Species |
Family |
Scientific name |
Breeding Regions |
Breeding Subregions |
Nonbreeding Subregions |
African Darter i | Anhingidae | Anhinga rufa | AF, PAL | se Iraq, Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar | |
Anhinga i | Anhingidae | Anhinga anhinga | NA, MA, SA | sc, se USA and wc Mexico to n Argentina, Cuba and Cayman Is. | |
Australasian Darter i | Anhingidae | Anhinga novaehollandiae | AU | Timor (e Lesser Sundas), New Guinea, and Australia (except sc, Tasmania) | to Moluccas |
Oriental Darter (NT) i U | Anhingidae | Anhinga melanogaster | OR, AU | Indus Valley (c Pakistan) s to Sri Lanka and e to Vietnam, s to Greater Sundas, Sulawesi and Philippines (now only Mindanao and Jolo, Sulu Arch., s Philippines) | |
Ascension Frigatebird (VU) i | Fregatidae | Fregata aquila | AO | Ascension I. (where recently re-established) and Boatswainbird I. (e of Ascension I., nc South Atlantic Ocean) | nc South Atlantic Ocean |
Christmas Frigatebird (VU) i | Fregatidae | Fregata andrewsi | IO | Christmas I. (s of w Java) | Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand across Sunda Shelf to South China Sea and Sulu Sea (sw Philippines) |
Great Frigatebird i | Fregatidae | Fregata minor | TrO | widespread, islands of tropical Indian and Pacific oceans, local e of e Brazil (tropical Atlantic Ocean) | pelagic, ranging throughout tropical Indian and tropical and subtropical Pacific oceans |
Lesser Frigatebird i U | Fregatidae | Fregata ariel | TrO | widespread, tropical Indian and Pacific ocean is., also nw South Atlantic | to waters off se Africa, sw India and Sri Lanka, throughout Indonesian Arch. and Philippines to Taiwan, New Guinea waters, n Australia and Melanesia |
Magnificent Frigatebird i | Fregatidae | Fregata magnificens | AO, PO | e Pacific Ocean (w Mexico to Ecuador), Atlantic Ocean (e Mexico and Florida to Brazil), and Cape Verde Is. (where almost extinct) | to coastal n Baja California, Gulf of California and s to n Peru; to n Florida and Gulf of Mexico |
Antarctic Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo bransfieldensis | SO | South Shetland Is. and Antarctic Pen. | |
Auckland Shag (VU) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo colensoi | AU | Auckland Is. (s of South I., New Zealand) | |
Australian Pied Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax varius | AU | coastal and inland Australia and North, South and Stewart is. (New Zealand) | |
Bank Cormorant (EN) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax neglectus | AF | sw coastal Africa: wc Namibia to s tip of s Africa | |
Black-faced Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax fuscescens | AU | coasts of s WA to se NSW, Bass Strait is. and Tasmania (s Australia) | |
Bounty Shag (VU) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo ranfurlyi | AU | Bounty Is. (e of Stewart I., New Zealand) | |
Brandt's Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Urile penicillatus | NA, MA | temperate e North Pacific coast: se Alaska to sw Baja California and c Gulf of California (nw Mexico) | to c Gulf of Alaska and to wc Mexico |
Campbell Shag (VU) i U | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo campbelli | AU | Campbell I. (s of South I., New Zealand) | |
Cape Cormorant (EN) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax capensis | AF | s coastal Africa: s Angola to s tip of Africa | |
Chatham Islands Shag (CR) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo onslowi | AU | Chatham Is. (e of South I., New Zealand) | |
Crowned Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Microcarbo coronatus | AF | sw coast: n Namibia to s tip of s Africa | |
Crozet Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo melanogenis | SO | Prince Edward, Marion and Crozet is. (sw South Indian Ocean) | |
Double-crested Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Nannopterum auritum | NA, MA | widespread coastal and inland temperate and subtropical North America from e Aleutian Is. and Gulf of St. Lawrence to s Baja California, Yucatan Pen., Cuba and Bahamas | |
European Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Gulosus aristotelis | PAL, AF | coastal e North Atlantic and Mediterranean | |
Flightless Cormorant (VU) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Nannopterum harrisi | SA | Fernandina and Isabela is. (w Galápagos) | |
Foveaux Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo stewarti | AU | s South and Stewart is. (New Zealand) | |
Great Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax carbo | PAL, AU, OR, NA, AF | worldwide in temperate and tropical zones, coastal and inland, except only nw coast of Africa and in West Hemisphere nw North Atlantic coast only | |
Guanay Cormorant (NT) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo bougainvilliorum | SA | coastal Peru to c Chile and sc Argentina | |
Heard Island Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo nivalis | SO | Heard Is. (sc South Indian Ocean) | |
Imperial Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo atriceps | SA | coastal s South America and Falkland Is. | |
Indian Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax fuscicollis | OR | patchily inland, Indus Valley (c Pakistan), w, s, ne India, Sri Lanka, s Myanmar, s Cambodia and s Vietnam | |
Japanese Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax capillatus | PAL | ne Asian coasts: se Russia including Sakhalin, s Kuril Is., Hokkaido to Kyushu (n to s Japan), Korean Pen. and ne China | to Izu Is., n Ryukyu Is. (=Nansei Shoto; se, sw Japan), coastal e China and Taiwan |
Kerguelen Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo verrucosus | IO | Kerguelen Is. (sc South Indian Ocean) | |
Little Black Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax sulcirostris | OR, AU | coastal and inland Java and Sulawesi through New Guinea region, sw, e Australia including Tasmania, New Caledonia and North I. (New Zealand) | |
Little Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Microcarbo niger | OR | widespread inland and coastal, Indus Valley (c Pakistan) through sub-Himalayan India and Nepal to Sri Lanka, e to s China, Vietnam and Java | |
Little Pied Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Microcarbo melanoleucos | AU | Lesser Sundas and Australasia to Solomon Is., New Caledonia and New Zealand | |
Macquarie Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo purpurascens | SO | Macquarie I. and nearby rocks (w South Pacific Ocean, far se of Australia) | |
Neotropic Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Nannopterum brasilianum | NA, MA, SA | widespread inland and coastal c, s USA to Tierra del Fuego; Bahamas and Cuba | |
New Zealand King Shag (VU) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo carunculatus | AU | Cook Strait is. (n of South I., New Zealand) | |
Otago Shag (VU) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo chalconotus | AU | e South I. (New Zealand) | |
Pelagic Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Urile pelagicus | PO | coastal Arctic to subtropical North Pacific Ocean, from ne Siberia to n Japan (w North Pacific) and Aleutian Is. to n Baja California (e North Pacific) | s to Korean Pen. and ec China (w North Pacific); to w Baja California (nw Mexico; e North Pacific) |
Pitt Shag (EN) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax featherstoni | AU | Chatham Is. (e of South I., New Zealand) | |
Pygmy Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Microcarbo pygmaeus | PAL | inland se Europe to c Asia: ne Italy and ne Austria to c Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and e Iraq | |
Red-faced Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Urile urile | PO | c coastal subarctic North Pacific: Kamchatka, n, c Kuril and Commander is. (se Russia) to s Kuril Is. and e Hokkaido (n Japan; w North Pacific); Aleutian and Pribilof is. (Bering Sea) and s Alaska is. (e North Pacific) | |
Red-legged Cormorant (NT) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Poikilocarbo gaimardi | SA | e South Pacific coast: n Peru to sc Chile; disjunctly Santa Cruz Province, se Argentina | |
Reed Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Microcarbo africanus | AF | mainly inland; widespread Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar | |
Rock Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo magellanicus | SA | coastal sc Chile and sc Argentina to Cape Horn and Falkland Is. | to coastal s Brazil |
Socotra Cormorant (VU) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax nigrogularis | PAL, AF | Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea (off Oman), Gulf of Aden, Socotra and perhaps Red Sea (off Eritrea) | |
South Georgia Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Leucocarbo georgianus | SO | Shag Rocks (w of South Georgia), South Georgia, South Sandwich and South Orkney is. (sw South Atlantic Ocean) | |
Spectacled Cormorant (EX) i | Phalacrocoracidae | Urile perspicillatus † | PAL, NA | Bering Sea is.: Commander Is. (se Russia, nw North Pacific Ocean) | |
Spotted Shag i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax punctatus | AU | coastal North, South and Stewart is. (New Zealand) | |
White-breasted Cormorant i | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax lucidus | AF | widespread inland ne to sw Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Abbott's Booby (EN) i | Sulidae | Papasula abbotti | IO | Christmas I. (s of w Java); formerly Assumption (Aldabra group, sw Seychelles), Mauritius and Rodrigues (c, e Mascarenes, sw Indian Ocean); subfossil remains from Solomon Is., Vanuatu, and Marquesas (ne Polynesia) | to near Java, s, c Moluccas and sw of New Guinea |
Australasian Gannet i | Sulidae | Morus serrator | AU | islets off sw Australia, Bass Strait and Tasmania, Philip I. (Norfolk group, e of Australia) and North and South Is. (New Zealand) | to coasts and large bays of sw, s, se Australia |
Blue-footed Booby i | Sulidae | Sula nebouxii | PO | ec subtropical and tropical Pacific coast is. patchily from Gulf of California to nw Peru | to s California and c Peru |
Brown Booby i | Sulidae | Sula leucogaster | TrO | widespread tropical and subtropical ocean islands | inshore |
Cape Gannet (EN) i | Sulidae | Morus capensis | AF | islands off Namibia and s Africa | to coastal n Namibia and Mozambique |
Cocos Booby i U | Sulidae | Sula brewsteri | NA, MA | islands off s California (Channel Islands), w Mexico: from c Baja California and Gulf of California (nw Mexico) to Revillagigedo Is. (far w of c Mexico) and Clipperton (far sw of Mexico) | |
Masked Booby i | Sulidae | Sula dactylatra | TrO | widespread, subtropical and tropical islands | |
Nazca Booby i | Sulidae | Sula granti | PO | San Benedicto (Revillagigedo, far w of c Mexico), Clipperton I. (far sw of Mexico), I. del Coco (far sw of Costa Rica), I. Malpelo (far w of Colombia), Galápagos, I. de la Plata (just w of c Ecuador) and Lobos de Afuera (just w of nw Peru) | to coastal wc Baja California (nw Mexico) and w coast of Central America |
Northern Gannet i | Sulidae | Morus bassanus | AO | islands off subarctic, n temperate coasts of North Atlantic Ocean: Iceland, Faroe Is., British Isles, nw France and n Norway (e North Atlantic); Gulf of St. Lawrence and Atlantic coast of Newfoundland (se Canada, w North Atlantic) | to coastal e North Atlantic off sw Europe, w Mediterranean, Macaronesia s through Canary Is. (w of nw Africa) and nw Africa; to coastal w North Atlantic to Florida and n Gulf of Mexico |
Peruvian Booby i | Sulidae | Sula variegata | SA | coastal n Peru to c Chile | to coastal Ecuador |
Red-footed Booby i | Sulidae | Sula sula | TrO | widespread tropical and subtropical ocean is. | pelagic |
75% 46 species of 62 (1 extinct).