Tachyeres patachonicus | SA | s Chile, s Argentina and (perhaps) Falkland Is. | |
Freckled Duck i | Anatidae | Stictonetta naevosa | AU | Australia (except n, sc, Tasmania) | |
Fuegian Steamer Duck i | Anatidae | Tachyeres pteneres | SA | coastal s Chile and s Argentina | |
Fulvous Whistling Duck i | Anatidae | Dendrocygna bicolor | NA, MA, SA, AF, OR | widespread | |
Gadwall i | Anatidae | Mareca strepera | NA, PAL | widespread | MA, AF, n OR |
Garganey i | Anatidae | Spatula querquedula | PAL | w Europe to Japan | w, c Africa and Asia to New Guinea |
Greater Scaup i | Anatidae | Aythya marila | NA, PAL | subarctic Iceland and Scandinavia to Kamchatka and the Commander Is. (se Russia); Alaska to n Quebec | to coasts of nw, ec Europe (e North Atlantic); Black and Caspian seas; Japan and Korean Pen. to e China and Taiwan (w North Pacific); c California (e North Pacific), Great Lakes, North Carolina (w North Atlantic) |
Greater White-fronted Goose i | Anatidae | Anser albifrons | NA, MA, PAL | widespread | |
Green Pygmy Goose i U | Anatidae | Nettapus pulchellus | AU | e Lesser Sundas, s Moluccas, s New Guinea and ne WA to se QLD (n, e Australia) | |
Green-winged Teal i | Anatidae | Anas carolinensis | NA | widespread | MA |
Grey Teal i | Anatidae | Anas gracilis | AU | widespread | |
Greylag Goose i | Anatidae | Anser anser | PAL | c, w | n OR |
Hardhead i | Anatidae | Aythya australis | AU | Australia and Tasmania, New Zealand, Grande Terre (New Caledonia) and Banks Is. to Tanna (n to s Vanuatu) | to Sulawesi and e Java |
Harlequin Duck i | Anatidae | Histrionicus histrionicus | NA, PAL | ne Siberia, Chukotka, Kamchatka, and Sakhalin pens., Kuril Is., Hokkaido and n Honshu (c Japan); Aleutian Is., Alaska, w Canada, Pacific Northwest and n Rocky Mt. states; ne Canada, s Greenland and Iceland | to wc, ec North Pacific and wc North Atlantic coasts |
Hartlaub's Duck i | Anatidae | Pteronetta hartlaubii | AF | Sierra Leone to sw Uganda and n Angola | |
Hawaiian Duck (VU) i | Anatidae | Anas wyvilliana | PO | Hawaiian Is. | |
Hooded Merganser i | Anatidae | Lophodytes cucullatus | NA | se Alaska to nw USA; s Manitoba to Nova Scotia (c, se Canada) to e Texas and n Florida (e, se USA) | to s California, s Texas and s Florida |
Indian Spot-billed Duck i | Anatidae | Anas poecilorhyncha | OR | s, se Asia from Pakistan, s to Sri Lanka, e to Laos and n to sw Yunnan | |
Kelp Goose i | Anatidae | Chloephaga hybrida | SA | s Chile, s Argentina and Falkland Is. | |
King Eider i | Anatidae | Somateria spectabilis | NA, PAL | coastal n, c Greenland, Svalbard (n of Norway), Russia from e of the White Sea to Chukotka (ne Russia); Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska, n slope of Canada and associated Arctic is. | to Kamchatka (se Russia) and Aleutian Is.; Newfoundland (se Canada), s Greenland, Iceland, and n Norway |
Knob-billed Duck i | Anatidae | Sarkidiornis melanotos | AF, OR | Africa s of the Sahara and s, se Asia | |
Labrador Duck (EX) i | Anatidae | Camptorhynchuslabradorius † | NA | Labrador? Gulf of St. Lawrence? | ne NA from Labrador to Chesapeake Bay |
Lake Duck i | Anatidae | Oxyura vittata | SA | Southern Cone | |
Laysan Duck (CR) i | Anatidae | Anas laysanensis | PO | Laysan I. | |
Lesser Scaup i | Anatidae | Aythya affinis | NA | sw Alaska mainland to California, wc Quebec and w Minnesota | to Central America and the Caribbean |
Lesser Whistling Duck i | Anatidae | Dendrocygna javanica | OR | Pakistan to se China and Greater Sundas | |
Lesser White-fronted Goose (VU) i | Anatidae | Anser erythropus | PAL | n Eurasia | se Europe and e China |
Long-tailed Duck (VU) i | Anatidae | Clangula hyemalis | NA, PAL | coastal Greenland, Iceland, n Fennoscandia and Arctic archs., n Russia and Siberia to Chukotka Pen., Alaska and n Canada | to n Japan, Aleutian Is. to sw Canada in North Pacific; to wc, ec North Atlantic |
Maccoa Duck (EN) i | Anatidae | Oxyura maccoa | AF | Ethiopia to South Africa | |
Madagascar Pochard (CR) i | Anatidae | Aythya innotata | AF | nw Madagascar (nearly extinct and now restricted to single lake in Banemavka area) | |
Mallard i | Anatidae | Anas platyrhynchos | NA, PAL | widespread | Mexico, n AF, AU and n OR |
Mandarin Duck i | Anatidae | Aix galericulata | PAL | se Siberia, Korean Pen., Japan and e China | se China |
Maned Duck i | Anatidae | Chenonetta jubata | AU | Australia (except n, sc) | |
Marbled Duck (NT) i | Anatidae | Marmaronetta angustirostris | PAL | s Spain and nw Africa to Pakistan | AF |
Mascarene Teal (EX) i | Anatidae | Anas theodori †† † | IO | Réunion and Mauritius (w, c Mascarenes, sw Indian Ocean) | |
Masked Duck i | Anatidae | Nomonyx dominicus | MA, SA | widespread | |
Mauritius Sheldgoose (EX) i | Anatidae | Alopochen mauritiana †† † | IO | Mauritius (c Mascarenes) | |
Meller's Duck (EN) i | Anatidae | Anas melleri | AF | montane e Madagascar (rare) | |
Mexican Duck i | Anatidae | Anas diazi | NA, MA | sw USA to n, c Mexico highlands | |
Mottled Duck i | Anatidae | Anas fulvigula | NA | sc, se | |
Muscovy Duck i | Anatidae | Cairina moschata | NA, MA, SA | s Texas to n Argentina | |
Musk Duck i | Anatidae | Biziura lobata | AU | sw WA, sw QLD to s VIC and se SA and Tasmania (sw, se Australia) | |
Mute Swan i | Anatidae | Cygnus olor | PAL | Europe to c Asia | n AF and India |
Nene (NT) i | Anatidae | Branta sandvicensis | PO | Hawaiian Is. | |
New Zealand Merganser (EX) i | Anatidae | Mergus australis † | AU | Auckland Is. (s of South I., New Zealand) | |
New Zealand Scaup i | Anatidae | Aythya novaeseelandiae | AU | North and South Is. (New Zealand) | |
Northern Pintail i | Anatidae | Anas acuta | NA, PAL | widespread | MA, OR and AF |
Northern Shoveler i | Anatidae | Spatula clypeata | NA, PAL | widespread | MA, AF, OR |
Orinoco Goose (NT) i | Anatidae | Neochen jubata | SA | Amazonia to n Argentina | |
Pacific Black Duck i | Anatidae | Anas superciliosa | AU | widespread | |
Paradise Shelduck i | Anatidae | Tadorna variegata | AU | North, South, Stewart and satellites (New Zealand) | |
Philippine Duck (VU) i | Anatidae | Anas luzonica | OR | Philippines (except Sulu Arch.) | |
Pink-eared Duck i | Anatidae | Malacorhynchus membranaceus | AU | Australia (except far ne, sc, Tasmania) | |
Pink-footed Goose i | Anatidae | Anser brachyrhynchus | PAL | Greenland, Iceland and Svalbard | nw Europe |
Pink-headed Duck (EX) i | Anatidae | Rhodonessacaryophyllacea † | OR | ne, e India and Myanmar | OR |
Plumed Whistling Duck i | Anatidae | Dendrocygna eytoni | AU | Australia (except sw, sc, Tasmania) | |
Puna Teal i | Anatidae | Spatula puna | SA | Peru to nw Argentina | |
Radjah Shelduck i | Anatidae | Radjah radjah | AU | Moluccas, New Guinea and n Australia | |
Red Shoveler i | Anatidae | Spatula platalea | SA | s Peru, c Chile and s Brazil to Tierra del Fuego | |
Red-billed Teal i | Anatidae | Anas erythrorhyncha | AF | s Sudan and Ethiopia to South Africa | |
Red-breasted Goose (VU) i | Anatidae | Branta ruficollis | PAL | low Arctic tundra of Yamal, Gydan and Taymyr pens. (nw Siberia) | to w, s Black Sea and s Caspian Sea; prone to vagrancy elsewhere in Eurasia |
Red-breasted Merganser i | Anatidae | Mergus serrator | NA, PAL | s Greenland, Iceland, n British Isles, Scandinavia to Sakhalin and Kamchatka pens., and Kuril and Commander is. (se Russia), s through n Kazakhstan and ne China; w Alaska mainland through mainland Canada from Arctic to n Great Lakes and e to Nova Scotia | to coasts of s Europe (e North Atlantic), Black and Caspian seas; Japan, Korean Pen. and e China (w North Pacific); to wc Mexico (e North Pacific), Gulf Coast and Florida (w North Atlantic) |
Red-crested Pochard i | Anatidae | Netta rufina | PAL | c, s Europe to n China | n Africa and s Asia |
Redhead i | Anatidae | Aythya americana | NA | widespread | MA |
Reunion Sheldgoose (EX) i | Anatidae | Alopochen kervazoi †† † | IO | Réunion (w Mascarenes) | |
Ring-necked Duck i | Anatidae | Aythya collaris | NA | widespread | MA |
Ringed Teal i | Anatidae | Callonetta leucophrys | SA | se Bolivia to se Brazil and Uruguay | |
Ross's Goose i | Anatidae | Anser rossii | NA | n Canada | s, w USA and n Mexico |
Rosy-billed Pochard i | Anatidae | Netta peposaca | SA | Brazil and Paraguay to c Argentina and c Chile | |
Ruddy Duck i | Anatidae | Oxyura jamaicensis | NA, MA | s Canada, USA and West Indies | |
Ruddy Shelduck i | Anatidae | Tadorna ferruginea | PAL | s Europe to c Asia, nw Africa and Ethiopia | n AF, OR |
Ruddy-headed Goose i | Anatidae | Chloephaga rubidiceps | SA | s Chile, s Argentina and Falkland Is. | |
Salvadori's Teal i | Anatidae | Salvadorina waigiuensis | AU | montane New Guinea | |
Scaly-sided Merganser (EN) i | Anatidae | Mergus squamatus | PAL | e Siberia, Korean Pen. and ne China | |
Silver Teal i | Anatidae | Spatula versicolor | SA | s | |
Smew i | Anatidae | Mergellus albellus | PAL | subarctic from n Scandinavia to Kamchatka (se Russia) | to w, c, se Europe, c Asia, Japan, Korean Pen. and se China |
Snow Goose i | Anatidae | Anser caerulescens | NA | n | s, w USA and n Mexico |
South African Shelduck i | Anatidae | Tadorna cana | AF | Namibia, Botswana and South Africa | |
Southern Pochard i | Anatidae | Netta erythrophthalma | AF, SA | e, se, s AF and Amazonia | |
Spectacled Eider (NT) i | Anatidae | Somateria fischeri | NA, PAL | nc, ne Siberia from Lena Delta to Chukotka; w, n Alaska in Yukon Delta and Arctic Coastal Plain | polynyas (ice-free seas) between St. Lawrence and St. Matthew is. (n Bering Sea) |
Spotted Whistling Duck i | Anatidae | Dendrocygna guttata | OR, AU | Sulawesi region, n, c Moluccas, New Guinea, n Cape York Pen., ne QLD (ne Australia), Umboi (w of New Britain) and New Britain (se Bismarck Arch.) | |
Spur-winged Goose i | Anatidae | Plectropterus gambensis | AF | widespread | |
Stejneger's Scoter i | Anatidae | Melanitta stejnegeri | PAL | Yenisey Basin to Kamchatka (c, e Siberia), ne Kazakhstan and n, w Mongolia | to Kuril and Commander Is. (se Russia), coasts of Japan and e Korean Pen. (ne Pacific) |
Steller's Eider (VU) i | Anatidae | Polysticta stelleri | NA, PAL | nw, ne Siberia from Yamal Pen. to Chukotka; and Arctic Coastal Plain, n Alaska | to Kamchatka Pen., Commander and Kuril is. (se Russia) and Aleutian Is.; also Kola Pen., Barents and White seas (nw Russia) and Baltic Sea |
Sunda Teal (NT) i | Anatidae | Anas gibberifrons | OR | Sumatra and Borneo to Sulawesi region and Lesser Sundas | |
Surf Scoter i | Anatidae | Melanitta perspicillata | NA | mainland Alaska through subarctic Canada e to Labrador | e Aleutian Is. to Baja California (North Pacific); Prince Edward I. to North Carolina (wc North Atlantic) |
Swan Goose i | Anatidae | Anser cygnoides | PAL | c Asia and Mongolia to se Siberia | se China |
Taiga Bean Goose i | Anatidae | Anser fabalis | PAL | n | se China and c Europe |
Torrent Duck i | Anatidae | Merganetta armata | SA | Venezuela to c Chile and w Argentina | |
Trumpeter Swan i | Anatidae | Cygnus buccinator | NA | Alaska, w Canada and nc USA | w Canada and nw, c USA |
Tufted Duck i | Anatidae | Aythya fuligula | PAL | widespread | AF and n OR |
Tundra Bean Goose i U | Anatidae | Anser serrirostris | PAL | n | |
Tundra Swan i | Anatidae | Cygnus columbianus | PAL, NA | n | s PAL and s, c NA |
Upland Goose i | Anatidae | Chloephaga picta | SA | s Chile, s Argentina and Falkland Is. | |
Velvet Scoter (VU) i | Anatidae | Melanitta fusca | PAL | n Europe from Norway to Yenisey River (c Siberia) and ne Kazakhstan, also Turkey and Georgia | to Baltic Sea, Denmark and e coast of Britain |
Wandering Whistling Duck i | Anatidae | Dendrocygna arcuata | OR, AU | Sumatra and Philippines to Australia, New Guinea, New Britain (se Bismarck Arch.) and Fiji (sw Polynesia) | |
West Indian Whistling Duck (NT) i | Anatidae | Dendrocygna arborea | NA | West Indies | |
White-backed Duck i | Anatidae | Thalassornis leuconotus | AF | widespread | |
White-cheeked Pintail i | Anatidae | Anas bahamensis | SA, NA | widespread in South America and Caribbean | |
White-faced Whistling Duck i | Anatidae | Dendrocygna viduata | AF, SA | widespread | |
White-headed Duck (EN) i | Anatidae | Oxyura leucocephala | PAL | s Europe and n Africa to c Asia and nw China | |
White-winged Duck (EN) i | Anatidae | Asarcornis scutulata | OR | ne India to se Asia and Sumatra (formerly Java) | |
White-winged Scoter i | Anatidae | Melanitta deglandi | NA | subarctic w Alaska to e shore of James Bay (ec Canada) | Aleutian Is. to c California (e North Pacific coast); Gulf of St. Lawrence to New Jersey (w North Atlantic) |
Whooper Swan i | Anatidae | Cygnus cygnus | PAL | n Eurasia | w Europe and e China |
Wood Duck i | Anatidae | Aix sponsa | NA | widespread | s USA to n Mexico |
Yellow-billed Duck i | Anatidae | Anas undulata | AF | ec, sc, s | |
Yellow-billed Pintail i | Anatidae | Anas georgica | SA | w, s | |
Yellow-billed Teal i | Anatidae | Anas flavirostris | SA | w, s | |
Horned Screamer i | Anhimidae | Anhima cornuta | SA | Colombia and Venezuela through Amazonia to Bolivia | |
Northern Screamer i | Anhimidae | Chauna chavaria | SA | n Colombia and nw Venezuela | |
Southern Screamer i | Anhimidae | Chauna torquata | SA | se Peru and s Brazil to c Argentina | |
Magpie Goose i | Anseranatidae | Anseranas semipalmata | AU | Trans-Fly (sc New Guinea) and ne WA to s VIC (n, e Australia) | |
91% 156 species of 178 (8 extinct).